Chapter 664 She Should Not Be Pregnant (9)

Yi Xiaoshi turned around angrily, only then saw Xia Yumo under the sun umbrella, her face suddenly became embarrassed and embarrassing.

Xia Yumo covered her face with her hands, and said softly, "I'm dazzled and my ears are ringing, and I don't know anything."

Yi Xiaoshi is even more depressed, isn't this trying to cover up?To be clear, I actually know everything!
Now that Xia Yumo already knew about the matter, she didn't feel shy, and sat down directly opposite Xia Yumo, took a glass and poured herself a full glass of orange juice, and drank it all in one go.

"You... so thirsty?"

Seeing a whole lemon cup of orange juice being drunk, Xia Yumo admired her drinking ability.

"I'm not thirsty, I'm angry, drink more to reduce the fire!"

Xia Yumo couldn't help but complain, "Du Yuheng didn't even lower the fire when he lowered the fire for you?"

Yi Xiaoshi trembled when she heard that, and almost dropped the cup in her hand.

"Momo... Those who are close to ink are black, those who are close to ink are black! What have you learned from Ouyang Hanting?!"

"In fact, I was really immersed in comics, and it has nothing to do with Ouyang Hanting's teachings."

Yi Xiaoshi sniffed, "Well, no matter what, I just realized now that you are actually a woman who looks very serious on the surface but is very rotten on the inside. But this kind of rot... I like it haha"

When Xia Yumo heard this, she squinted at her, and said quite seriously, "Even if you like me again, I won't be passionate with you, so you should die!"

After the voice fell, the already quiet garden seemed to suddenly become extremely silent, and it seemed that the sound could be heard even when the needle fell.

The two stared at each other for a while, then suddenly burst into laughter.

Chu Han led Peter in and saw the two women laughing out of shape, and was a little surprised for a while.

Yi Xiaoshi was the first to notice them approaching, and immediately stood up, "I'll leave first, in this state, I can't see anyone at all."

As he spoke, he gathered up his pink pajamas annoyedly, and walked away first.

Xia Yumo looked at Chu Han and Peter beside him suspiciously, "Who is this?"

Chu Han smiled very decently, completely formatted, "This is Peter, a world-renowned super doctor. BOSS specially invited the group he leads to consult you."

Xia Yumo frowned, "I'm fine, what else can I do?"

Chu Han's smile remained unchanged, and he still spoke without emotion, "The boss is worried about your body, and you won't lose a piece of meat after a consultation. Please understand the painstaking efforts of the boss."

With these words, Xia Yumo could more or less hear Chu Han's dissatisfaction with her. Chu Han had prejudice against her, which she had already felt.

It's just not so obvious before.

Speaking of this matter, Xia Yumo naturally couldn't refuse, and it was impossible to argue with Ouyang Hanting's right-hand man because of a blunt statement.

"it is good"

She nodded, looked at Peter next to her, and greeted politely, "Hello, thank you for taking the time to come."

Peter smiled, and when he laughed, his friendly look really matched his profession.

It made her suddenly think of Luli Junrong, who is also a man with infinite affinity during working hours, and he is full of energy for everything at work.

His attitude is so rigorous and meticulous that people feel that he is a machine designed for work.

If it's not working hours... well, she has to admit, apart from what Luli Junrong warned her back then, she actually never contacted him during his non-working hours.

So... She actually has no idea what kind of person Luli Junrong is in non-working status.

"Mrs. Ouyang is polite."

(End of this chapter)

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