Chapter 705

Luli Junrong was a little funny, he had never seen Ouyang Hanting in such a disorderly manner.

At the beginning, Ouyang Hanting negotiated terms with him, using the Snake Venom Research Center as a condition, threatening and luring him, asking him to allow him to enter the house as a gardener to take care of Xia Yumo.At that time, the big boss had to be full of style. When negotiating, he had a well-founded and eloquent attitude, which was convincing. Looking at the current's self-destructive!

"Well, if you ask me, I'm afraid I can't answer. Generally speaking, it may take one or two hours to give birth if it goes well. If it doesn't go well, it may take three to five or seven hours. So Mr. Ouyang, you'd better be careful Be impatient."

"Three, five, seven hours?!" Ouyang Hanting roared, "Do you want Momo to die of pain?!"

Luli Junrong was speechless, Ouyang Hanting looked like a vexatious guy at this moment.

It hurt Xia Yumo to death, no matter how he counted it, it couldn't be counted on his Luli Junrong's head, right?

If Ouyang Hanting didn't sow the seeds, Xia Yumo wouldn't be pregnant, and naturally she wouldn't be in pain.

When giving birth, if the child doesn't toss so much, she won't be in pain.

Speaking of which, it was Ouyang Hanting and him who planted the seeds that hurt Xia Yumo.

He died unjustly for this crime.

"This is something no one can do. Mr. Ouyang waits patiently."

After Luli Junrong finished speaking, he opened the door to enter the isolation room.

At this time, Ouyang Hanting didn't care whether the midwife was a male doctor or a female doctor. He just wanted to save Xia Yumo from suffering and give birth to the baby as soon as possible.

"You must try to make Momo suffer as little as possible!"

Ouyang Hanting yelled at the closed door.

Ouyang Jingxian and Chu Han, black line again.

In the isolation room, Luli Junrong looked at Xia Yumo, who was profusely sweating, and ordered to the midwife with a solemn expression, "Insert oxygen, bring all the surgical equipment, and prepare for surgery at any time."


A female nurse immediately entered the cubicle to retrieve the items.

The other two female nurses kept reminding Xia Yumo how to breathe and how to exert force.

However, the child did not come out for a long time.

But Xia Yumo's heart rate began to go awry.

"What to do, the patient has signs of massive bleeding"

Luli Junrong stared at the monitor screen, then looked at Xia Yumo's condition, and decided decisively, "Prepare the blood bag and start the laparotomy!"


Another nurse quickly left the isolation room and went to the blood bank to collect blood.

Outside the door, when Ouyang Hanting saw someone coming out, he immediately wanted to ask about the situation.

But the nurse walked in a hurry, and didn't even mean to say a word to him, so she left quickly.

Ouyang Hanting's heart suddenly jumped to his throat, he could hardly breathe, and his face was surprisingly pale.

When the nurse came back, Ouyang Jingxian couldn't help asking, "How is the patient?"

Seeing that they were really anxious, the nurse quickly replied between opening the door, "The patient has signs of massive bleeding, and Dr. Luli is treating him."

Ouyang Hanting fell all over, hit the wall with his back, almost fell.

Hemorrhage... He only felt his ears buzzing, and only these three words were left echoing.

After five hours of torment, Xia Yumo felt as if she was both alive and dead, like a wandering soul walking on the edge of life and death, so light that she couldn't feel the weight, nor did she have any strength.

It wasn't until the child's loud cry sounded in her ears that she was shaken, and felt that the blood in her whole body seemed to flow, and her body had a little vitality.

Luli Junrong took off his mask, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and smiled relievedly at Xia Yumo, "Congratulations, Momo, you did it. He's a boy, six pounds and four ounces, and he's in very good shape."

Xia Yumo let out a breath, and before she had time to look at the child, she fell into a deep sleep.

"The baby is born?" In the slums, the man standing against the light had a cold voice, as if he had come from hell, with a bit of sinister taste.

(End of this chapter)

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