Chapter 364 Never Compromise
What she hates and despises the most is the role of mistress, so no matter what, she is absolutely unwilling to let herself be reduced to that kind of situation.

No matter how uncomfortable I feel, I will never compromise.

Besides, she has decided to let go.

Ouyang Hanting never opened his mouth, and stared at her with deep eyes, like a bottomless pool, making it hard to figure out what he was thinking at this time.

The more confrontational, the greater the uneasiness in Xia Yumo's heart, and the harder it is to maintain the composure on his face.

He simply made a decisive decision and left as soon as Ouyang Hanting didn't say anything.

The idea was right, but the implementation was not smooth at all. When she was about to break free from Ouyang Hanting's embrace, Ouyang Hanting also moved.

She wanted to break free, but he pushed her back with his backhand.

Xia Yumo was unprepared, and was pushed out by him like that. She was shocked at first, but then her chest loosened, and a joy of escaping the shackles rose from her heart.

However, the joy hadn't fully unfolded yet, Ouyang Hanting suddenly leaned over with a cold face, stretched out his hands and pressed her shoulders with one hand, and pressed her slender waist with the other and pushed her back.

Immediately her back pressed against the hard wall of the pool, Xia Yumo's eyes widened immediately, the calmness in her eyes was shattered suddenly, panic emerged from her eyes, Ouyang Hanting saw her panic, but he just picked it up An evil sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Want to have nothing to do with me? Xia Yumo, you are too naive. So what if I knew that our previous marriage was just a transaction? Aren't we all willing to risk our lives for each other later on? I have lost my memory, yes, Originally, you are nothing to me now. Women like you who like to attract bees and butterflies are all over the street. If you don't come to provoke me, I won't look at it at all. You glanced at me. But, what should I do? You provoked me first, and after I became interested in you, Baba ran to investigate the things before the amnesia. Now, I am very interested in you, and you want to withdraw? Where? Is there such a cheap thing?"

While talking, Ouyang Hanting pressed her firmly against the wall of the pool.

Although the water temperature in the hot spring was very high, and the warm water made her skin turn pink, but Xia Yumo only felt that the blood all over her body was cold.

The coolness spread all the way to the bones, as if being blown by the cold wind for three or nine days, and the pain penetrated into the bones.

I don't know how much effort it took to hold back the churning emotions in my chest and not lose my composure.

"Then what do you want? Could it be that you want to break off the engagement with your current fiancée?"

Raising her eyebrows, Xia Yumo said pretending to be calm.

For some reason, I originally asked this sentence with a provocative meaning, but when I was waiting for the answer, I felt a little uneasy in my heart. I expected him to respond quickly, but I was afraid that he would give a response.

Sure enough, Ouyang Hanting raised the corners of his eyes in surprise, and squinted at Xia Yumo for a while, his eyes were sharp and scrutinizing.

"You want me to break off my engagement with Daisy?"

The corners of Xia Yumo's mouth twitched, but she didn't smile, she just asked indifferently, "If I wish, you would break off the engagement?"

The calm tone and unchanging expression made Ouyang Hanting's eyes become extraordinarily deep and indifferent. After a while, he suddenly smiled, "Of course not."

Xia Yumo only felt a sudden coldness in her chest, and a hollow pain, but soon that pain disappeared, leaving only a piece of numbness.

(End of this chapter)

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