Chapter 649 The Lady Fainted (7)

Xia Yumo had to admit that Yi Xiaoshi was really capable.

She knew that she was good at cooking, and guessed that she was definitely not a simple little maid, but she did not expect that she had a pair of amazingly delicate hands.

She has seen Jason's cross-dressing skills before, and things like makeup pens are in his hands. It's like a good horse meets Bole, allowing him to bring out his "talent" to the fullest.

And Yi Xiaoshi in front of her is definitely the "extreme cross-dresser" in the female middle school who is on par with Jason.

Xia Yumo's face was smeared a few times with her hands, and it was completely changed.

No one would pay attention to a woman with a ponytail and black sparrows on the street, right?In particular, the lips can still burst out in such a humid season, it looks... the image has really become a negative value.

"Okay, you're done!" Yi Xiaoshi proudly threw away the cosmetic bag in her hand and clapped her hands.

She pulled Xia Yumo out from the corner of the wall, "No one will recognize you now."

That's right, they changed their makeup after they came out.

Go through the back door of the vegetable market and get on the bus directly.

In the car, Xia Yumo asked Yi Xiaoshi in a low voice, "How much did Jason pay to hire you?"

Yi Xiaoshi counted twice pretendingly with her fingers, then shook her head, "It's countless, in short, it's priceless."

"don't know"

"Let's put it this way, what he paid me was not money, but my father's life."

Xia Yumo was dazed again.

Yi Xiaoshi didn't want to say more, so she changed the subject.

Xia Yumo didn't ask any more questions.

The place where they agreed to meet was a very unremarkable small noodle restaurant.

The restaurant is divided into two floors, the lower floor is crowded with people, and the upper floor has to go up from the kitchen corridor at the back. The narrow stairs are greasy and covered with oily smoke, and they look dirty.

Xia Yumo was a little uncomfortable, but she couldn't bear it at all.

But Yi Xiaoshi seemed to be used to such places, and didn't feel disgusted at all.

Noticing that Xia Yumo's expression was a little stiff, Yi Xiaoshi smiled and said in a low voice, "Ma'am, you have a bad complexion. You must feel disgusted in such a place, right?"

Xia Yumo was a little embarrassed, "It's okay." She added, "You don't have to be so polite, Madam Madam always calls me, just call me by my name. It sounds good to your ears."

Yi Xiaoshi smiled, "Then I'll call you Momo, kindly."

Xia Yumo was a little speechless, this guy is really good at reaching the moon on a ladder.

But fortunately, Yi Xiaoshi called her Momo, she didn't feel disgusted, so she acquiesced.

"Momo, at first glance, you are the kind of girl who has a relatively superior family background and has never suffered much."

Yi Xiaoshi said.

Xia Yumo thought, in this world, the definition of suffering is very broad, and it doesn't mean that the family is good or not short of money, so they have never suffered.

No matter what kind of living environment, what kind of life level, each has its own suffering, it's just that others don't know it.

In people's eyes, one can always only see the bright side of others, but not the dedication behind the bright side, as well as the pressure and pain that the bright side endured at the time.

Before Ouyang Hanting between eyebrows, was her family well off?It is true that compared with many people, she is very superior. Her father Xia Dongling is considered a rich man, but that has almost nothing to do with her.

Beside him lives a supportive mistress Li Sisi, and a latecomer daughter Xia Yichen!

In their eyes, she is an outsider, and her only value is that through her connection, she can get the little shares under the name of grandma.

Isn't it bitter?
She disagrees with Yi Xiaoshi's so-called bitterness.

However, poverty is indeed a kind of suffering.It is said that what is lacking cannot be lacking in money. This is indeed very reasonable, otherwise when she ran away before, she would not have deliberately sold so many precious jewelry as cabbage.

(End of this chapter)

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