Chapter 648 The Lady Fainted (4)

Ouyang Hanting has always been very powerful, Xia Yumo has a deep understanding of this.

Therefore, when Ouyang Hanting left early in the morning full of energy and refreshed, Xia Yumo was still nestling under the blanket like an ostrich.

When Yi Xiaoshi brought the breakfast, Xia Yumo had just finished washing.

"Ma'am, breakfast is ready."

Yi Xiaoshi put down the tray and greeted the dressing room.

When Xia Yumo came out of the dressing room, Yi Xiaoshi looked surprised, "Madam is going out?"

Xia Yumo flipped her hair, "Let's go to the vegetable market with you today."

Yi Xiaoshi was in a dilemma, "This, sir, if he knows, he will kill me."

Xia Yumo squinted her eyes, "No, if you don't tell me, I won't tell you, how would he know. Besides, I know you are awesome, so don't worry about me running away at all, and I don't want to run away either."

Yi Xiaoshi glanced at Xia Yumo in astonishment, twitched her eyebrows almost imperceptibly, and then smiled, "I don't understand what madam is saying."

Xia Yumo yawned, bent down and patted the jeans on her body, "Well, I don't know what I just said."

Straightened up, looked back and forth in the mirror, "This shirt is nice, isn't it?"

"Yeah, not bad." Yi Xiaoshi didn't understand why, but always felt that what Xia Yumo was going to say was not that simple.

"Clothes are sometimes like various masks that people use on various occasions, which can give people different impressions and illusions. For example, I am like a beautiful student now, but as long as I change my clothes, it will also give people different impressions. Can become a coquettish and sexy woman. But then again, these are all appearances, no matter how you dress up, you can’t change your nature. Many things are brought from the bones, and they will always be accidentally exposed, even a little bit. "

Yi Xiaoshi's expression couldn't hold back anymore, "Madam wants to say something, just say it."

Xia Yumo turned around and looked at Yi Xiaoshi, "I didn't want to say anything, I just wanted to express my feelings. In fact, most of the time, I think we are quite similar in temperament. If we didn't meet here, we would It might be a good friend."

Yi Xiaoshi relaxed slightly, "If we didn't meet here, we might never have the chance to meet each other in our whole life. Where did the fate come from to become good friends?"

Xia Yumo smiled, "Yes."

After a pause, he said, "Let's go, I'm just bored and want to go out to get some air. If there's anything, I'll take care of it myself and won't involve you."

Yi Xiaoshi blinked, "What do you smell? Mr. Ouyang must have suspected me a long time ago. Tell me, should I pack up and run away?"

Xia Yumo shrugged and smiled, "I don't mind if you want to run away, but at least arrange for me to see someone first, right? Otherwise, those collector's edition comics of yours will all change hands."

"That won't work!" Yi Xiaoshi immediately became anxious, "The job I'm taking on this time is a big order, and I won't retreat easily. So, don't worry about me running away, those about You give it back to me?"

Xia Yumo stretched out her index finger and shook it, "This is not acceptable. First, you haven't brought me to meet people. Second, I haven't finished watching it yet, so I don't want to give it back to you."

Yi Xiaoshi turned black, "Okay, you're ruthless! Madame, didn't you make up your mind a long time ago?"

"Is this..." Can she say yes?Of course not.

"No, you are such a lovely and dedicated girl, how can I be willing to calculate."

Yi Xiaoshi rolled her eyes in disbelief, "Let's go, let's go shopping."

(End of this chapter)

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