Chapter 661 She Should Not Be Pregnant (6)

Xia Yumo suddenly wanted to slap someone, she gritted her teeth, thinking that she could go out, she decided to endure it, turned around and put on a flattering look, looking at Ouyang Hanting delicately, "Hanting, let's continue talking happily Bar?"

"Huh? Didn't you just say that we can't have a pleasant conversation?"

"Yes! We can't have a pleasant conversation, who can?"


"Affirmative and sure"

Ouyang Hanting squinted his eyes into a line, stretched out his big hand, like petting a pet, "Baby is so good!"

Xia Yumo really wanted to slap the salty pig's hand away, but in order to be able to go out for a walk, she decided to endure it.

Always lying in bed and resting has made her very depressed!
Now that he wants to take her out for a walk, it's like a pie in the sky!

What made Xia Yumo unhappy was that, after agreeing to take a walk together, two tails followed behind her.

Ouyang Hanting pretended to be for the sake of safety, but Xia Yumo felt that this was all ulterior motives!
Is it because she is afraid that she will run away, or that someone will rob her? !

No matter what it is, Ouyang Hanting should just guard against him.

It's getting more and more depressed.

Xia Yumo felt that her life was a failure.

Ever since Ouyang Jun's incident, he hasn't really felt comfortable.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but sigh.

Ouyang Hanting turned to look at her in surprise, "What's the matter, what are you thinking?"

Xia Yumo pursed her lips, "It's nothing."

It is better not to bring up the taboos that cannot be talked about, so as not to make both of you unhappy.

"Momo..." Ouyang Hanting stopped, stared at her, and spoke solemnly, with a serious attitude, which surprised Xia Yumo.

"what happened?"

Ouyang Hanting seemed to be thinking about how to speak in order to better express himself, his thick eyebrows were knit together, and he was silent for a moment before speaking, "Do you like children?"

Xia Yumo was stunned, "Why do you ask that?"

"I just want to know what's on your mind. You see, we haven't had much communication recently, so we want to communicate with each other and get closer."

Xia Yumo didn't think too much after hearing his explanation, "We're already at zero distance, we communicate every day, how can we communicate?"

Xia Yumo actually had no other meaning when she said this, but to the ears of a man like Ouyang Hanting who had been immersed in that kind of occasion for several years, it completely changed his taste.

I couldn't help but dance with joy, and distorted her meaning maliciously, "Yes, we are indeed zero distance, and we communicate every day, but those exchanges are all physical. Now, I want to communicate with each other heart-to-heart, mind-to-idea , do you understand?"

Xia Yumo yelled, and kicked her feet, "You rascal, where are you going!"

Ouyang Hanting saw that her movements were so large that she was so frightened that his soul would fly away. He embraced her with both hands and taught her with a straight face, "Be honest, you are not allowed to make such dangerous movements in the future!"

Xia Yumo felt that Ouyang Hanting was weird, and frowned, "I'm not a pregnant woman, so I'm not that fragile, so you don't need to be so nervous, right? Usually you torment me so much, and I don't see you pity me."

Ouyang Hanting was silent for a moment, "Even if you are not pregnant, your health is not really good. I didn't know it before, but this time you fainted, which was a big wake-up call for me, so you must hold it like a national treasure. You protect you. Don't argue with me about this point, it's useless. "

Xia Yumo still looked at him strangely, and reached out to touch his forehead, "Ouyang Hanting, are you bewitched?"

"The evil spirit was also scared by you."

"Hmph, blame me for everything, and you're too embarrassed! You have to hold me and protect me. I have no objection, but you can't restrict my actions. Especially the time to lie in bed must be stipulated. Best, you can give me The right to come and go freely, so that I will feel that you really love me."

(End of this chapter)

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