Chapter 579 There is only one chance

Even if they knew each other before the amnesia, just relying on him to force her, it is more than enough to die!

"Heh" After a while, Xia Yumo couldn't pull the trigger, Ouyang Hanting laughed suddenly, stood up straight, and calmly stepped towards Xia Yumo.

Xia Yumo was flustered and ashamed by his smile, "Don't come here!"

Not only was Ouyang Hanting not threatened, but he smiled more cheerfully, "Xiaoyi, admit it, you don't want to kill me"

Xia Yumo trembled even more, "Shut up, stop! Otherwise I will really shoot, don't force me!"

Ouyang Hanting's eyes sank slightly, "You only have one chance, if you miss it, you won't come back again, you have to think about it!"

He paused and stopped.

Xia Yumo's mind was a little confused, and the back of her head hurt like a pinprick.

The situation in front of me is so strange, I always feel as if it has happened before.

Some broken and blurred images flickered in her mind, someone was pointing at someone with a knife, but she couldn't see clearly.

Seeing her strange expression, Ouyang Hanting was startled, a little confused.

According to the information he received, only Xia Yumo was rescued by Jason and brought back to the Luli family for treatment, and later recovered. It is not sure whether Xia Yumo had amnesia or pretended not to know him on purpose.

Right now, Xia Yumo's mood was very unstable, and she looked in pain. It was obvious that something was about to come out, but she was stuck again, and her whole body seemed to be about to collapse.

He suddenly felt annoyed at himself, and forced her to do something in a hurry for nothing!

In desperation, he called her real name again, but in Xia Yumo's ears now, these two words were like a sharp sword cutting her!
In her consciousness, these two words only represent one person, and that is Lin Simeng!

It was also at this time that a sudden exclamation came from the door, "Ah! Xiao Yi, what are you doing! Be careful, Han Ting!"

Following the voice, a slender figure ran towards Xia Yumo like the wind, his jet-black hair flying, and rushed towards Xia Yumo. is on.

The body lost its balance in an instant, and fell backwards, the back of the head hit the corner of a solid wooden square stool!
Simultaneously with the sound of the collision, there was also piercing gunfire!

What happened next, Xia Yumo didn't know at all, all she could remember was Ouyang Hanting's pale face suddenly when the gunshot rang out!

It was late at night, and the sky above the city was illuminated by colorful neon lights.

The real face is hidden under heavy makeup, and everyone dances wildly amidst the beauty, wearing masks, but expressing the most primitive emotions.

"Tell me, come to me, what's the matter." Ouyang Jun looked at the time, "I don't have much time, and I have to go back to the base before dawn."

"I just feel unfair for you." The man smiled lightly, looking gentle and polite, like a humble gentleman.

"Ha" Ouyang Jun laughed ironically, looking up and down at the man in front of him, "I'm not fair? Lan Yan, I don't care about what you want to do, but please don't take me for a fool , use it if you want to use it."

Lan Yan's smile remained unchanged, "Use? Although the words are harsh, but they are very real. Who in this world is not using each other and fighting against each other? Isn't it for the future? I came to you because I want to take advantage of it, but it is a mutually beneficial use."

(End of this chapter)

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