Chapter 663 She Should Not Be Pregnant (8)

Xia Yumo was very boring, she had no comics, no novels, and she couldn't go out. Most importantly, even Yi Xiaoshi was taken over by that Du Yuheng.

Now, there is not even a chatter!
Xia Yumo sat under the parasol in the garden, stretched her body lazily, feeling a little drowsy.

I've been lethargic lately, and I don't have an appetite for anything, which is really not a good sign.

Yawning, she shrank her body like a lazy cat, leaned against the rattan chair and closed her eyes, intending to take a nap.

When the pajamas were thick, there was a sudden scream, which sounded quite...panic!
The sleepy bug disappeared immediately, and he opened his eyes suddenly, only to see a pink figure running towards the other side of the garden as fast as the wind was blowing on the soles of his feet.

Xia Yumo squinted her eyes, only to realize that the person was Yi Xiaoshi.

At this time, Yi Xiaoshi was wearing pink pajamas, with her hands clasped together, and her feet... without shoes.

"Stop! Where are you going wearing this?!"

Behind him was Du Yuheng's special voice, which sounded sullen.

Yi Xiaoshi yelled while running in embarrassment, "Get out of here, don't follow me!"

"Stop! If you dare to run again, believe it or not, I will send the things away?!"

Yi Xiaoshi suddenly stopped, turned around, and stared at Du Yuheng who was full of evil smiles, "How dare you!"

Du Yuheng shook the phone in his hand, the black luster was dazzling under the sunlight, "Look at me, dare you! Yi Xiaoshi, you don't want to be seen intoxicated, do you? "

Yi Xiaoshi's forehead was throbbing with veins, and she pointed at Du Yuheng, "You bastard, grandson of Bagui! You...don't forget, you're also inside!"

As soon as the arms were stretched out, the pink silk nightdress slid off, and on the snow-white skin, clear marks were mottled, which made people think infinitely.

When Yi Xiaoshi realized it, she immediately retracted her arms, her face flushed like a prawn stewed in oil.

Xia Yumo probably understood what it meant, and Du Yuheng who dared to love is not a good thing!

Yi Xiaoshi is such a cute girl, he can talk about it!Man, it's really not a good thing!

She thought in her heart, but, after all, this is the matter of the two of them, no matter how outraged she is, she can't really jump out to fight for Yi Xiaoshi, can she?

At this time, the best choice is of course to shrink hard to reduce your sense of existence.

It's best that they don't notice her existence. At this time, if she is discovered, she will definitely be the cannon fodder!

"Uh huh, I'm here, but the shooting angle is decided, I can only see your face, not mine. And, even if I can see it, I don't care about being watched. In that case, people all over the world Everyone knows that you, Yi Xiaoshi, are my woman. At that time, wherever you go, you will be automatically labeled as Du Yuheng's woman!"

Yi Xiaoshi was so angry that she almost vomited blood, looked down and saw a square brick that hadn't been transported away by the side of the flowerbed, picked it up and patted Du Yuheng's handsome face directly.

This time, Du Yuheng couldn't calm down anymore, he jumped up in anger, "Yi Xiaoshi! You are so serious!"

Yi Xiaoshi resented, "Otherwise, do you think I'll scare you again? This time I'll be treated like a cabbage by a pig. If you dare to follow me and chase after me, I'll shoot you to death." !"

Listening to their conversation, Xia Yumo couldn't help sweating for them.

These two are serious!
Yi Xiaoshi's brick really missed Du Yuheng's head by a tiny bit.

If he didn't hide quickly, he could go out sideways now.

"Okay, you are ruthless! You will come back and beg me for you!"

Du Yuheng was so annoyed that he turned around and went back.

(End of this chapter)

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