Chapter 524
In the black-and-white photo, beside the young man, there is a beautiful and gentle woman holding a teenage girl, happily snuggling up to the man. They look like a very happy and sweet family of three.

"Jing Yuan, you still refuse to forgive me as a father, you refuse to come to me, and you won't let me pay attention to your news. If it wasn't for me, I couldn't make it this time, and I would send someone to check your news. Are you planning to go on like this and never give me a chance to redeem my sins again?"

The old man's old hand, like a thin branch, passed across the little girl's face, nostalgic and full of longing.

He is the old man of the Luli family, an old man over a hundred years old.

Except for those eyes that are still healthy and healthy, no matter how you look at him, he is an old man who is dying.It seems that a gust of wind can blow down the entire old man in his dying years, and then he can never get up again.

"Jing Yuan"

The old man murmured, and the old tears fell down, wet the yellowed photo.

At this moment, the door was knocked.

The old man wiped away his tears, put away the photos, and sat down on the rocking chair before letting people in.

"what's up?"

Putting away his tears, the old man who was over a hundred years old actually had a sense of oppressive choking water on his body, and he couldn't see the fragility just now at all.

"Miss, I have news. The heir of the Ouyang family has placed him in a training base somewhere under the Andes Mountains. Because of the strict defense, our people can't get close, let alone bring him back."

Hearing this, the old man raised his pale eyebrows, "It's Ouyang Hanting again?!"


"Is there any news about the young lady?"

"This...not yet."

"Go get me Jason"

"Let's go, we're on a mission today."

Jason packed his usual pistol and concealed weapon and said to Xia Yumo.


"Of course it's us. I saved your life, shouldn't you repay me?"

Xia Yumo looked at her pistol, "But I don't know anything."

"That's okay, you just have to stay by my side and pretend to be my girlfriend." Jason tossed his blond hair and said, "Besides, haven't you always wanted to know who you are? Maybe you can find out who you are when you go out this time." There is no telling what information it will be.”

Hearing the second half of his sentence, Xia Yumo was encouraged, and nodded in agreement.

"Give me a gun, too."

"Huh?" Jason looked at her unexpectedly.

"I always feel, familiar with it, maybe I will use it too?"

Jason raised his eyebrows, "That's nice."

He said that he really threw her a light and compact pistol, "It's very suitable for women."

"Well, pretty cool."

Xia Yumo smiled, and she felt very at ease when holding the pistol.

Xia Yumo touched the smoky makeup on her face, then turned her head to look at Jason who was completely disguised as a coquettish woman, her eyes widened.

"You are really the best of the fake mothers. You look better than women in such a dress. How can this make the majority of women feel embarrassed?"

Jason glared at Xia Yumo viciously, and sometimes felt that he just picked up a revolving door to find an unhappy woman for him.

"To shut up!"

Xia Yumo quickly made a face at Jason, then obediently followed behind Jason, walking towards the tall infrared surveillance door in front.

Walking to the door, Jason handed the two pieces of identification and a contract to the sentry at the door.

The sentry walked through the door, and they waited outside for news.

Behind him, the humming sound of the engine was so loud that even a person like Xia Yumo, who knew little about machinery, could hear that it had excellent performance and powerful horsepower.

(End of this chapter)

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