Chapter 559 It's Not Your Business

Ouyang Jun turned pale, "Even so, it's a grievance between me and her, and there is no need for others to criticize. Even if you say this from the standpoint of his man, you have no right to interfere in the friendship between me and her." !"

Ouyang Hanting was not angry when he heard this, but simply said, "Maybe you are right, but don't forget, as long as you don't have my permission, you won't be able to see her. Now, let me tell you clearly, I don't allow you to meet."

Even if that Xia Yumo was fake, he wouldn't allow it.

"If you have time to pester Momo here, why don't you hurry up and contact Ouyang Jin before I do, and let him hide better, otherwise, once it falls into my hands, you will know the consequences!"

Ouyang Jun was angry from the heart, and hated, "Ouyang Hanting, do you have to do this?! He is your uncle, grandpa's biological son!"

It’s okay if you don’t say this, but when you say this, Ouyang Hanting’s face suddenly becomes ferocious, like half a madman in hell, with endless darkness and resentment, he grabs Ouyang Jun’s collar suddenly, “It’s really good of you to ask Let me tell you, I just want to do this! For so many years, my first wish is to reduce his power little by little, until he is chopped into pieces and chopped into meat paste! Now, finally let me wait Opportunity, when this day comes, I will never be soft!"

Ouyang Jun trembled all over and gritted his teeth, "I won't let you hurt my dad, and grandpa won't agree either!"

Hearing this, Ouyang Hanting suddenly let go of him, stretched out his hand to straighten his wrinkled collar, his smile was extraordinarily evil and cruel, "Then I'll wait and see how you stop me! As for Grandpa, you'll have to wait and see, Let's see if he can stop it."

Taking a ten thousand step back, even if Ouyang Yinuo cared about the family relationship and prevented him from killing Ouyang Jin, I'm afraid he doesn't have the ability now.

What's more, the Ouyang family are all tigers and wolves in the first place, like a natural food chain. Even the person at the top of the food chain has no way to prevent other links in the food chain from hunting each other.

It's like when his parents were killed by Ouyang Jin many years ago, Ouyang Yinuo didn't have time to stop it.

Now, he is just avenging his parents and seeking justice for Momo!

This is his long-cherished wish, and no one can stop him from realizing it!

"What's wrong with you brothers?" Dai Lisi appeared just right, making the tense atmosphere between the two invisible.

Ouyang Hanting looked up at Dai Lisi, expressionless, "It has nothing to do with you"

Regardless of Dai Lisi's expression, he walked away coldly.

Ouyang Jun stared at Ouyang Hanting's back, his face was pale, he took a deep breath after a long time, and stepped up to see the old man.

Dai Lisi stepped forward and stood side by side with Ouyang Jun, "Xiaojun seems to be a little unhappy with your brother?"

When he said this, a calculation flashed in his eyes.

Ouyang Jun has always had a bad impression of Dai Lisi. Every time he meets Dai Lisi, he always feels uncomfortable.

But since she was engaged to Ouyang Hanting before, and she is the daughter of the Dai family, there must be no lack of etiquette on the surface.

Now, when she was in a fit of anger, she happened to hit the gun, and she couldn't show her best self-restraint.

Glancing at Dai Lisi, her brows were filled with impatience, "It's none of your business!"

After finishing speaking, go directly to see Mr. Ouyang.

After touching her nose twice, Dai Lisi frowned, and her face was a little helpless.

But she quickly laughed, with a sinister calculation in her smile.

Sooner or later, let you obediently come to me!
(End of this chapter)

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