Chapter 526
Jason nodded in satisfaction, pulled the huge bow around his neck with his fingers, twisted his waist, and straightened his slender body to meet the sentry post.

For some reason, Xia Yumo suddenly felt that such a Jason was so ecstatic, but at the same time, she also felt so ashamed!
A big man can play women so well, but on weekdays, he can't see that he has half a woman's energy.This skill... She sighed to herself, she was ashamed of herself!

When a woman stands next to a man who is more charming than herself, the feeling of bleakness and shame is not something ordinary people can understand...

As soon as the sentry sentry came out, he smiled at Jason and Xia Yumo. Although he maintained the seriousness and caution of a sentry on his face, there was a little more meaning in his eyes. Looking at them, it was as if they were not wearing any clothes at all. Same.

Xia Yumo felt hairy all over her body, her fingers almost subconsciously touched the pistol.

She had the urge to shoot this serious-looking rogue in the head.

Of course, this impulse was stopped by her in time, and the hand that wanted to touch the pistol also turned into pulling the tight jacket on the upper body.

"Go in, your identity verification has been passed."

Both Jason and Xia Yumo heaved a sigh of relief at the sentry's words.

Especially Xia Yumo, it was the first time she did such a dangerous and exciting thing.

In other words, there is no memory of the past, otherwise, following Jason on a mission, coming to this kind of training base where everyone wears weapons and killing one person is like crushing an ant casually, it is estimated that you will not be scared to tremble , Will secretly break out in a cold sweat.

But right now, although she was very nervous, she was not shivering, and although she was sweating, she was not drenched.

The two entered the door smoothly, and someone inside had come to pick them up.

It was a woman who came, wearing leather clothes, leather pants, and knight boots. Her shiny black hair was pulled up high and coiled behind her head. There was a pair of black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose. Her skin was very fair and her eyes were cold.

A pistol was pinned to her slender waist. Under the sun, the black metal light of the pistol complemented the royal blue earrings on her earlobe, exuding the same dazzling light.

Maybe it was stabbed by this cold light, Jason squinted his eyes, and the expression on his face was tense for a moment.

Xia Yumo followed closely beside him, and Xia Yumo could clearly sense his reaction.

Since the woman was standing in front of her, she couldn't ask Jason and could only wait quietly for Jason to make an action.

Sure enough, Jason quickly returned to normal, as if the tension just now was just Xia Yumo's illusion.

"Sent from Thebes?"

The woman's cold eyes were extremely sharp, as if she could easily see through people.

To resist her gaze made Xia Yumo feel really stressed.

"Yes, where should we go?"

Jason asked in a high-pitched voice.

The woman pushed her glasses, her bright red lips moved slightly, but before she could make a sound, the sound of a car came from outside the infrared surveillance door.

The woman looked up, looked over their shoulders, and fell outside the gate.

A large military truck stopped outside the door. The car was covered by a military green carport, and it was impossible to see what was inside the car.

But the woman quickly raised the corners of her mouth and continued the words that were stopped just now, "You should go with them and wait in the barracks first."

Xia Yumo wondered who they were referring to in the woman's mouth. She didn't understand until a large group of stylishly dressed women with different hair colors and skin colors came down from the truck one after another!

They refer to those women.

(End of this chapter)

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