Chapter 388 Han Zirui's Tears
She looked over and found that Han Zirui was also looking at her.

"Why are you in my room?"

Xia Yumo was a little puzzled.

Han Zirui's collar was loosened by two buttons, and the ashtray in front of him was already full of cigarette butts.

Hearing this, he tugged at the neckline a little irritably, and undid another button, exposing most of his sturdy chest.

Xia Yumo turned her eyes away and stopped looking at him.

At this time, Han Zirui stood up and walked towards her. Every time he took a step, Xia Yumo's nerves tensed up.

"Momo, we are getting married."

"En." Xia Yumo responded in a low voice.

"Married, I will be your husband."


"Now, I'm your boyfriend."

Perhaps because he was drunk, Han Zirui's speech was somewhat illogical.

But Xia Yumo still nodded.

Finally walking in front of Xia Yumo, the smell of alcohol became stronger.

"I want"

When Han Zirui proposed it directly, Xia Yumo froze.

Han Zirui had already leaned over to push her down, and pressed her up.

Xia Yumo was stiffer than a rock, "I...Han Zirui, I'm sorry..."

She stretched out her hand to support him in a panic, in a gesture of refusal.

Han Zirui grabbed her hands, "Call me Rui"

Xia Yumo still shook her head, "I'm sorry...I'm not ready yet"

"Don't tell me you're sorry!" Han Zirui frowned, as if displeased, and suddenly pressed her hands over her head a little rudely.

"You're not ready, but I can't wait, what should I do?"

"Give me a little more time."

Xia Yumo said.

Han Zirui stared at Xia Yumo with scorching eyes. Even though there was emotion in it, Xia Yumo could still see the anger jumping in his eyes.

"I'll give you time... You keep running away, no matter how much time I give you, you can't really accept me." Then, he stretched out his finger and poked her heart, "Besides, you have never really accepted me here." You put down Ouyang Hanting, but you never really believed me, did you?"

Xia Yumo was pressed hard by Han Zirui, and was speechless for a while.

She is trying to let go, but the process of letting go also takes time. Loving someone is not about picking up chopsticks.

And trust... She didn't know how to trust for a long time.

If he could really deliver his feelings without any scruples like he had trusted Jiang Yihan back then, then perhaps the situation with Ouyang Hanting would not be the same as it is now.

"Don't push me like that"

Xia Yumo took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down, but her eyes turned red uncontrollably.

"Forcing you?" Han Zirui murmured, if he was really forced, he wouldn't chase after her for a year without moving.

"Yes, you are forcing me now. I have promised to marry you, what else do you want?"

"Yeah, why did I forget, you agreed to me because of Ouyang Hanting"

As if being stabbed, Han Zirui had an unconcealable desolation on his face.

He suddenly lost the strength to restrain Xia Yumo, and he just crawled on Xia Yumo's body, his whole face buried in Xia Yumo's chest.

Xia Yumo's first reaction was to push Han Zirui away and jump up.

However, before he could move, he suddenly felt a chill in his chest.

She froze.

The man on the body trembled slightly, and a suppressed, almost inaudible voice came out of his throat.

Is he... crying?

Xia Yumo didn't respond for a while, but she had seen Han Zirui's calm and composed appearance, his unrestrained and cynical appearance, and people like him and Ouyang Hanting. The city stands still.

(End of this chapter)

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