Chapter 561 Will be struck by lightning
As a result, Lin Simeng lost his balance instantly, swayed twice and took a step forward trying to stabilize himself, but kicked on the threshold.

The body just rushed into the room in such a panic, and fell on the wooden floor with a bang.

Xia Yumo stood on one side condescendingly, her brows and eyes were full of stubborn and complacent expressions, "Ah, look at you, just kick me, why did you embarrass yourself so much, how embarrassing it is, come on, Do you want me to give you a hand?"

He stretched out his hand meaningfully, as if to pull her up, but Lin Simeng slapped her away from embarrassment.

"Go away, don't give me false kindness! Slut! I'll remember what happened today, you'd better not fall into my hands, otherwise, I'll let you die beautifully!"

He got up, rubbed his numb knee, and limped back.

Xia Yumo stood behind her and raised her voice, "Oh, the future Mrs. Ouyang, don't go, wait a little longer, maybe your lord will be back soon?"

Lin Simeng's face turned pale with anger, and he limped faster.

The high-heeled shoes clucked harshly on the wooden floor, but the rhythm was too chaotic.

Shrugging her shoulders, she was a little bored, and turned around to go back, but when she turned around, she immediately took a step back!
"You... When did you come back? Why didn't I hear the sound?!"

Ouyang Hanting happened to be standing at the corner of the wooden house, leaning against the wall with his arms folded.

Look at that relaxed posture, and the expression full of interest, you can't see everything just now!
"It didn't take long, just finished watching the good show you just put on."

Xia Yumo took another step back and smiled dryly, "Well...Actually...I was joking around...You and her...are both generous people, so you won't care about me, right?"

Ouyang Hanting raised his eyebrows and remained silent.

"My lord, I was really joking just now."

Xia Yumo's smile could hardly hold back.

She was not afraid of offending Lin Simeng, at best, Lin Simeng would add oil and vinegar to Ouyang Hanting and blow his pillow.

A man like him who manages everything every day must not have much time to pay attention to the conflicts between these women.

However, it would be different if Ouyang Hanting personally captured him.

What day is it today, luck is really bad!

"It is said that I am not only energetic, but also extremely skilled?"

Ouyang Hanting stood up straight, with brilliance in his eyes, approaching step by step.

Xia Yumo shrank her neck and stepped back, "I was talking nonsense."

"Nonsense? That is to say, you think my energy is not good enough, and my skills are not good enough?"

Ouyang Hanting narrowed his eyes, his eyes were full of danger, like a cunning wolf king teasing his prey, both domineering and elegant.

" do I know!"

Xia Yumo said dryly, at best she knew that he was in good shape.

"It seems that I really need to let you know."

When Xia Yumo heard this, her hairs stood on end, she pointed at Ouyang Hanting, and shouted, "You, don't act recklessly! In broad daylight, if you force a woman from a good family, you will be struck by lightning!"

"A woman from a good family?" Ouyang Hanting said these four words playfully, and suddenly raised his eyebrows, "Xiao Yi, have you lost your mind? You are clearly a call girl from Thebes City, and you will spend the rest of your life in order to make money I just came here!"

It was only then that Xia Yumo realized that there was a loophole in her words when she was nervous, and she wanted to bite her tongue.

(End of this chapter)

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