Chapter 704

Ouyang Hanting's life as a gardener lasted for seven months, and he was ordered by Xia Yumo to do all kinds of trivial things every day.

It was also during this period of time that he realized that he had a tendency to be masochistic. The more Xia Yumo directed him, the more he enjoyed it, and he ran more happily than anyone else.

On this day, Xia Yumo clamored to eat Chicken Leg Burger, Ouyang Hanting immediately washed his hands and made soup, and cooked the kitchen himself.

Seeing him so obedient, Xia Yumo was in a wonderful mood.

In fact, since he sneaked in as a gardener, he has been very obedient. Basically, he will never go west when she says east.

The degree of obedience to her has reached its peak.

This gave Xia Yumo a sense of accomplishment, and at the same time, she really felt that Ouyang Hanting had truly realized the mistakes he had made in the past and changed his past.

Xia Yumo was waiting with great anticipation for her breakfast to be served, when her stomach suddenly ached and became tighter and tighter, and she couldn't hold the plate in her hand, so she fell to the ground with a slap.

The sound of shattering plates alarmed Ouyang Hanting in the kitchen, and when he ran out quickly, he saw Xia Yumo holding the dining table with his stomach outstretched, his face pale, and his whole body trembling.

"Momo, what's wrong with you?!"

Ouyang Hanting flew to Xia Yumo, bent down and hugged her, his whole body panicked out of control, his heart stopped beating suddenly, afraid that something might happen to the person in his arms.

"It hurts, my stomach hurts so much! Maybe... I'm about to give birth!"

Ouyang Hanting's eyes widened in panic, and he repeated, "Is going to give birth? Is going to give birth?! Yes, I will take you to the hospital, we will go to the hospital immediately!"

Holding Xia Yumo in his arms, he ran outside. Xia Yumo was in so much pain that he could barely speak, his fingers tightly grabbed the clothes on his chest, "No, Junrong's research room!"

In Sao Paulo, Luli Junrong also has his own exclusive research laboratory. To be precise, his research laboratories are actually spread all over the world, but few people know about it.

"Okay... let's go to the research room"

Ouyang Hanting hurriedly called a car and went straight to Luli Junrong's research room.

They didn't realize that outside the mansion, the child was curled up in the corner, dressed in rags, but his eyes were full of strange calmness, just like the eyes of a nighthawk, watching all the movements within the field of vision.

Ouyang Hanting stood outside the isolation room, his whole body was anxious like ants on a hot pot, circling around the door non-stop.

In the isolation room, if there was not a hoarse scream, he would be shaken as if he had been shot.

An hour later, before the woman who gave birth was hoarse, he was almost paralyzed to the ground.

Whenever Luli Junrong's assistant passed by, he would pull her along and ask anxiously, "What's going on, why hasn't the baby been born yet?!"

The assistant gave him a white look, "Do you think the hen lays eggs after birth? Even if the hen lays eggs, she still has to squat for a while. Only then does the analgesia start, and it's still early before the birth."

At this time, Ouyang Hanting certainly couldn't think of getting angry.

On the other hand, Ouyang Jingxian, who came afterward, and Chu Han, who came here on purpose, were both annoyed and funny after hearing this.

"Brother, just sit down for a while, if you keep spinning like this, I'm going to faint."

"That's right, boss, look, the floor is about to be stepped out of the hole by you."

Ouyang Hanting turned around again and said, "No, I'm worried, why haven't you given birth yet. If I had known that giving birth would be so painful, I wouldn't have given birth."

Ouyang Jingxian and Chu Han were black lines at the same time, and he was discouraged before the family gave birth to a child.

After a while, Luli Junrong came late, and Ouyang Hanting greeted him immediately, "You are finally here, when will Momo give birth?"

(End of this chapter)

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