Chapter 387 Nightmare
After she finished speaking, she turned and left.

Ouyang Jingxian pursed her lips, her eyes were three parts drunk and seven parts sober.

Seeing that Xia Yumo wasn't sad or angry because of this, she raised her voice, "You don't like Han Zirui, otherwise you wouldn't be sad at all, would you?"

Xia Yumo turned her back to Ouyang Jingxian without turning her head, "So what? It doesn't affect my decision to marry him."

Ouyang Jingxian bit her lip, and said angrily, "Don't forget, you are married to me, and my brother is still alive. Since you haven't gone through the divorce procedure, the marriage relationship is still there!"

Xia Yumo suddenly laughed when she heard this, and looked back at Ouyang Jingxian, not knowing whether to think she was scheming or stupid.

"Whether you are here or not, what you say doesn't count, and what I say doesn't count. Your family's omnipotent grandfather Ouyang Yinuo has the final say. A year ago, he asked the people in the hospital to tell me that Ouyang Hanting was dead. It can invalidate those two red books. Do you still need me to remind you, Miss Ouyang?"

After finishing speaking, Xia Yumo stopped reminding her and left without looking back.

"Do you have to marry Han Zirui?!"

In Ouyang Jingxian's eyes, killing intent finally gushed out.

Xia Yumo kept walking, with a sneer on the corner of her mouth, "It should be Han Zirui who must marry me. Didn't you say it before, and he wants to catch me to take revenge on Ouyang Hanting!"

Ouyang Jingxian took a deep breath, the murderous intent in her eyes gradually receded, the next moment she sat back on the bar stool, reached into her pocket and took out her mobile phone, with a curved mouth, she said to the mobile phone microphone, "Brother Han, did you hear that? That's what she thinks."

On the other end of the mobile phone, there was no response.

But Ouyang Jingxian still keenly heard the other party's obviously heavy breathing. No matter how calm he was, he didn't hang up the phone all the time, which already foreshadowed this scene, and his work was not in vain.

Ouyang Jingxian wanted to say something more, but the next second there was a beeping busy tone.

But instead of being angry or frustrated, she shrugged her shoulders, checked out and left.

Back at the villa, Xia Yumo felt extremely tired. She collapsed on the bed, didn't even eat dinner, and didn't want to take a bath, so she just fell asleep in a daze.

This time, she was dreaming again.

However, it was a dream I hadn't had for a long time.

In the dream, she went back to the time when she was still studying. It was the season when sweet-scented osmanthus was in full bloom, and the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus wafted all over the streets.

Holding the suitcase, she squeezed out of the crowded bus with great difficulty, and wiped the sweat from her forehead panting.

At this time, someone beside her handed her a handkerchief, turned her head, and Jiang Yihan smiled dotingly at her.

At that time, she felt very curious, everyone was using paper towels, Jiang Yihan still habitually wore a handkerchief on his body, and he washed it clean no matter what time, always carrying the scent of sweet-scented osmanthus.

Just like the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus that fills the streets in September.

In the dream, she didn't take the handkerchief, so Jiang Yihan wiped her sweat with his own hands.

However, the person who wiped her sweat soon turned into a grim and resolute face.

Wiping the sweaty hand, he slowly moved down and pinched her neck instead, with a murderous look in his deep eyes.

He kept asking her, "Why did you betray me, why did you betray me!"

Xia Yumo couldn't breathe, she was so shocked that she was sweating all over, she sat up suddenly and realized that it was a nightmare.

Soon, Xia Yumo felt that something was wrong, and after smelling it, she realized that the room smelled strongly of cigarettes, mixed with a strong smell of alcohol.

It was pitch black outside, and there were no lights in the room.

Subconsciously, Xia Yumo reached for the bedside lamp. When the lamp came on, she felt uncomfortable for a moment. She closed her eyes and opened them. When she turned her head, she saw the man sitting on the sofa beside the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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