Chapter 580 Basic Politeness
Ouyang Jun kept frowning at his set of ideas, and deeply felt that this seemingly normal and gentle man in front of him was actually the kind of extreme and stubborn guy that made him chills!

Among other things, the mere fact that he felt that his parents had children just to take advantage of this fact showed the darkness in his heart!
He knew that Lan Yan was an illegitimate child of a collateral line. A year ago, he recognized his ancestor and became a member of the Ouyang family.

In fact, he was quite surprised that Lan Yan found him this time.

"No matter how enticing your reciprocity is, I'm not interested."

Ouyang Jun instinctively felt disgusted with Lan Yan.

Lan Yan shook the wine in the glass, and the finely broken ice cubes hit the glass wall, making crisp jingling sounds.

I don't know why, but in this noisy bar, Ouyang Jun can hear the small voice very clearly.

Maybe it's because his movement of shaking the cup is too graceful and calm. At first glance, he seems to be... a nobleman who has been well-trained since childhood.

"Don't refuse too early, at least listen to me"

"I do not want to hear."

"Then you will definitely regret it. What I want to say is closely related to the father you have been looking for this year."

Ouyang Jun was about to get up and leave, but when he heard Ouyang Jin mentioned, he paused and sat back down.

Lan Yan's smile deepened slightly, "That's right, at least listen to me, this is the most basic courtesy."

Ouyang Jun's eyebrows were twisted together, more than a year of torment had made this once young and sunny boy a lot calmer and darker.

"Then please tell me quickly if you have something to say, I'm in a hurry."

Lan Yan didn't care about his urging, she drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and called the bartender, "A cocktail, rainbow after rain, add ice."

The bartender immediately performed on-site bartending proficiently, and every movement was as wonderful as an acrobatic performance.

"I can help you find Ouyang Jin, but in exchange, I want you to deliver a message for me."

Dai Lisi crossed her legs, her sexy body leaned on the big black sofa.

Looking up at the person opposite, her expression was so arrogant.

"I didn't expect that you, who dismissed me, would come to me on your own initiative."

Ouyang Jun said expressionlessly, "I'm here, just to convey a word for others."

Dai Lisi's red lips curled up, "Oh? What are you talking about, and I asked you to do errands. Besides, I'm curious, who has such a great ability."

"He asked me to tell you that three days later, we will meet in room 511 of the Saintines Hotel, and there will be a deal you are interested in waiting for you. As for who it is, you will naturally know by then."

Dai Lisi listened quietly, and when Ouyang Jun finished speaking, she smiled, "Three days later, it will be the end of the additional assessment, and it is only the people within the Ouyang family who can figure out the arrangement of the base so accurately. But you are not qualified to come in, and it depends on you, a person with the right to come and go freely, to spread the word, it seems that the collateral branch of the Shui Ouyang family..."

Ouyang Jun's expression didn't change, but he was secretly surprised.

I have long known that Dai Lisi is a shrewd and capable person, but I did not expect to be so smart.

He just sent a message, and she analyzed so much.

The entrance and exit restrictions of the base are very strict. Except for the orthodox blood of the Ouyang family, even a group of prominent participants invited, such as Han Zirui, Qi Shuheng, and the last one of the major families who watched the assessment with Ouyang Yinuo The older generations, after entering the base, are not allowed to leave until the assessment is over, and even the contact with the outside world is strictly controlled.

(End of this chapter)

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