Chapter 594 Admitting Mistakes
They just used each other, she took advantage of the convenience given by Dai Lisi to get a chance to get close to Ouyang Hanting, and Dai Lisi used her to take revenge on Ouyang Hanting!

If this is the case, it is a cooperative relationship. What right does she have to pour cold water on herself again and again, and say those ugly words in cynicism again and again? !
The more I thought about it, the more I hated Dai Lisi in my heart. The initial complacency was gone, and Lin Simeng didn't have the intention to continue talking.

Just nodded, "Miss Dai said yes."

Seeing the change in her expression and attitude, Dai Lisi could probably guess what was going on in her heart. Immediately, she pointed out bluntly, "Why, are you not convinced by my words?"

The cold voice was mercilessly cold, and the night behind her made her even more gloomy and bleak, as gorgeous as an iron-blooded female ghost.

"How dare I?" Lin Simeng was so unconvinced in his heart, on the surface, he didn't dare to express any dissatisfaction with Dai Lisi.

Therefore, she turned her gaze away and had to answer warmly.

Dai Lisi sneered, "Whether you are convinced or not, you'd better remember what I said. When you do things, you should also follow her as a principle, otherwise, I'm afraid you won't even know how you died. Know."

Would Ouyang Hanting keep a recruit girl by his side so easily, and accept Lin Simeng so easily?She always felt that there was something strange about it, but at the moment she couldn't tell what was wrong.

Everything, can only wait for the person she sent to investigate to send back the news, and then make plans.


Lin Simeng reluctantly accepted Dai Lisi's warning.

Dai Lisi looked at her, sneered again, turned and walked away.

Some people want to look for a dead end, and they can't stop it. There is really no way.

Xia Yumo decided to confess her mistake to Lin Simeng sincerely.

Ouyang Hanting slanted his eyes and glanced at her, "Why?"

"Didn't you say it all? If I don't admit my mistake, I will be locked up until I admit it. So, I have to be mean?"

"That's the truth." Ouyang Hanting nodded in agreement and went down to the ground.

Xia Yumo lay still on the bed, silently watching someone dangling naked in front of her eyes.

"I suddenly discovered that with your figure, if you show up in a nightclub, you are guaranteed to be the target of women of all ages."

Hearing this, Ouyang Hanting turned to look at her, "You've only realized now, it's simply a blind eye!"

"Can we stop puffing up when we praise you for being fat?!"

Ouyang Hanting turned around, took the new clothes sent in the morning, and put them on in a leisurely manner.

"I'm not fat, even if you praise me, I won't pant. Usually, there is only one situation where I pant, and that is when I serve you, I really spare no effort."

Xia Yumo directly grabbed the pillow and threw it at his shameless cheek!

"Why do not you go to hell?!"

Ouyang Hanting said with a matter of course, "Of course I can't die. If I die, you will be a widow. I can't bear it."

Xia Yumo was completely immune to Ouyang Hanting's scoundrels, so she got up softly, and under the scorching eyes of someone who was burning like fire, she put on her clothes as quickly as possible, and at the same time warned, "If you dare to Beast, all future benefits will be refused!"

The threat was very effective, a certain person who was about to move, really held back and did not move.

(End of this chapter)

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