Chapter 525 I listen to you
Jason was obviously more interested in the car. As soon as he heard the sound, he immediately turned his head to look in the direction of the sound.

The big golden wavy curly hair, which was thrown by him, was extraordinarily coquettish.

Ouyang Jun jumped off the motorcycle, his movements were nimble and handsome, and behind him, the woman was as gorgeous as a demon, with a bumpy body wrapped in a leather tights, at first glance, she looked like a top female killer who came out of a Hollywood blockbuster.

The cold and ruthless eyes can easily freeze people.

"Let me go." The woman raised the magnetic card in her hand and walked directly to the gate. After verification, the gate opened automatically, and the magnetic card was ejected from the card slot.

After retracting the magnetic card, Ouyang Jun's motorcycle had already rushed to the woman, and almost before the motorcycle stabilized, the woman turned over beautifully and sat firmly behind Ouyang Jun.

From the beginning to the end, the two of them didn't seem to see Jason and Xia Yumo who were waiting at the door to enter.

"Xiaoyi, did you see that? That's Ouyang Jun, the only cousin of Ouyang Hanting, the new head of the Ouyang family."

Jason moved closer to Xia Yumo's side and whispered.

Xia Yumo didn't have any impression of Ouyang Jun, and she didn't have much interest in listening to it at this time, but it was Jason calling her Xiao Yi that made her feel particularly unhappy, frowning, and staring fiercely at her with big eyes surrounded by thick smoky makeup, "You are Xiao Yi, everyone in your family is a mummy!"

At first Xia Yumo thought that Xiao Yi was her name, but later she accidentally learned from Luli Junrong that Jason called her Xiao Yi because she was wrapped up like a mummy when she was seriously injured, so she got such a name.

This made her depressed for a long time.

"Well then, you don't want to be called Xiao Yi, so tell me what your name is, and I'll listen to you."

Xia Yumo stared at the sky speechlessly, she didn't even know who she was or what her name was, otherwise how could she let him bully her!

"Xiao Yi is Xiao Yi." Xia Yumo's eyebrows twitched, and she reluctantly accepted the title.

In fact, before, she quite liked hearing Jason call her Xiaoyi.

Jason is a typical Chinese-Western mixed-race person. Although he speaks Chinese fluently, he always has a retroflex sound that cannot be removed.

When the word "Xiaoyi" came out of his mouth, it made her feel very kind and at ease.

It was a very strange sense of security, which made her feel very strange.

After thinking about the origin of this sense of security for a long time, I can only think that Jason saved her when she was dying.

The hero saved the beauty in a timely manner, so as long as he, the savior, was there, even if he just shouted the word "Xiaoyi", he would feel at ease.

Jason brushed his curly hair back, "You're so good, that's right. After you go in for a while, remember to be obedient, otherwise if something goes wrong, I don't guarantee that I will have the opportunity to carry you back to save you a second time."

Xia Yumo raised her pointed chin, "Okay, I understand, you don't need to remind me. I won't spoil your business."

"Well, that's good. What should I do if something bad happens?" Jason asked, holding his voice.

He was like a ventriloquist expert, in a blink of an eye, his voice had become high-pitched, completely indistinguishable from that of a woman.

"A bad situation needs to be analyzed in detail. If it is a man who is molesting, first use sex to lure him and wait for the opportunity; if someone discovers his identity, he must act first and take the lead; Brake, wait and see what happens..."

Like memorizing a scripture, Xia Yumo memorized the words Jason had told him by ear and face, verbatim.

(End of this chapter)

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