Chapter 545

"Of course, money is a good thing, who doesn't like it!" Xia Yumo followed his words and nodded heavily.

"That's easy." Ouyang Hanting raised his eyebrows, took a step back, and looked her up and down.

"What do you mean?"

Xia Yumo was dumbfounded, obviously not keeping up with Ouyang Hanting's thinking.

"It means that you will get a lot of money in the future, and you won't die. The premise is that you are obedient."

"Of course, of course!" Xia Yumo immediately put on a dog's leg, "As long as the officer is willing to let me out of the confinement room, I will obey the officer for everything!"

The cleverness of this pair of dog legs made him even more unable to restrain his yearning for a certain little wild cat!

However, when he looked at the face in front of him and realized that the woman in front of him was, after all, only in some respects very similar to the woman he missed deeply, his heart suddenly turned cold.

The eyes that were still smiling, also turned cold.

The next moment Xia Yumo crossed over and strode out of the confinement room.

As if afraid of Ouyang Hanting's repentance, Xia Yumo immediately followed and walked out the door of the confinement room, only to breathe a sigh of relief.

Breathing the fresh air outside the confinement room, Xia Yumo almost felt like a prisoner who had been imprisoned for many years and regained a new life.

Such a description is definitely not an exaggeration, Ouyang Hanting's oppressive force is really too strong, in such a narrow and cramped place, it feels as if he is about to be crushed by his oppressive force.

Now that the surroundings suddenly became empty and the oppressive force disappeared, it would naturally give her a feeling of being reborn.

Ouyang Hanting walked in front, his steps were not too fast or slow, but his tall and straight figure, elegant and self-disciplined rhythm always made people feel a little cold and unstoppable infatuation.

"Sure enough, he was born to harm women." Xia Yumo curled her lips and muttered softly.

Ouyang Hanting paused, turned his head slightly, "What did you say?"

The cold and magnetic voice sounded flat, but there was some kind of danger hidden in it.

Xia Yumo immediately sneered, "No, it's nothing, I just think sir, you are outstanding and handsome, cool and cool, everyone loves you, and flowers bloom when flowers bloom."

Ouyang Hanting frowned because of his poor mouth. In his impression, a certain woman once sparing no effort in praising him in various ways.

But at that time, the woman's purpose was to leave him!
Thinking of Xia Yumo, the corners of his mouth rose slightly. Obviously, he was in a good mood.

The voice of speaking became more gentle unconsciously, "Really? So, what about you?"

After asking, I couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

It's just a woman I met for the first time, and it's just a call girl who looks a little like Momo.

It was so easy for him to let his guard down.

The real Momo...has lost her memory, resting in her room...for such a strange woman...what's going on? !
Annoyed to be annoyed, but I don't know why, but I still look forward to her answer!
What the hell!
"Me?" Unexpectedly, Ouyang Hanting would ask himself, Xia Yumo was stunned for a moment, "Of course I also think that you are cute, and the flowers bloom!"

With a dog-legged expression, smart eyebrows, and sly eyes, it's clearly duplicity, and she's slandering her!

Ouyang Hanting did not respond.

"Well, thank you sir for letting me out, I'm going back to the barracks first."

Xia Yumo seized the opportunity to escape.

Ouyang Hanting turned around, "Stop, have I allowed you to leave?"

Xia Yumo's back stiffened, and she broke out in a cold sweat.

Is this to repent?

Feeling apprehensive, he turned around sharply, still doing his dog-legged posture, "Sir, what else can I order?"

Ouyang Hanting frowned, then the light stared at the woman in front of him.

She was the one who had no image just now, and she was the one who stood in the doorway and dared to look him in the eye.

At this moment, she is the one who is full of dog legs.

Suddenly, she was very curious, which side of her so changeable was her true nature.

"There's no need to go back to the barracks tonight."

Xia Yumo suddenly widened her eyes, "Why...why?"

"What do you think? Since I came here to make money, I naturally have to work."

Xia Yu was in a daze, she didn't expect that she had ruined her image to such a degree, yet there were still people interested in it.

Moreover, the fatal thing is that this person is still Ouyang Hanting.

If he was staring at him... Then, it would be difficult for him to escape.

"That... Your Excellency, in fact... I really want to get to work right away." Flicking my fingers, lowering my head halfway, my eyeballs rolled around, trying to think of a reasonable and acceptable reason, "But, I am now Inconvenient, it will spoil your interest. You know, every woman has a few days of pain and embarrassment every month. Lucky luck can't stop it."

Speaking of this, she seemed extremely shy and embarrassed, "There are many sisters who came with me, why don't you change one?"

Ouyang Hanting squinted his eyes and listened quietly. When she finished speaking, he asked lightly, "Oh, is that so?"

I don't know if I believed her words.

Nodding like a pounding garlic, "Yes, yes, sir, absolutely yes."

A playful smile flashed in Ouyang Hanting's eyes, and his interest became stronger.

"There is a saying that seeing is believing. Xiao Yi, I only believe in my own eyes. So, to prove that you are telling the truth, take it off. As long as you are really lucky, I will never make things difficult for you."


Xia Yumo stared at Ouyang Hanting with wide eyes, almost yelling at him.

Realizing that he lost his composure, he immediately turned his face away to adjust his expression.

However, Ouyang Hanting had already seen the appearance of her angry little artillery just now.

The mood is inexplicably stretched, very good.

Ever since Xia Yumo's accident, he hadn't been in such a good mood for a long time.

"Your Excellency... don't bring such things. Even if we are lowly call girls, we are still human. How can we take off our clothes anywhere. Unless it is mental illness. Why don't you let me take off here, why don't you let me run naked?"

Ouyang Hanting suddenly approached her, stretched out his hand to lift her chin, carefully studied her expression, looked at her delicate face.

Slender eyebrows, fair and flawless skin, perfect face shape, smart eyes, slightly raised corners of the eyes.

There is infinite charm in the purity, and the inner charm cannot be concealed.

The completely unfamiliar face, the suffocating feeling of beauty.

However, the golden ratio of this face is too standard, as if... was designed by a computer.

Except for those eyes, the natural nature is missing from the extreme eyebrows.

I always feel... like artificially drawn eyebrows and eyes.

Stared at by those dark and deep eyes, Xia Yumo tightened her breathing, as if an invisible hand had quietly grabbed her heart, and even her breathing was no longer smooth.

Feeling cramped, her face turned red uncontrollably, and she pushed him resistingly, retreating two points.

After doing this, I realized that my reaction was too risky, and looked at Ouyang Hanting awkwardly and nervously, "Sir, don't embarrass me, I..." [Two in one, one post, continue later, ha , dear friends, thank you for your votes]

(End of this chapter)

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