Chapter 623 is such a cheap (1)

"Xia Yumo, let go!"

Ouyang Hanting tried his best to suppress the churning emotions in his chest, and spoke forbearance.

However, the heavy panting, even with her back turned to her, made her aware that Ouyang Hanting was extremely angry.

However, at this time, Xia Yumo knew too well that she could not give in.

Concession means that Ouyang Jun will definitely die!
"No! I won't let him go! Han Ting, let him go! Don't kill him, about...that matter..."

I'll explain it to you later!

It's a pity that Ouyang Hanting didn't wait for Xia Yumo to finish speaking. They knew what was behind the words "that matter".

Therefore, the moment the heart was pierced, the finger had already pulled the trigger under the angry command!
Bang bang bang!
The crisp sound showed the crazy anger in Ouyang Hanting's heart!
Xia Yumo's eyes widened, her chest suddenly suffocated, as if she had forgotten how to breathe, the hands that hugged his waist suddenly lost their strength.

All the strength in her body seemed to be exhausted by his gun, she fell to the deck with a bang, her eyes widened with effort, only Ouyang Jun whose cheeks were covered with blood was left.

Ouyang Jun still had a smile on his face, his eyes seemed to be looking at her, but he didn't seem to.

In the end, it all disintegrated into a cold gray.

She thought that the person who had changed hadn't changed, at least she still had such sincere love for her.

In that seemingly realistic and infinitely pornographic video, he and she used the most realistic acting skills to fool everyone's eyes.

In that room, Ouyang Jun really couldn't communicate with her, but he typed a line on the phone's information editing page: Trust me, cooperate with me, we are friends, so give me your trust.

At that time, the trust she gave was really desperate.

However, he did not live up to her trust.

In those X-rated scenes and actions, he gave her the pill in his mouth.

That is the antidote.

As for the relationship between men and women, even if they hugged and kissed so realistically, or even made various gestures, they didn't make it to the last step.

Under the all-round monitoring probe, it is not easy to hide Chen Cang in the dark. To cover up the truth, one must paralyze the eyeballs with the most realistic performances.

Therefore, the relationship between them is indeed very hot, and everything that is hot between lovers is available.

If you can fool Dai Lisi and Ouyang Jin, you can also fool Ouyang Hanting.

Especially since Ouyang Hanting still cared so much about her, naturally there was no way to study whether the relationship between them really made it to the end.

So...he was lied to.

In a rage, he killed Ouyang Jun.

For Xia Yumo, it was killing a person who tried everything to help her protect her.

For her, he even betrayed his father, against his father.

But Ouyang Hanting...

In the end, Ouyang Jun died because of her.

Such a result made her unacceptable, but she had to accept it.

After seeing Ouyang Jun's death, Ouyang Jin also froze for a moment, as if he didn't believe the facts in front of him. When he really digested it, he suddenly rushed towards Ouyang Hanting like crazy!
"Ouyang Hanting, you actually killed my son! My only son!"

A tiger's poison does not eat its offspring, even though Ouyang Jin doesn't really care a lot for Ouyang Jun, but when he gets old and loses his son, his life is extremely painful.

He is also included!
Crazy behavior, in exchange, is the same result, death!
The gunshots were sharp without any hesitation.

But from the time they fought to the sound of the gunfire, the people Ouyang Jin arranged on the boat never showed up.

It was also at the moment when he was on the verge of death that he woke up like a dream.

"You... you... have already... controlled this place in advance..."

Ouyang Hanting looked down at the man he had hated for many years like death, stretched out his foot, and stepped on his face, "Congratulations, you got the answer right. It's a pity that the wise man was confused for a while, do you think I will really let you go free?" ?”

(End of this chapter)

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