Chapter 544 Who Are You?

Xia Yumo looked at the man in front of her in horror, swallowed her saliva, and said, "When can I go back?"

The man with blurred eyes came back to his senses, and his eyes fixed on Xia Yumo's face again.

Ignoring Xia Yumo's question, she just asked, "What's your name?"


Xia Yumo answered quickly, but she was very disturbed, because this man had been distracted by her for more than ten minutes after he brought her into the confinement room.

"I'm really not a spy, and I didn't intend to plot wrongdoing." Xia Yumo blinked aggrieved and angrily, and complained in a low voice.

Compared to the way she was splashing and crying in front of Qin Shuang just now, she is a few times more honest.

In front of this man, the pressure is enormous, and she always feels that the man's eyes are too sharp and wise, as if he would cut through the skin and look into the bones at any time.

Even though he was distracted just now, the gloomy and heavy pressure on his body didn't weaken in the slightest.

Her intuition told her that this kind of man was not to be messed with.

Naturally, he restrained a part of his role, and only showed the wronged and pitiful side.

Ouyang Hanting stared into Xia Yumo's eyes, his heart seemed to be injected with hot blood, making his whole heart boil.

However, no matter how intense his heart was, his voice and even his eyes were already calm and indifferent.

"A call girl from Thebes?"

With sword eyebrows raised, he seemed to be leisurely playing with the silver lighter in his hand.

The crisp clicking sound of the lighter in the dark and cramped confinement room sounds harsh and scary.

"Yes" seemed to feel inferior to the identity of the call girl, Xia Yumo lowered her head, her body tensed.

After lowering his head, anxiety flashed in his eyes.

She was brought here for confinement, and she didn't know whether Qin Shuang had noticed Jason at all.

If they were discovered, it would be over for them to play, and even if they were not discovered, if Jason knew that she was locked up, his next actions would become difficult.

She was a little annoyed, and quickly thought about how to be released from the confinement room smoothly.

Just as she lowered her head and was thinking in her mind, a bag of things was suddenly thrown in front of her with a snap.

Xia Yumo was startled, Shui Lingling's eyes suddenly looked at Ouyang Hanting, and then looked down at the wet wipes thrown in front of her eyes, feeling a little confused.


"Wipe your face clean."

Reaching out to touch his face subconsciously, "My face is dirty?"

Ouyang Hanting didn't answer, and another thing was thrown over instead.It turned out to be a small mirror.

Xia Yumo was amazed, there were so many things in this small confinement room.

She picked up the mirror and took a look at her face. It was fine if she didn't look in the mirror, but she almost screamed when she took the picture.

Due to the limited conditions, she didn't take off her make-up when she went to sleep. She got up and went to the toilet on the way back. In order to express her grievance and indignation vividly, she was so vigorously squeezing her tears that almost all the moisture in her body could be mobilized was turned into Tears are used up.

Thanks to the tears, her face is now as smudged as a Beijing opera face, especially around the eyes, where the thick smoky makeup is blurred, and the surrounding area is black and blue.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it with a grimace.

Her real appearance was completely ruined by the makeup on her face.

It's just that the smudged face is her business, even if it's unsightly, it won't make the iron-blooded man in front of her unbearable. Throw a wet towel to wipe her face, right?

No matter how you look at it, this man doesn't seem like someone who would do such unnecessary things.

Moreover, when he was sleeping in the middle of the night, he actually sat here and lost his mind on himself?

Picking up the wet wipes, he took out one, and was about to wipe it off, when he suddenly raised his head and asked, "Sir, is there any medicine on this wet wipe?"

Ouyang Hanting's face was as cold as ice, and his expression did not change.

"In the base, it's easy for anyone to do anything to you. Besides, you came here to make money, so you're afraid of medicine?"

Her heart skipped a beat, she didn't know why, when such words came out of the mouth of the man in front of her, she always felt stabbed and flustered.

Even if the current identity is fake, everything is a disguise, in order to better cooperate with Jason's actions.

"Although I'm a call girl, I'm a more traditional call girl, hahaha" I laughed dryly, wiped my face with a wet towel, and wiped off most of the traces left by inferior cosmetics, revealing seven parts of my true self. face.

Seeing this face, Ouyang Hanting's pupils shrank, a trace of unconcealable disappointment overflowed, and finally converged into despair.

Sure enough, it's just the eyes and the occasional agile expression?
That's right, Xia Yumo was resting in the room he had specially arranged for her. She was out of her mind to waste a lot of time on a woman whose eyes and demeanor occasionally looked like Momo.

I don't know why, but when he faced Lin Simeng, the excitement when he saw her face cooled down, but he couldn't feel the familiar and affectionate feeling before.

Could it be that time dilutes the original strong feelings?

