Chapter 622 You're Courting Death (7)

Ouyang Jin always kept an eye on Ouyang Hanting's movements. As soon as Ouyang Hanting pulled out his gun, he immediately became alert and fired at the same time. However, his target was not Ouyang Hanting, but the relationship between Ouyang Hanting and Ouyang Jun. Xia Yumo!

He believed that with Ouyang Hanting's feelings for Xia Yumo, he would definitely take Xia Yumo into consideration!

Therefore, he did not hesitate to shoot!
Both Ouyang Hanting and Ouyang Jun were aware of his intentions!
Ouyang Jun rushed towards Xia Yumo, while Ouyang Hanting directly killed Ouyang Jin!
Xia Yumo was flung to the ground by Ouyang Jun, and her eyes moved, looking at the person who threw herself on him, her pupils suddenly dilated and then shrunk again!

"what are you doing!"

"Shut up!" Ouyang Jun roared, without further ado, got up to help Ouyang Jin who was entangled by Ouyang Hanting!

Xia Yumo's temples were a little dazed, she didn't know what Dai Lisi gave her, the medicine was so strong and so long-lasting, and she didn't know what Ouyang Jun meant.

At this time, her head seemed to have just recovered, remembering what happened yesterday.

Thinking about it at first glance, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the three people who were fighting together. Ouyang Hanting didn't see anything on his face, but he shot fiercely. After only a few moves, Ouyang Jin had already been shot three times in a row. , It's just that the gun was at an angle, and it only hit his abdomen, but didn't hurt his vitals.

At this time, he was lying on the ground, struggling to get up.

Ouyang Jun and Ouyang Hanting faced each other alone, naturally it was not Ouyang Hanting's appetizer at all, but within a minute, Ouyang Jun had already suffered several injuries on his body, and he was punched twice in the face, making his cheeks blue and swollen a lot high!
Ouyang Hanting kicked in a roundabout again, Ouyang Jun was kicked two meters away, hit the ship's guardrail, and almost passed out.

Ouyang Hanting walked up to Ouyang Jun with his long legs, stretched out his hand to grab his hair, and lifted him up suddenly, the gun was already aimed at his head!

"Ouyang Jun, I didn't intend to kill you, but you want to look for it yourself!"

The corners of Ouyang Jun's nose and mouth were bleeding, and his eyes were almost invisible due to the swollen eye sockets.

Hearing Ouyang Hanting's words, he sneered and laughed, "Then what are you talking about, you shot me dead!"

Ouyang Hanting's expression remained unchanged, and he held the trigger with his finger, "Do you think I'm reluctant or dare not?"

Ouyang Jun's smile became more sarcastic, "Why don't you dare, even your own uncle can be punished to death!"


Ouyang Hanting seemed to have heard a joke, and he didn't want to waste another word with him. He was about to pull the trigger with a move of his finger. Waist, "Hanting, don't! Don't kill him!"

Ouyang Hanting's whole body was stiff, because of Xia Yumo's touch, the images he had seen on the CD flashed uncontrollably again in his head.

The overwhelming anger in his chest gushed out because of Xia Yumo's pleading.

He was ready to forgive, and when he was ready, he would not mention the incident, deceiving himself that they were the only ones for each other.

But, what is Xia Yumo doing now? !

Pleading for a man who... raped her? !
The vicious, dark, crazy emotions can no longer be suppressed by the cold expression. That expressionless face is like ice with cracks, cracking piece by piece, revealing the most essential emotions!
(End of this chapter)

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