Chapter 687 The Big Boss Lost in Seconds (10)

Because this time's behavior was completely unexpected, the bodyguard was completely subdued by Xia Yumo's beautiful counterattack.

After grabbing the gun, he kicked the man off the wall and hit another bodyguard directly.

She took the opportunity to slide down the wall and quickly ran away across the path behind!

"No one found?!"

Han Zirui frowned, his eyes full of doubts, "Ouyang Hanting clearly said that people are locked up here!"

Next to Han Zirui, his assistant who has been with him for many years, couldn't help muttering, "Could he be lying to you at all, deliberately misleading you?"

Han Zirui shook his head immediately when he heard the words, "If he really doesn't want me to know, he will choose not to tell me and won't lie to me. Moreover, he won't make fun of Xia Yumo's life."

Ouyang Hanting's methods are sometimes not bright, but he is definitely a proud person.

Some things are easy to do, and some things don't bother to do at all.

"That's right. At the moment, he is busy dealing with the family's internal turmoil, and there are external turmoil. He has no skills at all. Although you are his rival in love in a certain sense, after all, you are also the same person who wants Miss Xia to be safe and well."

Han Zirui did not deny the assistant's words, but directly ordered, "Look! Find all the places around where people can hide! Be sure to find them for me. Remember, make sure she Unharmed!"


Xia Yumo was panting against the wall, her throat hurt, but this was not the worst, the worst thing was that her stomach started throbbing and churning, as if something was stirring indiscriminately inside!
Pain seized her body, but fear seized her heart and nerves!
Covering her stomach with one hand, she looked at the dark night around her with some despair, not knowing where to run!
"What should I do! Baby, don't do it again at this time...don't do it, be strong, hold on with Mommy, just hold on!"

Holding on to the wall, she limped forward. She didn't know if it was because she was too nervous and had auditory hallucinations, or if someone was actually chasing after her. There were always footsteps ringing in her ears, as if she would catch up soon. Same.

After stumbling like this and running for a while, the lower abdomen suddenly felt a sharp pain, followed by a burst of damp heat between the legs!
The pace of advancing froze suddenly, and subconsciously reached out to touch it, and then saw in the dim light, his hand was bright red!

"No! Don't!" She was terrified, "What should I do? What should I do, who will save my child, who will save her!"

She propped herself against the wall helplessly and looked around. The figure that appeared at the corner in front made her tense and wanted to run, but at this moment, she couldn't run anymore.

In order to keep the child, she must get treatment as soon as possible!

Therefore, she forcibly resisted the urge to run away, and tried her best to open her eyes wide to see the blurry figure in front of her gradually becoming clearer before her eyes.

"Momo? It's really you!"

Xia Yumo suddenly raised her head when she heard the sound, and tried her best to widen her blurred vision, "Xiao Jiu..."

Maybe it was because she suddenly relaxed, Xia Yumo only felt dizzy and dizzy, all the strength in her body left her body, and she fell backwards uncontrollably!
Yi Xiaoshi was shocked, and quickly rushed up to support her, "What's wrong with you?!"

After a night of shock, Xia Yumo's consciousness was stretched infinitely long, so her dreams also became infinitely long.

Trembling all over, gasping for breath, Yi Xiaoshi had to reach out and pat her face, "Wake up! Momo, wake up!" The reward and everyone who supports me drop children's shoes, good night]

(End of this chapter)

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