Chapter 365 Intensified Injury

Xia Yumo only felt a sudden coldness in her chest, and a hollow pain, but soon that pain disappeared, leaving only a piece of numbness.

Finally, she couldn't bear the overlapping posture of the two of them, and she struggled violently.

"Since you won't, then let me go! No matter how bad I am, Xia Yumo, I won't be with a married man for no apparent reason! Even if this person used to be my husband!"

"I said before, it's delusional to want to have nothing to do with me! Xia Yumo, you provoked me first!"

Xia Yumo's chest was cold, and her heart was ruthless. She suddenly raised her eyes to stare at Ouyang Hanting, and said hatefully, "Ouyang Hanting, are you a man? Don't make me hate you!"

Ouyang Hanting was aroused by her, and that anger had already erupted in his heart when she said that they had nothing to do with each other. Now when she said hate, that anger could no longer be suppressed.

He squeezed her chin violently, and smiled almost ferociously, "Is it a man, you know best, don't you? Or did you not fully understand me last time? I don't mind letting you experience me more deeply. .As for hating me... Heh, there are many people who hate me, Ouyang Hanting, and you are the only one. If you want to hate me so much, just hate me!"

As he spoke, he suddenly reached out to her clothes...

Xia Yumo trembled, the hatred and desolation in her chest turned into an indistinguishable mass of emotions stuck in her chest, which could not be vented and could not be eliminated by herself, tears suddenly rolled down.

And Ouyang Hanting, who was filled with anger in his mind, had already lost his reason because of Xia Yumo's sharp words.

He himself didn't quite know what was going on, he had no memory of the past, and he had no feelings for Xia Yumo.

But after hearing her words, the anger in his chest surged inexplicably, making him gnash his teeth with hatred, and even hurt her!

Ignoring her tears, he forcibly possessed her completely.

And Xia Yumo was still the same as last time in an unoccupied corner of the restaurant, unable to resist his dominance at all!
The throbbing pain in her heart seemed to cover the feeling from her body. When she was occupied, she felt more of the sharp pain in her heart, like a knife!

If it was Ouyang Hanting who cherished her, he would never treat him with such a strong method, let alone forcefully possess her regardless of his own wishes.

Back in time, it seems to be back to her first time.

The same man, the same face, but the hurt was getting worse.

At that time, he was also so fierce.

The difference is that at that time, the heart will not be hurt because of him.

Xia Yumo only felt that the world was turned upside down, and in the end she couldn't even raise her arms, and her whole body sank uncontrollably as if her bones had been pulled out.

If it wasn't for the chest behind him and the hands around his waist, he might have drowned in the hot spring pool.

When she woke up, she opened her eyes and saw bright stars in the sky.

In the city, it is rare to see such a clear blue night sky and such dazzling starlight.

For a moment, she couldn't tell where she was.

Raising his hand, his sore arm was almost not his own. When he wanted to sit up, he just moved, and the whole person fell back again.

The memory flowed back, and she suddenly remembered what happened with Ouyang Hanting before, and she froze immediately.

Just at this moment, a low and helpless sigh came from beside him.

Turning her head, she saw Ouyang Hanting sitting beside her. It was at this moment that she realized that this place was still on the top of Hot Spring Mountain, and they were still by the hot spring pool.

The difference is that there is an extra camping tent here.

(End of this chapter)

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