If it is true, how long has it been since Momo left?In the past, even when I lost my memory, I still stored that strong emotion in my subconscious, how could I say it was light?
It's just that Lin Simeng has amnesia, he doesn't remember anything, let himself hold the memories alone, a little lonely and unbearable, right?

It was also at this time that I deeply realized how sad and desperate Momo was when I lost my memory.

When the matter at the base is over, we must take her back and find the most authoritative experts to help her restore her memory!
Thinking of this, he suddenly got up and walked out without hesitation.

Seeing him leave, Xia Yumo also stood up immediately, rushed to him without fear of death, and blocked his way, "Wait, you haven't told me yet, when are you going to let me out!"

Because of his height, when Xia Yumo looked at Ouyang Hanting, he had to look up.

But Ouyang Hanting was condescending, looking down on her.

The eyes collided for a moment, and she saw a cold and murderous look in Ouyang Hanting's eyes.

When the heart trembles, it is not that one is not afraid of death, no one is not afraid of death, unless it is a lunatic.

It's just that the situation is special, and she can't care too much.

Ouyang Hanting's status in the base is obviously not low. If he wants to get out as soon as possible, he must find a way while he is there.

Otherwise, once others leave, I may be forgotten soon after being locked up here. As a call girl, even if I am starved to death here, I am afraid no one will care.

You must save yourself.

Facing Ouyang Hanting's murderous eyes, he looked at him without fear, his eyes unconsciously showing an expression of neither humble nor overbearing, that kind of brilliance, no matter how his face changes, no matter how blank his memory is, it will never be lost.

It is the temperament brought in the bones, and the mark engraved in the depths of the soul.

It was that look that bewitched him and made him sink step by step during the first meeting.

The man who was full of murderous aura one moment, was stunned the next second, his turbulent expression revealed his ups and downs, and his arm was suddenly pinched, "Who the hell are you?!"

The arm bone seemed to be crushed, the pain made Xia Yumo's face pale, and fine sweat oozes from her forehead, she exclaimed, "It hurts! It hurts so much! Let me go!"

"Answer my question!" Ouyang Hanting's voice was low and rough, with some kind of forbearable hope, but also unconcealable doubts and doubts.

Why does the woman in front of me have such an expression? !

Those eyes, the aura emanating from his bones... and the familiar figure from his back that suddenly overlapped Momo's at the assessment site during the day... What's going on?

On one side is Lin Simeng who claims to have amnesia and has Xia Yumo's face but is not at all familiar, and on the other side is a woman with a completely unfamiliar face but an extremely familiar figure and demeanor who calls herself Xiao Yi.

Ouyang Hanting frowned as if trying to see through the woman in front of him.

Under such sharp eyes, Xia Yumo was very stressed, she couldn't help shrinking her neck, and replied, "I'm Xiaoyi, a call girl from Thebes. How many times do I need to answer?!"

Boldly, playing the role of shrew that she had played before, with a pungent temperament that is not afraid of anything, she replied with a straight neck, "You have agreed before, as long as you come here to serve people well, you can get a lot of money." You can't talk about it! You can't wrong me for no reason and add an unnecessary crime to me. Even if I am a call girl with a low status and deserve to be trampled on, I still have to give a reasonable reason. Otherwise, I will die with regret!"

Ouyang Hanting squinted at the completely unfamiliar face in front of him, as if he saw a certain little wild cat fighting for reason with its fur all over its body.

The mood suddenly became inexplicably good, and the expressionless face suddenly pulled an almost nasty smile, and suddenly, this face that looked cruel and cruel like a machine with sharp edges and corners became vicious but vivid.

And such a face is so damn handsome and deceptive!
The little boy who was trembling with nervousness jumped up and down a few times without warning, which made Xia Yumo a little stunned.

How could he be infatuated with the appearance of this cold-blooded man at this time? !You are so shameful and reckless!
He scolded himself bloody in his heart, and made an excuse on his face, "I really don't have the guts to make a decision in such a bloody place. I came here because of the huge salary."

"Oh? So, you only have the guts for money?"

"Yes." Xia Yumo replied quickly, but she was afraid that he would misunderstand what she said, so she added tactfully, "But my courage is only enough to earn this little hard-earned money. I know that the examination celebration banquet Afterwards, I only dared to come if I could enjoy the hard-earned money with my life. With this little courage, I really dare not harm the base. I’m just a little commoner who is greedy for life and afraid of death.”

"I see." Ouyang Hanting let go of her, as if he believed what she said.

Hearing him let go, Xia Yumo's eyes lit up, and she continued her efforts, "So, sir, please make the decision for me and let me out. I don't want to be locked up here. I always feel that I will be forgotten if I am locked up here. If they are not killed, they will starve to death."

Ouyang Hanting ignored her words, "You like money very much?" [Three-in-one, dear friends, when will you get your recommended monthly ticket? ! ! ! ! !Power, power~]

(End of this chapter)

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