Chapter 642 Shiquan Dabu Soup (1)

But he said, "Yeah, I'm also worried about this matter. If Madam doesn't give me face, I'm going to pack up and leave." The clever eyeballs glanced left and right, and when no one was there, they went to Ouyang Han In front of Ting, he said mysteriously, "However, sir, I have come up with a very good idea."

Ouyang Hanting has long been unaccustomed to other women getting too close, so when Xiao Jiu suddenly approached, he almost kicked her.

But when she heard that she had a good idea, she held back.

"Tell me"

This ghostly girl... Ouyang Hanting squinted his eyes, and his eyes became darker.

The origin is very strange.

Xiao Jiu raised her fingers, and said in a daze, "Do you know where a woman's biggest weakness is?"

Ouyang Hanting kept a straight face and didn't respond.

Xiao Jiu sighed "boring" and continued, "A woman's greatest weakness is the man she loves deeply. However, when the man she loves deeply is hated by her, the best way to get back the situation is to make a baby"

Ouyang Hanting's eyes flashed, and he nodded slightly, indicating that he agreed with her words.

"So, sir, you should work harder and let the wife quickly give birth to a little life. Once a woman has a child, she will think about everything for the child. This is the so-called motherly love nature. At that time, for the sake of the child, she also has to take care of it." Your own body, eat more and sleep well. More importantly, in order to give children a warm and harmonious family, women will become peaceful and compliant.”

Ouyang Hanting glanced at Xiao Jiu, Xiao Jiu stuck out her tongue secretly, and continued, "In short, with a baby in hand, everything is safe."

Ouyang Hanting glanced at Xiao Jiu again.

Xiao Jiu was stunned by his stare, but unexpectedly, Ouyang Hanting nodded in approval and said, "It makes sense, let's do it like this."

Ouyang Hanting went upstairs, Xiao Jiu pinched her cheek, "Yi Xiaoshi, you are getting more and more despicable!"

She would say that, but in fact, it was because Xia Yumo called her up and asked where the contraceptive pills had gone, that she guessed that Ouyang Hanting's intention was to want Xia Yumo to get pregnant.

Therefore, in order to stay here for refuge, she deliberately said the words that Ouyang Hanting listened to very well.

Whether she can get out of Ouyang Hanting or not is already decided, isn't it?
She just took this opportunity to save herself from a disaster of being fired.

"Xiao Jiu, what are you doing?" Xia Yumo just came in from the outside when she saw Yi Xiaoshi twisting her face with a strange expression, so she couldn't help asking.

Yi Xiaoshi froze for a moment, then realized, "No, it's nothing, just a little sleepy, let yourself wake up. Huh? Ma'am, aren't you upstairs?"

Xia Yumo smiled, "It's a bit boring upstairs, so I went to the garden for a walk."

"Oh, what would Madam want for dinner?" Yi Xiaoshi subconsciously looked at the red acacia flower in Xia Yumo's hand and asked.

"Craucian carp and papaya soup, stir-fried carrots, and fried meat with celery"

Yi Xiaoshi was stunned again, and then said a little embarrassed, "These..."

"That's all I want to eat."

Xia Yumo smiled, "If it's not easy to do, or if he doesn't let you do it, you don't have to do it. I just don't eat dinner."

After speaking, I took the acacia flower and went upstairs.

Xia Yumo entered the bedroom, and immediately saw Ouyang Hanting sitting on the balcony, holding coffee in his hand, and seemed to be in a good mood.

Put the flowers in the decorative vase on the bedside table, sit in the room and pick up a novel to read casually.

She's already moldy with idleness, so bored that she wants to go crazy.

Fortunately, Ouyang Hanting did not allow her to communicate with the outside world, and did not allow her to use the kitchen, but she did not prevent her from reading.

(End of this chapter)

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