Chapter 560 What is there to be proud of?
Lin Simeng's arrival caught Xia Yumo by surprise, but in an instant, she felt that there was nothing to be surprised about.

After all, she is the one Ouyang Hanting misses.

However, when Lin Si dreamed of her residence in Ouyang Hanting, her reaction was quite strong.

He was surprised at first, then frowned, and asked unceremoniously, "Why are you here?"

In the words, there is a sense of domineering.

Originally, Xia Yumo really wanted to explain it to her, but seeing her attitude, it was inevitable that she would be presumptuous.

With arms crossed, she leaned against the door frame coquettishly, raised her chin slightly, arrogant and charming, with a complacent look on her face, "What else can I do here, of course it is to serve the Lord Commander."

As he spoke, he intentionally made an unsatisfactory expression, and praised without hesitation, "Tsk tsk, he is really great. Not only is he energetic, but his skills are so satisfying that he screams!"

Lin Simeng stared at Xia Yumo's expression with a sullen face, almost as if she wanted to tear her apart, "It's just a bitch, what are you proud of! Every man has needs in that regard, it doesn't matter if he plays around, anyway No matter what, his heart will only be with me. You must have heard that I am the woman he has worked so hard to find and put on the top of his heart. What are you?!"

Lin Simeng said so, but she hated her to death. Of course, her hatred was not pure jealousy.

Instead, he hated himself for having Xia Yumo's face, yet he still failed to make substantial progress with him!
Instead, this slut who came out of nowhere, the bitch who was trampled by thousands of people, climbed into his bed so smoothly!
"Oh, so you are the woman he puts on top of his heart." Xia Yumo was stunned, and quickly made an expression of envy and flattery, "So, you are not going to become the daughter of the Ouyang family soon. Master? Oh, I'm really blind, how did I offend you!"

She flinched, and her envious expression turned into greed for life and fear of death, "Don't be as knowledgeable as me."

Lin Simeng was deceived by her lifelike performance, thinking that she was really terrified of death and terribly regretful, she couldn't help but feel complacent, and her face was a little carried away.

At this moment, Xia Yumo suddenly suppressed those emotions, and snorted coldly, "Look at you like that, you really think you are so great."

Lin Simeng's complexion changed, "What do you mean?!"

Xia Yumo flicked her hair to make herself look like a proud peacock, she was so angry that she couldn't bear to die.

"What do you mean, it means that you should stop being self-righteous. Since you are so important, why doesn't your lord spend a good night with you! Well, even if you are important, he won't even touch you! In other words, you are actually You might as well be a whore, what is there to be proud of!"

Lin Simeng was trembling with anger, "You! What a bitch! Sharp teeth and sharp mouth really make people gain insight, but I want to see how long you can be arrogant! Believe it or not, even if I kill you now, he You won't question me because of you!"

Xia Yumo squinted at her, as if she was going to jump at Clown Liang, "Kill me now? That's fine, but we have to see if you have the ability!"

Lin Simeng was speechless angrily, and suddenly raised her foot, kicking Xia Yumo's knee with her one-inch high heel.

Xia Yumo took a step back, quickly dodged to the side, and at the same time swept out a kick, which happened to land on Lin Simeng's ankle.

(End of this chapter)

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