Chapter 588 Laziness
Lin Simeng didn't dare to confront Su Jingyuan, so he had to follow along, "Grandma can do whatever she wants, but unfortunately I can't remember the past, and I don't know how to deal with grandma when I see grandma. Even what grandma likes?" Hate knowing nothing."

As Lin Simeng spoke, she frowned in self-blame and distress, as if she had lost her memory, what a helpless and hateful thing it was.

Xia Yumo looked at her performance with great dedication, and couldn't help thinking that anyone who acted would be better than herself.

This Lin Simeng, whose origin is unknown, is even more... It's a waste not to be an actor.

"It doesn't matter if you can't remember, don't force yourself, take your time, you will remember one day."

Su Jingyuan comforted.

Lin Simeng still nodded in distress, "Grandma is talking about me, sometimes I can't control myself and want to know more about my past. Why don't grandma tell me what I used to be? Look, whatever you like."

Su Jingyuan glanced at Lin Simeng, and glanced at Xia Yumo next to her from the corner of her eyes, while Xia Yumo leaned on the rattan chair with an indifferent face, looking lazy, looking like a big cat, as if she was not interested in their conversation None of them are interested.

However, Su Jingyuan knew that Xia Yumo listened to every word of Lin Simeng's words.

In fact, Xia Yumo was indeed casual on the surface, but actually listened carefully.

Lin Simeng came to Su Jingyuan's place to co-author to understand her past.

The purpose, of course, is to better play the role of "Xia Yumo" after getting to know her better.

Unfortunately, she didn't know that the real Xia Yumo was right in front of her.

"Okay, come and sit down, you have suffered such a serious injury, you should take a good rest."

Su Jingyuan blamed him seemingly concerned.

Lin Simeng stepped forward, glanced at Xia Yumo, and frowned slightly. Obviously, she didn't like Xia Yumo's presence.

Xia Yumo could naturally feel Lin Simeng's rejection and disgust towards her, but she didn't care.

This woman is so good at pretending now, she is really interested in knowing what her true face is under these disguises.

Don't worry, there will always be a day when the mask will be taken off, she is waiting.

"I didn't expect Miss Yi to be here, it really surprised me."

Lin Simeng didn't seem to say anything malicious.

But Xia Yumo knew very well that since she brought the conversation to her, she definitely wouldn't do it for the sake of small talk.

there is always a solution to a problem.

She lazily sat up straight from the rattan chair, and within two seconds she lay limply on the table again, tilting her head and looking at Lin Simeng, "Miss Lin is more surprising. I thought, A delicate flower like Ms. Lin suffered such a serious injury, and she had to lie down for at least ten days and a half months before she could sit up. I didn't expect to get out of bed so soon. The healing ability is amazing!"

Lin Simeng's expression was ugly, his lips moved for a moment, and he suddenly smiled, "Then I have to thank Miss Yi for her inaccurate marksmanship, otherwise, I might have gone to the Palace of Hell to report at this moment."

"Oh, you're so..." Xia Yumo made a lip shape of "a slut loves", "the Palace of the Underworld will not accept someone."

Lin Simeng didn't understand the shape of her lips, and frowned for a moment, "Miss Yi, speak more directly, I don't know how to play charades."

Xia Yumo shrugged, "I didn't understand, forget it, you can't say good things a second time."

(End of this chapter)

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