624 Chapter 2 Guilty ([-])

Xia Yumo never knew that Ouyang Hanting would have such a side.

Even at the most vicious moment, his performance has never been so bloodthirsty and crazy!

She felt a piercing cold.

Seeing his shoes crushing against Ouyang Jin's face, the face of the man who was obviously dead was distorted by his stepping on it.

Unable to bear this situation, and even more unable to accept Ouyang Hanting's current state, she suddenly got up, turned around and ran away.

Ouyang Hanting turned around and said coldly, "Stop!"

Xia Yumo paused, then accelerated to leave.

Being ignored, Ouyang Hanting felt as if all the joints in his body were screaming, rushed over in three steps, grabbed the person, and threw him back.

Caught off guard, Xia Yumo was thrown and fell on the deck, hitting her head on Ouyang Jun's thigh.

The blood that hadn't dried up dripped down his chin onto her face, and the freezing temperature made her tremble all over.

And Ouyang Hanting's eyes can be described as cracked eyes at this time, because... the postures of Xia Yumo and Ouyang Jun at this time!
"where do you want to go?!"

Ouyang Hanting's heart and lungs seemed to be cold, but his anger kept rising.

"He's dead, do you feel bad?! Xia Yumo, what did he do to you, and you still want to plead for him?!"

Ouyang Hanting forced himself in front of him, leaned over and squatted down, kneeling on one knee in front of Xia Yumo.

The gloomy complexion was like the color of the sky before a storm broke out.

As if with the power to destroy everything.

Xia Yumo's face was pale, and she shrank her body in embarrassment, as if she didn't adapt to his current appearance, and felt ashamed of her current appearance.

However, what was more, was the uneasiness brought about by his surly aura.

Because he had never seen Ouyang Hanting like this before, he felt cold and at a loss.

After murmuring for a long while, she tried to communicate with Ouyang Hanting, "You know, I don't feel bad! Things are not what you see!"

Ouyang Hanting glanced at her up and down, "You mean, what I see now is also fake, what you are wearing is not see-through at all, is it?!"

He stretched out his hand, suddenly grabbed a piece of gauze-like fabric, and pulled it down, completely exposing the faintly visible skin to the air.

Xia Yumo flinched, and looked at Ouyang Hanting in disbelief, with endless humiliation and embarrassment in her eyes.

"I'm hallucinating now, am I? What you look like now is my imagination? Are you telling me that you are wearing a beautiful suit or a noble and elegant dress?"

Ouyang Hanting said calmly, and stretched out his fingers to Xia Yumo again, but this time he poked the hickey on her side neck, "Could it be, you painted this on with watercolors?!"

Xia Yumo gasped in pain as she used some force with her fingers uncontrollably!

"Do you know that even if you really had to have something happen to Ouyang Jun, I wouldn't blame you. Even if I really wanted to blame, I would only blame myself for always not being able to protect you, and always letting you eat like this Suffering, suffering like that" Ouyang Hanting's mood seemed to calm down a bit, and he blamed himself full of self-remorse.

The tears in Xia Yumo's eyes couldn't help overflowing her eyes!
What happened this time had nothing to do with Ouyang Hanting, it was because she herself was disobedient and made an appointment with Jason to meet in that chaotic place.

It's because she has no ability, she can't beat Ouyang Jin, she can't plan against Dai Lisi...all of this has nothing to do with Ouyang Hanting.

Ouyang Hanting's love for her does not mean that he is obliged to protect her every minute and every second.

What's more, he has already done that.It was her own fault for wanting to act alone.

It's just that Ouyang Jun never really helped Dai Lisi and Ouyang Jin to harm her from the beginning to the end.

He shouldn't have died for her!

(End of this chapter)

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