Chapter 386 You said it doesn't count

That sense of fear, like a tarsal maggot, can't be shaken off.

Even though Ouyang Hanting had gone far away, the real sense of oppression still made her unable to recover and breathless.

She had seen Ouyang Hanting a lot when he was angry, and she had seen him a lot when he was frightened and terrified.

But never has she been so terrified like today.

Even Han Zirui's presence didn't make her feel more comforted and at ease.

Thinking of what Ouyang Hanting threatened when he was in Madagascar before, Xia Yumo suddenly said, "Can you help me send my grandma to live abroad? It's best where Ouyang Hanting can't find it."

Judging from her not-so-deep understanding of Ouyang Hanting, it is absolutely possible to use her grandmother to coerce her.

Threatening Jiang Yihan in the past is the best lesson from the past.

Han Zirui had a delicate mind, so he naturally knew what Xia Yumo was worried about, and he also felt the need to take full precautions.

Ouyang Hanting... After all, they have been against each other for more than ten years, and he understands him.

"Okay, I'll take care of grandma, don't worry."

Xia Yumo nodded, "Yeah."

Xia Yumo looked at the woman sitting in front of her, but said nothing.

She drank too much, and her whole face turned crimson.

She called herself out, but didn't say a word, just drank in silence.

In fact, she didn't want to come out at first, but her words made her change her mind in an instant.

Ouyang Jingxian told her that she knew a secret between Ouyang Hanting and Han Zirui.

What does the secret between them have to do with me?
Xia Yumo remembered that she answered this way on the phone.

Ouyang Jingxian immediately sneered, "I'm not worth it for my brother" and told her the address, before she could respond, she immediately hung up the phone.

She knew that she shouldn't come, and decided to let go, so she shouldn't make more troubles.

But by coincidence, she still came and watched Ouyang Jingxian drinking here.

"If you asked me to come just to watch you drink, then I've finished watching it now. It's time to go."

After speaking, he got up and planned to leave this noisy and bizarre world.

But Ouyang Jingxian grabbed her tightly, smelling of alcohol, she couldn't stand still, but she held her wrist very firmly.

"My brother and Han Zirui are half-brothers."

Xia Yumo froze for a moment, frowned, and said after a while, "So what, it's a matter between them, what does it have to do with me?"

Ouyang Jingxian smiled, "It's ridiculous that they came out of the same training base. Before they knew each other's true identities, they were life-and-death friends. After learning each other's true identities, they were at odds. Brother Han hated His mother abandoned him and his father. After learning that my brother was from the Ouyang family and was born of the same mother as him, she was determined to take everything from my brother. So these years, they clearly It doesn’t look like anything, just fight to the death in secret.”

Xia Yumo remained expressionless, "What do you mean by telling me this?"

Ouyang Jingxian, has she finally started to resort to tricks?

Xia Yumo felt that she seemed to be out of luck all her life, and everywhere she went, she was always a thorn in the side.

Ouyang Jingxian didn't speak, but she put her finger into her trouser pocket and didn't take it out for a long time.

Xia Yumo kindly continued to speak for her, "If you want to tell me that I'm just Han Zirui's tool to take revenge on your brother, then well, I understand, thank you for reminding me."

(End of this chapter)

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