Chapter 395 The Missing Bride 6
Talking about the ostentation of luxury cars, it attracted the covetousness of robbery gangs, so they brought their idea to Ouyang Hanting and Han Zirui's wedding.

When a reporter interviewed Ouyang Hanting, Ouyang Hanting nodded seriously, saying that it was true.

On the other hand, Han Zirui refused to be interviewed.

The majority of ordinary people don't know what the truth is like, and they don't have the ability to know it.

As for those who are in Taoism, their status is not high enough and their background is not strong enough, so naturally they dare not ask more questions.

However, gossip gradually spread in the circle, it is said that it was a play directed and acted by someone.

The method was not high-level, even naive, worked.

Standing in front of Ouyang Hanting, Chu Han said with some puzzlement, "Dai Lisi should not be such an easy-to-deceive person, why didn't she see it through at that time?"

At this time, Ouyang Hanting was taking off his groom's outfit, and upon hearing this, he threw the suit jacket into the trash can, "Because the bullets are real, and because she doesn't want to see through."

Chu Han didn't quite understand what the second part of the sentence meant, but he didn't ask too much, and just said, "You instructed Qin Kaiyue to arrange people to make trouble, but these people...are really bad."

Ouyang Hanting glanced at him, "If Han Zirui arranges for our people to come, Han Zirui will notice it, but the most important thing is that he will be overqualified. I don't need my people to do such a trivial matter."

Simply put, how can you kill a chicken with a butcher's knife?

Chu Han fully understood this time, the co-authors simply made such arrangements on purpose.

Presumably, Ouyang Hanting had made arrangements in advance for those unusable gangsters to enter the church smoothly.

And his personal special assistant didn't play any role at all, so he couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

Ouyang Hanting seemed to see his depression, raised his eyebrows, "Don't worry about being idle, the matter has already come."

Chu Han pushed his glasses, a little puzzled, "Are you sure where you want to send him?"

Ouyang Hanting's face darkened, and he quickly smiled coldly, "Of course, do you think that I will indulge and let her spoil my feelings again and again?"

Chu Han was silent for a moment, then nodded, "Okay, I know what to do!"

After speaking, he turned and went out.

Ouyang Hanting sat down on the swivel chair, leaned his head on it, his face changed for a long time, and finally returned to calm, only his thick eyebrows were still frowning into Sichuan characters.

After a long time, he said to himself almost gnashing his teeth, "Xia Yumo, you forced me to become what I am today, you forced me, do you know?"


It was cold and dark around.There was only one small iron window to see outside.

Except for an iron door, there are stone walls all around, Xia Yumo has never seen such a place.

What puzzled her even more was why it was so cold here, since it was clearly approaching summer.

She hadn't been out of this cramped ghost place for a week, it was even more terrifying than a prison cell.

For a week, I didn't brush my teeth, wash my face, take a bath and change clothes... This kind of life, I couldn't even imagine that I would have today.

Whose handwriting is this? !
And what made her feel restless the most was her grandmother's situation. Lin Jie'er told her that day that someone used her grandmother's mobile phone to call her mobile phone, saying that her grandmother was in their hands and was outside the church. If she didn't If you go out to meet, tear up the ticket immediately.

Because getting acquainted with people like Ouyang Hanting and the others made her realize that there are indeed such vicious and cruel things happening in the world, so she ran out quickly without even thinking about it.

In the end, no one was found, but he was knocked unconscious, and when he woke up, he was in this ghost place.

(End of this chapter)

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