Chapter 394 The Missing Bride 5
Shouldn't people be kind to themselves?Xia Yumo, you have not wronged anyone!
Thinking of it this way, my mood suddenly became much lighter, and my steps became a little brisk.

Following in Han Zirui's footsteps, he walked into the church with Ouyang Hanting and the others one after the other.

When they walked into the church, Lin Jieer's cell phone rang, who was following the wedding.

She hung up on the strange call without hesitation, but then it rang again.

Reluctant to answer, the other party only said a few words, Lin Jie'er's expression changed drastically, and she looked up at the church.

The church was full of guests, and the two couples were waiting for the godfather to come out and officiate the wedding.

She was a little hesitant...but at the same time, she was a little troubled. After all, this was Momo's wedding...

But if she doesn't tell Momo in time, she will definitely regret it for the rest of her life!

Gritting her teeth, Lin Jie'er quickly ran into the church, and whispered something into Xia Yumo's ear under the suspicious eyes of the guests and Han Zirui.

Xia Yumo's eyes widened immediately, and she paused for a moment as if struck by lightning. The next moment, she threw off Han Zirui's hand, and quickly ran out of the church with her wedding dress in her hand. I didn't expect that either.

He was fully prepared, but he never thought that Xia Yumo would shake him off and leave!

Feeling desolate and puzzled again, he quickly frowned, "What did you say to her?!"

Glaring at Lin Jie'er, he threw out this sentence without waiting for Lin Jie'er to explain, and quickly chased after him. At the same time, there were a large number of men mixed in with the guests.

Everyone was amazed, except for Ouyang Hanting's slightly invisible lines on the corners of his mouth.

Dai Lisi was also puzzled, but she knew that the most important thing now was to complete her wedding with Ouyang Hanting.

So he turned to look at Ouyang Hanting, "It seems that they can't continue today, Hanting, we can't delay."

Ouyang raised his eyebrows, "Of course not, let's continue."

The godfather held the book, and went through the steps that must be performed for each couple step by step. Just when the last step was about to end, a group of people suddenly broke in with guns, and shot randomly at the auditorium. There were screams everywhere, and I don't know who yelled, "Everyone, run to the back door!"

As a result, the fleeing figures bumped into each other, and the scene was chaotic!
Dai Lisi frowned, even though she was proud of her fists and kicks, she had to back down in front of the random shots, and rolled to hide behind the bench.

Ouyang Hanting did not stay with her, but hid to the other side!
When Dai Lisi escaped the lasing of the gun and got up to look for Ouyang Hanting, he had long since disappeared.

The gunmen who appeared suddenly also retreated quickly.

Surprisingly, such a thing happened in this wedding, but no one was injured or injured!
However, the wedding of the two couples was disrupted because of this "farce".

Han Zirui chased Xia Yumo out of the church. He was clearly on the front and back, but he couldn't find anyone in a blink of an eye.

When he led people to search in another direction, an unremarkable car started slowly, and just behind the car, under a thin carpet, a corner of a handmade wedding dress was exposed.

That style was exactly what Han Zirui and Xia Yumo ordered at the VC chain together...

The next day, the media reported on this incident with a lot of space, but the style was surprisingly consistent, but the so-called "facts" written were hard to fool even a three-year-old child.

(End of this chapter)

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