Chapter 519
No woman has ever dared to challenge Ouyang Hanting, and Ouyang Hanting has no time or mood to waste time in angry quarrels with those women.

It can be said that anyone who dislikes Ouyang Hanting will be cleaned up directly.

Where is such an intense situation today?

Therefore, he didn't know how to deal with it now.

In particular, Xia Yumo didn't even flinch Ouyang Hanting, and just ignored Ouyang Hanting's words.

Ouyang Hanting's whole body turned into a big ice cube, his whole body was air-conditioned and awe-inspiring, repelling others for thousands of miles.

He was sure that if he spoke, he would become cannon fodder.

Therefore, he wisely chose to remain silent.

There is a saying that if you don't break out in silence, you will perish in silence.

Ouyang Hanting is obviously the former.

Xia Yumo's stubborn little body walked ahead, and the sound of his heels touching the ground got farther and farther away.

Seeing that she was determined to quarrel with him, Ouyang Hanting's suppressed anger was finally triggered.

Suddenly he jumped out of the car, slammed the door heavily, and strode towards Xia Yumo's back.

Chu Han pushed his glasses, thinking to himself, the situation is not optimistic.

When the young lovers quarreled, he had better stay away, so as not to hurt the fish in the pond.

So, he sat in the car without moving.

The heavy footsteps behind him hit the eardrums, making Xia Yumo's heart hang.

Once Ouyang Hanting got annoyed, he couldn't deal with it.

In fact, she was still very worried about Ouyang Hanting losing his temper.

This kind of scruples, even with a little fear, all benefited from the lessons he gave when he just married Ouyang Hanting.

Like a self-protection instinct, her whole body was tense, and her nerves were jumping wildly.

Suddenly, I wanted to run away.

Thinking so, and indeed doing so, when Ouyang Hanting's footsteps pressed against his back.

She ran about ten steps, and Ouyang Hanting caught her.

Without saying any nonsense, he grabbed his arm and brought it back, held down Xia Yumo's head, and bit down hard on his lips.

It looks like a wolf or a tiger, and it exudes a vicious aura that wants to tear her apart.

Xia Yumo's eyes widened from the pain, and she kept beating Ouyang Hanting's chest with both hands, even using her feet, kicking and kicking regardless.

Reluctantly, a certain person seemed to have no pain at all, like a hungry wolf biting the neck of its prey, and did not give up at all.

Xia Yumo felt that her lips were numb, almost being bitten off.

It wasn't until the smell of blood spread in his nose and mouth that Ouyang Hanting panted heavily and let go, as if it was him who was in pain, frowning his long eyebrows, his dark eyes fixed on Xia Yumo's eyes, cold and low He said dumbly, "You must drive me crazy, don't you?!"

Xia Yumo's tears came down immediately, she pushed Ouyang Hanting away, raised the back of her hand to wipe away the tears, and roared, "Who is driving who is crazy?! Ouyang Hanting, you are driving me, do you know that!"

She didn't cry when Dai Lisi was engaged to Ouyang Hanting, and she didn't cry when they were about to exchange rings.

But now, the tears are pouring out like a flood that has opened the gate.

"I don't want to talk about what I have endured for you, how scared, how entangled, how uncomfortable I was. I am willing to do everything, whoever makes me fall in love with you. Because I love you, I am willing to bear All pain and grievances, but Ouyang Hanting, at least give me some basic freedom and space, okay?! No matter how beautiful love is, it is not the whole of a person's life. If only love is left in a person's life, then, The flower of love, no matter how beautiful it blooms, will wither quickly. Because life can no longer provide it with nutrients!"

The reason why life is beautiful is that you can absorb more beautiful things if you live freely and freely.

When only love is left in a person's life, he will be vulnerable and vulnerable.

All her tenacity does not come from love alone.

In the past, she was lonely and brave for love, desperate, but now she is decisive for love and strives for self-improvement.

But it is also because of those experiences that I understand better that there are many things in a person's life other than love.

Otherwise, she should have jumped off the building as soon as she learned that Jiang Yihan was having an affair with another woman.

After the Dynasty incident, she thought that when Ouyang Hanting was killed in the flames, she should have hit her head to death and died for love.

As soon as Ouyang Hanting saw her tears streaming down his face, his heart throbbed with pain.

"I didn't limit your freedom, nor did I deny you space. It's just that you should know that the person I'm most worried about is Han Zirui. I don't feel at ease if you get close to him. What's more, you were once a fiancée I got married soon. With such a heavy relationship, I can't watch you be friends with him in peace. "

Xia Yumo frowned when she heard this, and rubbed her lips bitten by Ouyang Hanting with her fingers, her fingers were stained with blood.

It can be seen that someone was really angry and made a ruthless effort.

"You don't believe me at all. In this case, I have nothing to say. I want to be alone and think about some things. Don't bother me. I will go back by myself. "

Ouyang Hanting's eyebrows twitched, and he held her back before she turned and walked away, "Come back with me, it's the same if you go back and think about something."

