Chapter 644 Shiquan Dabu Soup (3)

"This... is Shiquan Dabu Soup! It is suitable for both men and women. It can reconcile yin and yang. Men eat it to strengthen yang, and women eat it to nourish yin and kidney. It is much more delicious and nutritious than that crucian carp and papaya soup."

Yi Xiaoshi is a person who understands current affairs, and Ouyang Hanting is the one who decides and pays her wages. Of course, she dare not offend.

It's true that Xia Yumo is the proprietress, but right now, she has no real power.

"I said I want to eat crucian carp and papaya soup."

"Then do it tomorrow, okay?"

Yi Xiaoshi is pitiful.

For some reason, Xia Yumo felt that Yi Xiaoshi's appearance was a bit strange.

It's not that it's hypocritical, anyway, it gives people the impression that she shouldn't be like this in her nature.

"You go down first. Tonight, we'll eat this. It's a good job."

Ouyang Hanting was a rare compliment.

Yi Xiaoshi immediately withdrew happily.

"You want to eat papaya?"

Xia Yumo nodded, "That's right."

"Papaya contains papain, which can interact with progesterone to achieve the effect of contraception. It is really a very effective contraceptive. Xia Yumo, you are really determined to break with me, aren't you?"

Xia Yumo was startled, "You... unexpectedly knew?"

Ouyang Hanting's smile didn't change, but his eyes turned cold, "Why can't I know? Xia Yumo, I've worked so hard to repair the gap between us, why do you always confront me?"

Xia Yumo shook her head, "I didn't."

"If you don't, give me a baby."

Xia Yumo's face froze, "This is impossible."

As long as he has a knot in his heart, she will not be able to conceive a child for him, because even if the child is really born, they will be at odds because of that incident. At that time, the one who will suffer the most will probably be her own child.She will never allow that kind of thing.

Ouyang Hanting put down the chopsticks he had already picked up, looked up at Xia Yumo's firm expression, and said calmly, "Then let me tell you, I must make this impossible a reality. Alright, let's eat Bar."

He took the bowl, served it to Xia Yumo, put it on the opposite side, and ate again with his chopsticks as if no one was around.

These days, it was the first time that Ouyang Hanting was so restrained and calm even when he was angry.

She hadn't eaten all day and was forced to exercise vigorously. She was so hungry that her chest was pressed against her back.

With eyes full of tempting meals, and a perfectly fine person sitting in front of her eating deliciously and vigorously, she couldn't bear it anymore.

The stomach was very unsatisfied, and the voice stretched out and screamed.

Ouyang Hanting heard it clearly, and couldn't help but look up at her.

She couldn't hold back her face anymore, and sat opposite her in a fit of anger, and started to eat the guy, "Eat as much as you want, whoever is afraid of whom!"

The corners of Ouyang Hanting's mouth slightly turned up, and his mood obviously became better again.

The next morning, when Xia Yumo woke up, she found that the Albizia Julibrissin flower by the bed was gone.

She didn't care either, if he took it away, she could grab it and pinch it back.

When Ouyang Hanting came back at night, he saw the Albizia Julibrissin flowers on the bedside again, his face darkened, and the movement on the bed became extraordinarily fierce.

Unsurprisingly, when Xia Yumo woke up in the morning light, the Albizia Julibrissin disappeared again.

Raising the corners of her mouth, she didn't know why she wasn't in a bad mood at all.

I plan to go to the back garden to pick it again.

After breakfast, Yi Xiaoshi blinked her eyes and said, "Madam's complexion is rosy today, and she seems to be in a good mood."

Xia Yumo raised her eyebrows, and Yi Xiaoshi, who always thought she was cold and distant, immediately felt that she became lively.

There is a feeling of finding a similar one.

That's called sympathy!
"Well, it's very good, so I decided to go to the garden, do you want to go together?"

"Is your lady inviting me?"



When she came to the back garden, she came for the Albizia julibrissin.But, to her surprise, in the garden, the two big Albizia juliensis were all gone, not even a single leaf was left!

[I have something to do today, the update will be later, children's shoes, don't be impatient]

(End of this chapter)

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