Chapter 662 She Should Not Be Pregnant (7)

"It's a good idea!" Ouyang Hanting squinted his eyeballs, and simply broke her little plan.

Xia Yumo snorted angrily, "Ouyang Hanting, you pervert, is it fun to hide me away?!"

Ouyang Hanting immediately flattered him with kind words, "I'm at ease to keep it in storage, then you won't be missed by others."

Whether it is the person who is thinking about snatching her away, or the person who wants to blackmail him with ideas from her... there will be no chance.

He really couldn't make her smaller, otherwise, he would have picked her up wherever she went.

The two of you talked to each other. Although Xia Yumo was so annoyed that she wanted to explode, Ouyang Hanting's attitude was very flexible. When it was time to be tough, he never compromised, and when it was time to be soft, he never compromised. It's not fun to confront her tit for tat.

Therefore, Xia Yumo's heavy punches always hit the cotton, and he didn't know when, he would be slapped twice as if deliberately provocative. This feeling... I don't even know where the anger came from.

In the distance, in the unremarkable gray car, someone was wearing sunglasses, silently watching Ouyang Hanting walking under the tree full of phalluses with Xia Yumo in his arms.

Xia Yumo glared at Ouyang Hanting angrily for a while, and kicked him angrily for a while... The whole person was as agile as an elf, but his complexion looked a little pale.

His fingers tightened slightly, the only love in his heart had been away from him for too long.

In the past, he was powerless and could only watch her being snatched away, but now...he has returned with full wings, and he is bound to take back everything that belongs to him!
This was his goal all along, and it was a poisonous oath he had silently made in his heart long ago.

let go?It's not that I haven't tried it, it's just because I tried it that I know it's impossible.

"You feel bad, don't you?"

In the driver's seat, the elegant man tapped the pay-off reel with his fingers, and spoke leisurely.


"Everything is ready, it's up to you. I believe that you can do a good job. You have never let me down during this time."

Lan Yan raised the corners of her mouth, her smile looked gentle and harmless.

However, anyone who knows a little bit about him knows that under the gentle and harmless appearance, there are actually ferocious previous times, which can stab people to pieces at any time!
"We are just a cooperative relationship, you don't need to say such things to me with a superior attitude?"

"Heh" Lan Yan's smile remained unchanged but her voice was a bit cold, "I thought that only I could do things like crossing rivers and demolishing bridges, but I didn't expect you to do the same. Without me, you would have won so many troops- Fire equipment, can you have so much money? Perhaps, you can rely on Han Zirui's hand, but... Han Zirui is also your enemy in a sense, isn't he? Like Ouyang Hanting, it is impossible for him to give you any chance The one who took Xia Yumo away."


Lan Yan wasn't angry at all when she didn't get a response, she just raised her eyes and stared at the slender figure beside Ouyang Hanting.

By Ouyang Hanting's side, she is always so agile and full of vitality.

It's like a vibrant flower, stretching and thriving in the sun.

And her sunshine is now Ouyang Hanting, not the one beside her, right?

It's a pity that some things are always clear to the bystanders.

People who are deeply trapped in it will only wake up after experiencing severe injuries, right?
Some people don't even know how to look back when they hit the south wall.

In any case, this paranoia is a good thing for him.

Lan Yan's smile grew wider.

(End of this chapter)

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