Chapter 520 Won't Let You Live Well
If it's another water area, he can still deceive himself, and if he can't find anyone, that's good news.

But here... there are too many tiger fish in the water.

Tiger fish, as the name suggests, are comparable to tigers. Any living thing that falls into the water will become the belly of the tiger fish school.

They like to share and eat live animals!
"Ouyang Hanting!"

Before he recovered from the gray despair, a person from a distance flew towards him like a cluster of arrows leaving the string.

The figure in front of him flickered, and Ouyang Hanting had already been severely punched on the cheekbone!
The whole person was thrown to the ground.

But the visitor was still puzzled, turned over and rode on Ouyang Hanting, bowed left and right, and in a blink of an eye, punched down, as if he was going to smash Ouyang Hanting into a pulp!

"Ouyang Hanting, the person who was alive and kicking last night, you can make her life and death unknown today! Since you keep saying that you love her and occupy her, why don't you cherish her! Let her get hurt and sad for you time and time again, and die for you. life!"

Han Zirui roared angrily, completely without the gentle and elegant image of the past, or the evil and unrestrained posture.

At this moment, he was like a crazy beast, with anger and hatred in his red eyes.

He wished he could chew the man in front of him to pieces!

It's always like this, when you get it, you don't cherish it, you keep talking about love, but you never really protect people!
Ouyang Hanting took several punches from Han Zirui, but he didn't want to fight back at all.

This kind of Ouyang Hanting made Han Zirui's anger even stronger, and he took Ouyang Hanting's collar and smashed it down with his fist, directly hitting Ouyang Hanting's left face.

Half of Ouyang Hanting's face was bruised from the beating, he finally came back to his senses, his dead gray eyes moved and fell on Han Zirui's face, as if he just realized that the person who shot him was the one he hated the most all this time people!
Han Zirui wanted to fight again, but Ouyang Hanting suddenly turned around and fought back, but he was also unceremonious, the fists and shadows intertwined, and in the blink of an eye, Han Zirui had already received several punches.

"What qualifications do you have to teach me a lesson?! There was a good relationship between me and her. If you hadn't intervened in the middle, what happened last night would not have happened! If she hadn't come to your birthday party, There will be no accidents at all! Han Zirui, if something happens to her, you are the culprit, and your birthday will become hers..."

The words "Day of Death" in the back have already reached the tip of the tongue, and Ouyang Hanting choked it back again.

He didn't believe, didn't believe that such a beautiful person, the person he loved so deeply and so deeply, would die like that!

As if Xia Yumo would not encounter misfortune as long as he didn't say those two words, he gritted his teeth, lifted Han Zirui from the ground, and pushed him onto the railing of the deck, "Han Zirui, I, Ouyang Hanting, are here today I swear, if anything happens to her, I will definitely not let you live!"

The sun is shining brightly, it is a very beautiful day.

However, in the house made of glass, someone was laid upright on the bed like a mummy, unable to see anything except his eyes.

The blond boy stood outside the glass house, turned his head and said something to the doctor in a white coat beside him.

The doctor supported his plain glasses, and smiled confidently and arrogantly with his thin lips.

The people in the house blinked, their faces were full of confusion, and they looked around curiously like a ignorant deer.

"I have been in the sterile room for seven full months, is there any hope of standing up?"

The blond-haired boy was fiddling with a small silver machete in his hand, but he couldn't take his eyes off the mummy in the house.

"Of course, with me here, not only will I be able to stand up, but I will also display my potential beyond imagination. Jason, don't worry, I won't break the toy you managed to get back."

(End of this chapter)

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