Chapter 593 The Fool
Xia Yumo stretched out her hand and pushed him, "Don't be complacent, I'm not jealous. I'm just praising your charm!"

"Well, I am indeed very charming. So, Miss Xia Yumo, are you fascinated by my charm?"

Xia Yumo winked at him charmingly, but said in a serious manner, "Madam, I am an indestructible body with seven orifices and a delicate heart, so I will never be troubled by these emotions!"

Ouyang Hanting suddenly raised his hand, and slapped Xia Yumo's head, "Put that up! If you dare to make me look like a coquettish shrew again, I'll beat you!"

Xia Yumo cried out in pain, covering the place he had patted, "Ouyang Hanting, do you want to pat me stupid! It hurts!"

Ouyang Hanting glared at her, "If you don't behave properly, I'll just shoot you stupid! Don't let me panic when I look at it! Don't think I don't know, you learned all these tunes from that fake girl Jason, yes Bar?!"

Jason is good at cross-dressing and playing various roles, each of which is lifelike.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to do so many big crimes without being caught, and to sneak into the base successfully.

Xia Yumo sighed, restrained her expression, and complained solemnly, "I'm not emotional, they want to adjust the atmosphere!"

"If you want to adjust the atmosphere, change it to something else. With this adjustment, the atmosphere will only get colder the more you adjust it!"

"I see that when you didn't know my identity before, I was also snarky. Weren't you very interested at that time. I thought you liked shrews more."

Xia Yumo frowned depressedly.

"Fool, I only like you. I was interested at that time because I thought you were too familiar, and the familiar one made me think it was you. But I didn't have enough evidence to prove it. So, I was attracted to you uncontrollably, But rationally stopped at the boundary line and refused to cross."

Xia Yumo was completely moved by his words, and as soon as her mind became hot, she kicked her feet and kissed Ouyang Hanting's lips.

Ouyang Hanting was stunned, and then held her head in ecstasy, deepening the kiss.

The obsessive entanglement between lips and tongues, between people who love each other deeply, always makes people can't help but want more.

So, everything is a matter of course.

When Xia Yumo was wiped out again, she thought sadly and happily that she had completely fallen into this man's hands in her life.

"What are you thinking about?"

Ouyang Hanting supported his head, and drew circles on Xia Yumo Guanghua's back with his fingers, but his eyes were filled with deep pity.

He never asked Xia Yumo how he survived, because he didn't dare.

At that time, the scene of her being knocked into the river by a rock had always been his nightmare, recurring in the dream every night.

Never for a moment.

Such a serious injury, in the river where so many tiger fish live, how strong and patient it must be to survive.

He had never dared to imagine the pain.

"I was thinking about your attitude towards Lin Simeng during the day. Especially when you pushed me, it made me want to slap you twice!"

"Shove it off, I will never hide." Ouyang Hanting said with a finger pause, "Although it is an act, it makes you sad after all. I know you are actually a bit pissed."

In the second half of the sentence, there is obvious pride.

Xia Yumo was depressed, "C'mon, who is it! I just hate playing the shrew anymore. I'm tired of acting. I don't like acting."

The mouth is not the heart.

"Really? Why do I think that you are very devoted and energetic in acting, and you are very happy with yourself?"

(End of this chapter)

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