Chapter 706 The Disappearing Bride (1)


"Very good!" the man smiled, "The next step is up to you. If things are done well, not only can you leave this slum, but you can also become a billionaire."

"I will definitely do it well!"

The childish voice, with a certain taste, answered firmly.

"Then I'll wait and see."

Ouyang Hanting was finally allowed to enter the ward, where the eyes were, the woman lying on the bed, the skin was so clear that it would break if poked lightly, and there was no trace of blood on the whole face.

If it wasn't for the ups and downs of her chest, she would almost have thought that what was lying here was simply a...

Approaching the hospital bed, a small object clung to Xia Yumo's side, making some rattling noises from time to time. When she looked closely, she found that it was a wrinkled doll with its eyes closed, sucking its fingers with relish.

"Congratulations, Mr. Ouyang, you are a lovely young master."

The nurse next to her said with a smile in fluent Chinese.

Ouyang Hanting froze for a moment, shouldn't he be a young lady?He looked at the wrinkled dumpling with some depression, feeling very uncomfortable.

"Oh..." he replied in a very soft voice, as if afraid of waking Xia Yumo up.

The nurse left with a smile, leaving space for the family of three.

After the nurse left, Ouyang Hanting leaned against the bed, reached out and touched Xia Yumo's forehead, lightly stroked Kai's bangs, leaned over and kissed her forehead, and said in a low voice, "Thanks for your hard work, baby. you."

Squatting by the bed, holding Xia Yumo's slightly cold fingers, staring at her for a long time, he was really relieved to make sure that she was really well.

Xiaotuanzi next to him seemed unwilling to be ignored, so he hummed twice.

Having never seen a newborn child before, Ouyang Hanting was in a complicated mood and didn't know how to deal with it.

He stretched out his index finger and gently poked Xiaotuanzi's face. It was incredibly soft, and the soft touch made him want to pinch it, but he was afraid that he would break him if he pinched it lightly or hard.

"Life is really incredible." At some point, Xia Yumo woke up, saw him staring at the child in a daze, and smiled.

Hearing this, Ouyang Hanting couldn't hide his surprise, "Are you awake?"


"How do you feel? Is there any pain? Do you want to eat something? I'll make it for you."

Ouyang Hanting held Xia Yumo's hand and said quickly.

Xia Yumo looked at him amusedly, "I don't feel any pain now, and you can't eat until the caesarean section has exhaust gas. So, don't worry about me." She looked him up and down, "It's you, go back Take a shower and have a good sleep. Since I met you, today is the worst appearance you have."

Ouyang Hanting had put aside his appearance a long time ago, and now she reminded him that he didn't need to look in the mirror to know that he probably had no image at all.

But he didn't care, "It doesn't matter. Anyway, I have a wife and a son. It doesn't matter if someone is handsome or not."

Xia Yumo rolled her eyes, "It turns out that your appearance is used to attract female creatures."

"Congratulations, you got the right answer. Now, I've locked in a satisfactory one, and I don't plan to change it in the future, so, for the appearance and so on, let's go where it is cool."

Xia Yumo was speechless.

"Then you will be able to be a competent daddy in the future. My son is blessed."

When it came to the child, Ouyang Hanting said with some depression and disgust, "Tell me, why does he have a handle? It's wrinkled, small and ugly."

Xia Yumo quit, "Who said he is small and ugly, look at this thick eyebrow and straight nose, how handsome he is, much handsomer than you. In the future, you will only be left to die on the beach It's up to you."

Seeing Xia Yumo protecting the calf so much, Ouyang Hanting felt even more upset. He thought, by co-authoring it, he created a little love rival for himself. After this, will he still have a place in her heart? !

Xia Yumo completely ignored Ouyang Hanting's unhappy face, lovingly touched the child's face, and smiled as softly as water...

(End of this chapter)

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