Chapter 587 Fate
Xia Yumo occasionally squinted at the people who were fighting in the arena, and then looked away, scanning back and forth in the crowd. After scanning for a long time, she couldn't find the target she was looking for, and her heart became even more uneasy.

She got up, and when everyone was focusing on the field, she withdrew.

"Grandma Su"

Hearing the sound, Su Jingyuan put down the watering can in his hand and turned around.

Seeing that it was Xia Yumo, she nodded, "Come and sit."

Glancing behind her, seeing no one following her, she said, "You should call me grandma, grandma Su, it sounds awkward and uncomfortable."

Xia Yumo was shocked, " also know?"

Su Jingyuan smiled, but her eyes were moist, "Silly girl, how could I not know. You are my most beloved granddaughter."

Xia Yumo suddenly threw herself into Su Jingyuan's arms, tears streaming down her face, "Grandma, grandma!"

"Okay, good boy, you have been wronged. You must have suffered a lot, right?"

"Yeah." She nodded without denying it.

In front of her only relative, all her pretense and strength were easily broken.

At this moment, Su Jingyuan's embrace was like a warm harbor, making her want to cry willfully.

Su Jingyuan patted Xia Yumo's back lightly, "In the future, it will be safe and sound, and there will be no more suffering."

Xia Yumo knew that what grandma said was actually just an expectation.

Life, where there is no smooth sailing.

However, no matter what kind of storm it is, after going through this time, she believes that she can deal with it calmly and calmly.

Although the process of growing up was a bit painful, fortunately, the result was not bad.

"Grandma" straightened up from Su Jingyuan's arms, Xia Yumo looked solemn, "Do you really want to go with Ouyang Yinuo?"

Su Jingyuan was a little helpless, "It's not a question of whether I want it or not."

It was Ouyang Yinuo who entangled too tightly.

At the beginning, she was abandoned like a shoe, and most of her life has passed, but she was slapped on by the man who abandoned her.

"Grandma, if you don't want to, I can ask someone to help."

"Are you looking for someone? Momo, that's Ouyang Yinuo, who can stop him? Ouyang Hanting?"

Xia Yumo smiled, "No, it's the Luli family."

Su Jingyuan was shocked, "How did you know about the Luli family, and how could you invite people from the Luli family?"

Xia Yumo briefly told her story, Su Jingyuan's eyes moistened slightly after hearing this, and sighed, "Fate, it really is fate."

"Grandma, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing Su Jingyuan's reaction, Xia Yumo was surprised and worried.

She had never seen her grandmother look like this before.

Su Jingyuan was silent for a while, and then slowly told Xia Yumo about some of her past.

Xia Yumo couldn't describe it beyond shock, "Grandma, you are, unexpectedly, the young lady of the Luli family, unexpectedly..."

She couldn't digest such news for a while, since childhood, in her memory, apart from her mother who died young, her grandmother was the closest.

During their most difficult time, they didn't see anyone around grandma helping them, let alone anything special.

She always thought that grandma was just an ordinary poor woman.

But they didn't expect that she was actually the real daughter of such a prominent family.Just because she fell in love with a man who loved the family's hegemony more than her, she ended up severing ties with the family and living alone for most of her life.

After hearing what grandma said, she suddenly understood why Jason's mission this time was to find grandma.

(End of this chapter)

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