"I won't go back, don't bother me!"

Xia Yumo frowned and shook her hands fiercely.

Ouyang Hanting tightened his fingers, almost breaking her wrist, "Don't test my patience!"

Xia Yumo suddenly raised her eyelids, stared at Ouyang Hanting with icy eyes, and sneered suddenly after a while, "Why, impatient? That's right, you can get out, the farther the better. I don't want to see you! "

Tit for tat against wheat awn, do not give in to each other!

Ouyang Hantingjun's face was instantly covered with a layer of ice, "Why, you get better and go back to find Han Zirui after I get out? You think so well!"

The atmosphere between the two became colder and stiffer.

This atmosphere on the verge of collapse made none of them notice that a rolling stone on the top of the mountain trembled tremblingly, and in the blink of an eye it broke away from the mountain and rolled down.

Due to the steep location, when they realized it, the boulder had already been smashed down with the sound of tigers and tigers!

Xia Yumo's position made her feel the stone rolling one step ahead of Ouyang Hanting. At that moment, she almost instinctively pushed Ouyang Hanting who was furious.

When Ouyang Hanting realized that the situation was not right, the stone had already rolled down, and when he turned his head and rushed towards Xia Yumo, his body suddenly turned into petrification, and a coldness seemed to rise from the bottom of his feet, drowning him instantly.

In his life, he has only been afraid twice, one time when Xia Yumo blocked a gun for him, and the other time was when everything around him collapsed in the Dynasty.

Both times, he was afraid of the same thing, he was afraid of her death.

From life to death, a person meets so many people, it is rare that there is one person who makes his heart feel warm and full of satisfaction just by looking at her.

It's rare that there is a person who will make him desperately want to be kept and get along day and night.

If this person is gone...he can't imagine how empty and...lonely he will be in the future.

Therefore, he thought that feeling like that would never let it happen again.

But, right now, at this moment... His breathing stopped instantly, and the suffocation in his heart expanded instantly with fear!


The moment the scream broke out, Xia Yumo only felt severe pain in her limbs, and then went numb.

His body was thrown into the air by the boulder and fell into the river beside the road.

The icy river water flooded his mouth and nose, and he wanted to breathe, but the gulp of cold water surged into his lungs, his body was wrapped by the undercurrent at the bottom of the river, and he sank to a deeper place.

Ouyang Hanting, who looked like a wounded beast, rushed towards the place where Xia Yumo fell. The sound of the huge stone rolling into the river made him feel chilled.

But he couldn't care less.

He wants to find his Momo, he must rescue her, absolutely!She can't die, absolutely not!

There was only one single thought in his mind that went back and forth, but when he rushed to the side of the road, there was a sound of gunshots swishing around him, and the bullets pierced through the air, seeming to be charging towards him with a sharp dead air.

And he hadn't taken this into consideration, he even forgot to dodge, and just rushed towards the place where Xia Yumo fell into the water.

Just at the very moment, his body was suddenly jumped by someone first, and he rolled several times on the spot.

"Let go!"

"BOSS! Boss! Be sober! This is someone who wants to kill us!" Chu Han, who noticed the abnormal situation, arrived in time, roared in a low voice, drew his gun and fought back.

It's just that the enemy is in the dark, and I am in the light.

No matter how good he is, he still suffers.

After shooting a few shots and temporarily suppressing the opponent's attack, he immediately dragged Ouyang Hanting to the back of the sports car, avoiding the shooting.

Ouyang Hanting was in chaos because Xia Yumo fell into the water, his life and death were unknown, and he wanted to go back to find someone.

Chu Han growled, "Boss, calm down, there are hidden guns everywhere now, if you go out, you will become a sieve, you think, if you are killed, who will save her! Hurry up and try to save her!" time!"

Even though he said that, Chu Han knew it.

Under such circumstances, Xia Yumo's chance of surviving was extremely slim!

The river next to it looked very calm on the surface, but the undercurrent was quite ferocious, and Xia Yumo was seriously injured by a stone again. If she had gone down to save people at that time, there was probably a little chance of her surviving.

But they were attacked by someone, and they had already missed the best time to rescue them.

A person's life can be so strong that he won't even die even if he gets shot a few times, or he can be so fragile that a bowl of water can drown him.

Between life and death, it is largely a person's luck.

After Chu Han gritted his teeth and said these words, he suddenly seemed to fall to one side.

Ouyang Hanting was shocked, he stretched out his hand to pull it, and when he touched it, the tentacles were cold and slippery, and his hands were actually covered with blood!


"Did you find it?!"

Seeing the search and rescue boat approaching, Ouyang Hanting immediately stood up and asked.

The visitor shook his head, Ouyang Hanting's blood-red eyes were suddenly covered with gray.

This is the last ship to go down to find people!

Live without people, dead without corpses!
(End of this chapter)

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