Chapter 562 Shame and Anger
"Ouyang Hanting, if you dare to touch me, I will destroy you!"


Ouyang Hanting raised his eyebrows amusedly, there were really not many people threatening him.

"But now I only have one mentality, that is, to die under the pomegranate skirt, and to be a ghost is also romantic. Even if you break me, it will be after I want you. I am thinking, maybe you are with me, and you are reluctant to break me. After all , I am really as you said, not only full of energy, but also excellent in technique. No matter how wolfish you are, I am confident that I can feed you."

"You! You scoundrel!" Xia Yumo struggled.

But soon, Xia Yumo froze completely, even her expression became very stiff and ugly.

Her frozen movements and expression made Ouyang Hanting squint and smile, "Why don't you continue, huh?"

As he spoke, he still showed an extremely nasty expression.

This made Xia Yumo want to die of shame and indignation!
Shaking his teeth and staring at Ouyang Hanting, "You better not do anything, otherwise, I will kill you!"

The crimson cheeks, moist red lips, and the perfect face that seems to have been designed by a computer are simply irresistible!

Ouyang Hanting's eyes were slightly blurred, just because her expression reminded him of a long, long time ago... At that time, she pretended to be another person in her heart.

At that time, he was the one who used force, and she also had that expression of wanting to peel his skin and cramp him.

With a twitch in his heart, he suddenly let go of Xia Yumo and backed away.

After straightening her wrinkled clothes, her expression has returned to calm, "Xiaoyi, you better not be who I thought you were, otherwise, just because you deliberately lied to me, I will definitely teach you a lesson that you will never forget for the rest of your life." .”

After saying this, Ouyang Hanting stopped looking at her and went straight into the room.

However, Xia Yumo's back felt inexplicably cold because of his words. For some reason, after hearing these words, she always felt that she would be repaired miserably.

The woman he thought... Xia Yumo?But how is it possible?Where in the world is there such a coincidence?
As soon as she came out, she ran into an acquaintance, who seemed to be familiar with it, are you kidding me?
The flowers and plants in the room make the room full of vitality, like a small indoor garden.

Xia Yumo stretched out her hand to play with a branch of a spider plant, and glanced at the three people sitting on the rattan chair from time to time.

The graceful old man sat on the rattan chair, staring at Lin Simeng without blinking.

Ouyang Hanting was sitting next to Lin Simeng, and the old man was sitting opposite them.

She was actually a little strange. When the old man first saw Lin Simeng, he was clearly very excited. The look of tears in his eyes made her twitch in her heart.

She knew that Lin Simeng was the granddaughter of the old man. It was said that because of a sudden accident, she fell into the water and was washed away, and she was not found until now.

Thinking that life and death are separated, and we can't meet each other now, but suddenly one day, we meet again alive, that kind of joy can naturally make people cry.

But I don't know why, after the initial excitement, the three of them sat together and talked, and then they became so cold.

She, a big idler, felt cold and flustered by the side.

"I'm a little tired, I want to take a nap, you go back first."

Su Jingyuan spoke.

Lin Simeng subconsciously glanced at Xia Yumo, who was playing with the spider plant next to her, and the expression on her expression was obvious, why didn't she leave.

(End of this chapter)

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