Chapter 686 The Big Boss Lost in Seconds (9)

If the contents of the recorder were analyzed, then Ouyang Hanting would know everything she said to Xia Yumo.

And this is only second, the most important thing is, everything that she conspired with Jiang Yihan and Lan Yan...

No, it can't be!

She yelled, screamed and roared, but everything was a foregone conclusion.

Gunshots sounded abruptly in the quiet night, and gunshots of various models made various harsh sounds.

Xia Yumo was a light sleeper and was easily awakened.

So when the gunshot rang out, Xia Yumo immediately got up from the bed and stared at her surroundings in horror.

The room was dark and quiet, so the gunfire outside became very clear.

Every sound penetrates the eardrum and stimulates the heart.

She didn't turn on the light, but went down to the ground in the dark.

Leaning behind the curtains on the side of the window against the wall, peeking at the situation outside.

However, nothing could be seen, only the continuous sound of gunfire in the dark night.

She really wanted to take this opportunity to sneak out, but there were two bodyguards specially arranged by Jiang Yihan to guard the door, and there was no way for her to escape before they were mobilized.

Now, for the sake of the child, she dare not fight with others, for fear that it will increase the burden on her body and hurt the child.

Hesitating whether to stay in the room quietly or to sneak away, the door was kicked open suddenly, and two bodyguards from outside barged in, one of them seemed to be taking instructions, "Yes! Yes! We will send the People take it away!"

After the call was over, the two bodyguards couldn't help but pick her up, regardless of Xia Yumo's struggle, and the other stood by their side, and ran downstairs quickly.

After Xia Yumo was picked up, she gave up struggling, one because she knew she couldn't escape, and the other was because of the child.

When they ran to the back door, Xia Yumo finally couldn't bear it, and asked in a low voice, "What's going on! Why is there a sudden attack!"

Neither of the bodyguards was talkative, so no one answered.

Xia Yumo really wanted to find out who the other party was. If it was someone from Ouyang Hanting or Han Zirui, then she had to find a way to let them know her position.

So she didn't get an answer, Xia Yumo didn't give up, and said, "You don't want to say it! If you don't say it, don't expect me to cooperate with you! How do I know if you are spies who sneaked in!"

Still no one responded, Xia Yumo made a gesture of calling for help at the top of her throat.

Finally, one of the bodyguards covered her mouth, "Shut up! It's the boss's enemy who came to attack! If you don't want to die, just stay safe!"

In Xia Yumo's eyes, the boss they were talking about was Jiang Yihan, "Who is the boss's enemy? He is so despicable, he is going to sneak attack at night!"

He looked very angry.

In order to save Xia Yumo from saying a few words, the bodyguard answered his doubts in one go, "It's Han Zirui's person, the boss should have already fought with Ouyang Hanting and Qi Shuheng's people, and has no time to take care of you, so please be safe. Divide!"

The bodyguards were only in charge of watching people, thinking that she was the boss's woman, and did not know Xia Yumo's true identity.Therefore, completely unaware of his own explanation, leaked a lot of valid information to Xia Yumo.

"So it is!"

Xia Yumo was overjoyed, but didn't say anything more.

She didn't want to be gagged or knocked out because she was annoyed by them at this time.

"I can't climb over!"

Xia Yumo looked at the wall, and said with some embarrassment.

"Well, I'll go up and pull you, and he will support you below!"

Xia Yumo nodded, "Okay, that's fine!"

One bodyguard climbed onto the wall, and the other bodyguard showed his shoulder for her to step on.

Xia Yumo narrowed her eyes, and after being pulled to the top of the wall, she suddenly kicked the bodyguard's crotch on the wall, and at the same time grabbed the bodyguard's wrist with a grabbing hand, and grabbed the gun directly.

(End of this chapter)

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