Chapter 389 Unwilling Feeling
But she never thought that Han Zirui would have such a weak side.

A man's tears... She suddenly couldn't bear to push him away.

Even without knowing why he burst into tears, why he was so vulnerable all of a sudden.

But she couldn't cruelly push him away at this time.

Even though he initially hated Han Zirui, this person, after all, did nothing to really hurt her... He even helped her everywhere in the past year.

It turned out that at some point, she had subconsciously regarded him as a friend.

For a while, Han Zirui didn't move, Xia Yumo gave her a light push, and he slid off her body, breathing evenly, and fell asleep.

After helping him take off his shoes and cover him with the quilt, Xia Yumo changed to another room to sleep.

Early the next morning, Xia Yumo came out of the room, just as Han Zirui had cleaned up and opened the door.

The moment Xia Yumo saw Han Zirui, Xia Yumo was still a little worried, but Han Zirui looked like nothing had happened, and smiled when he saw her, looking in a good mood.

"Let's go, I'll send you to a beauty salon, someone specially invited, and I will definitely be the most beautiful bride tomorrow."

Xia Yumo was stunned, the person in front of her was nothing unusual, as if the person who shed tears yesterday never existed at all.

"it is good"

Xia Yumo always felt uneasy, that feeling was terrible, so when she was doing beauty treatments, she couldn't calm down.

Sure enough, not long after, the phone rang, and when I took it out, it was a string of unfamiliar numbers.

Thinking that someone might have made a mistake, she didn't bother to answer the call, so she hung up directly.

But soon, the bell rang again, and there was a posture of swearing not to let go.

Xia Yumo could only get up and go to the window to listen to the phone.


There was no sound over there for a long time, Xia Yumo frowned, and was about to hang up again, when a low and hoarse male voice came from over there.

"it's me"

Xia Yumo tightened her fingers, then slowly released them, "Mr. Ouyang."

She didn't know if her voice was calm enough, but in short, she had tried her best.

There was a sneer, "Honey, when did we become so polite and alienated?"

Xia Yumo was startled, "You..."

For a long time, you didn't say the following words after all.

On the other side of the phone, Ouyang Hanting spoke out for her, "Yes, I remember."

Xia Yumo was silent for a while, because she didn't know what to say or what to say.

Now that she has agreed to marry Han Zirui, even if he regains his memory, he still has a fiancée by his side who cannot be pushed away.

After all, they can't go back to a year ago. No matter how much they love each other, the truth is cruel.

She didn't want to embarrass Ouyang Hanting, and she didn't want to be involved in such disputes again, and make her grandma worry and disappointed.

It's okay to say that she is weak and withdrawn, or that she has changed her mind and betrayed her.

She was tired and didn't want to pester her anymore.

Leave, everyone is relaxed.

However, the uncomfortable feeling in her heart that seemed to be suffocating made her almost collapse.

So tired, I also chose to give up, but my chest still hurts, and I still feel unwilling!

They are obviously two people who protect each other through life and death, why can't they live together properly?Why do you always have to face endless calculations and threats?

So far, whose fault is it?
"Don't you want to know when I recovered my memory?"

Xia Yumo's chest felt hot and cold, she opened her mouth, but was still speechless.

Ouyang Hanting suddenly changed the subject and asked, "I just want to ask you a question, have you already decided that you must marry Han Zirui?"

(End of this chapter)

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