Chapter 643 Shiquan Dabu Soup (2)

After turning through less than five pages, Xia Yumo became a little dizzy, so sleepy that she couldn't keep her eyes open.

He simply threw the book aside and went straight to bed and fell asleep.

After sleeping for about half an hour, she opened her eyes and was horrified to find that Ouyang Hanting was actually sitting beside her, staring at her with his dark eyes for a moment, which made her sit up immediately in fright.

"Are you afraid of me?"

"Shouldn't I be afraid of you?"

"I'm in a good mood today, don't make me angry."

Xia Yumo immediately shut up, reached out and grabbed the romance novel that was thrown aside to read.

Ouyang Hanting's face darkened a little bit. After being determined to be ignored, he suddenly reached out and pulled out her book, and threw it out of the window, "What do you mean?"

Xia Yumo's hands were empty, and she looked up at him with a calm face and an innocent tone, "You said it, let me not make you angry. I know that you won't be comfortable listening to what I say now, so I have no choice but to shut up." Mouth, if you don’t say anything, you don’t have to be angry.”

Ouyang Hanting took a deep breath, suppressed his emotions, "forget it"

Turned over and lay next to Xia Yumo, closed her eyes and didn't speak.

It looked like a child throwing a temper tantrum, Xia Yumo's heart softened suddenly.

Sighing silently, before he got out of bed and put on his slippers, Ouyang Hanting suddenly grabbed his wrist, "Where are you going?"

Xia Yumo looked back at him, and said seriously, "It's time for your nails to be trimmed, I'll get the nail clippers."

Ouyang Hanting withdrew his hand in a daze, looked at his nails, they were very neatly trimmed, "Where should I fix it?"

"Idiot..." Xia Yumo couldn't help laughing, "I'm kidding you."

Ouyang Hanting's eyes lit up, and he pulled her away, "I think you're itchy, don't you?!"

"Each each other!"

Xia Yumo responded.

As a result, she suffered greatly.

Yi Xiaoshi's dinner was ready, and after waiting for a long time when no one came down, she decided to knock on the door.

However, when he walked to the door, he found that the door of the bedroom was closed, and the door of the study opposite was open, but there was no figure of Ouyang Hanting inside.

So she looked at the closed bedroom door again, and finally did nothing, turned around and went downstairs again.

Put the food back to keep warm, and start to clean up and wipe like a hardworking bee.

When she finished her work, she checked the time, it was ten o'clock in the evening.

Wiping the sweat off her forehead, she began to sigh again, a local tyrant is a local tyrant, and building a kitchen is wider than the whole house, and it takes so long to clean it up.

You know, although she has a good handicraft, she not in the sun!

I only do it myself when I reward myself and my father, but now... Mother, what's the matter!

Well, for the sake of money, who asked her to take this job!

"Little Nine"

When Ouyang Hanting's voice came, Yi Xiaoshi immediately rushed to the patron, "Sir, what are your orders?"

Clever and dog-legged.

"Bring up supper"


Powerful and domineering, bossy!
Yi Xiaoshi was envious, thinking, one day, she would also become a rich man, and at that time, she would have eight handsome men as servants, and she would have to come and drink every day, and let them act as spinning tops!
Of course, it's just a fantasy right now.

Holding the tray, he ran upstairs diligently, sending the food into the bedroom all the way.

There was a splashing sound of water in the bathroom, and when she entered the door, she just stopped, Xia Yumo came out wrapped in a towel, her face was rosy and clear, on her neck, on her collarbone...

Cough cough, Yi Xiaoshi turned her eyes away, put the night snack on the low table, "The night snack is ready, please take it slow, sir and madam."

Although Xia Yumo was a little uncomfortable, she was not shy either. She looked at the food on the table, her complexion was not very good, she pointed to the very attractive soup, and turned her head to ask Yi Xiaoshi, "What is this? My crucian carp What about papaya soup?"

(End of this chapter)

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