Chapter 641 Interesting things (2)

"I want the batch of ammunition in your hand, and the money will not be less."

Han Zirui's eyebrows twitched, "Are you sure?"

"Of course." Lan Yan's expression remained unchanged, but his tone was affirmative.

Han Zirui's surprise gradually turned into a meaningful smile, "Okay!"

First, he cooperated with Dai Lisi to trade, and got a lot of medicine from Dai Lisi, and now he ordered arms with him.

You have to make a big move, this man who looks very gentle and quiet is really the one who can hide his edge.

Xia Yumo looked a little funny when she looked at the bodyguards on the inner and outer floors in the courtyard.

Laughing Ouyang Hanting really supervised her like a prisoner.

However, since she decided to stay, she chose to stay where she came, and to be taken care of when she was guarded.

Anyway, in the years I met him, I have experienced too many things like this, and it has become commonplace.

It was still the same villa, but the servant serving her was no longer Mama Zhang, but a young girl who was as beautiful as a flower.

Very young age.

When seeing this servant for the first time, Xia Yumo suspected that the housekeeper had made a mistake in introducing her.

How could a girl at this age be a servant, and she was recruited by Ouyang Hanting.

After being exposed to her swiftness in doing things and her accomplishments in cooking, Xia Yumo deeply felt that there are indeed many crooked talents in this world.

For example, this little girl's crooked talents are all grown up in these housework.

"Ma'am, the red dates and lotus seed porridge is ready."

The little girl came in with a sticky porridge. In the snow-white porcelain bowl, there were white lotus seeds and red dates floating in the dark pink porridge, which made people feel very appetizing.

The aroma of food floating in the air is even more exciting.

"Thank you." Xia Yumo smiled, "Put it on the table, I'll drink it later."

"it is good"

The little girl was not like Zhang's mother. She watched her finish her food, put down the porridge, turned around and went out.

Xia Yumo came back and changed into her pajamas, found a long skirt and put it on, washed up briefly, went to the bedside table and opened the drawer to get things.

But when the drawer was opened, she froze.

"Little Nine!"

The little maid who was leaving ran up immediately when she heard the shout.

"Ma'am, what's the matter?"

Xia Yumo calmed down, pointed to the drawer and asked, "Who cleaned the room?"

Xiao Jiu replied, "It's me"

"Where did you put the stuff inside?"

Xiao Jiu was stunned for a moment, then glanced at the empty drawer, "What?"

Xia Yumo pursed her lips, and said two words lightly, "Birth control pills"

Xiao Jiu's eyes widened, she was clever, and she rarely showed a silly side, "Ma'am, this... I really don't know. I only clean the room, and I am not qualified to touch the things in the drawers and cupboards." .”

After listening to her answer, Xia Yumo knew the answer, "Okay, I got it, you go to work first."

After Xiao Jiu left, she lost her appetite when she looked at the porridge that had an attractive color that night.

In the evening, Ouyang Hanting came back, saw Xiao Jiu coming out of the kitchen, and asked, "What did Madam do today?"

Xiaojiu's eyes widened, and he replied, "Look at the scenery."

Ouyang Hanting frowned, "Look at the scenery?"

"Yes, looking at the scenery. Madam has been sitting on the balcony watching the scenery. Probably because the flowers in the garden are blooming so well, Madam forgot to eat and sleep, and didn't even eat breakfast and lunch."

Ouyang Hanting's eyes turned cold, "Xiao Jiu, what did I tell you?"

"Be sure to let Madam eat well and take good care of her body."

"But she doesn't eat, how can she take care of her body well?"

Xiao Jiu complained, she doesn't eat, it has nothing to do with me.

(End of this chapter)

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