Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 287 Entering the Palace

Chapter 287 Entering the Palace

"It's a pity, although the wine is good, but there is only this pot!" Chen Hu and Qian Renxue sat on the ground without grace, and couldn't help sighing.

Qian Renxue said angrily: "I spent a lot of effort to get this jug of wine. Father, because of the matter of the Jiwu Academy, has worked so hard during this period that his temper has deteriorated a lot. It’s because I don’t even dare to meet him, let alone bring wine out.”

Chen Hu chuckled, grabbed Xue Qinghe's wrist and ran out, saying, "Qinghe, come and don't be indecent, you invite me to drink, and I will invite you to drink too, and I want to have a good drink."

Qian Renxue let Chen Hu grab her wrist and ran out. A soft force emanated from Chen Hu, like a layer of silver glow covering the two of them.

A well-dressed young man and a middle-aged man were running on the busy street, but they didn't attract anyone's attention as if they didn't exist.

" the domain?" Qian Renxue was terrified, and couldn't help asking: "Brother, I remember that the domain you showed in Yuexuan last time was not the current domain, could it be that you..."

Chen Hudao: "That's right, I have two domain skills, one is the mutated Killing God domain, and the other is this Tai Chi domain."

"The fighting ability in the Killing God Domain is even better, while the Tai Chi Domain is even better in terms of assistance. Once I use the Tai Chi Domain, the sense of presence will become very low. Even if you run naked on the street, no one will notice you. .”

Qian Renxue's heart was churning, but she said angrily on her face, "Who wants to run naked in the street!"

Chen Hu laughed, didn't say much, but speeded up again, and led Qian Renxue quickly through the streets, towards the most prosperous place in Tiandou City.

Qian Renxue let Chen Hu lead him forward, but her heart raised a new level of importance to Chen Hu.

Domain skills have always been the rarest and most powerful soul skills, even Title Douluo may not necessarily have domain skills.

With such a powerful skill, it is already a genius for ordinary people to have one, let alone Chen Hu has two domain skills.

At the same time, Qian Renxue has to re-evaluate the combat power of her senior brother Hu Chen. With the help of the two major domains, even ordinary soul saints will not be his opponents!
Although Chen Hu said that his second domain, the Tai Chi domain, has no combat power, Qian Renxue believes that he is a ghost.

Not to mention whether there are other hidden attributes in the Tai Chi field, just the ability to reduce the sense of existence and cover up the breath is the most perfect skill for insidious people and assassination.

Seeing the increasingly familiar red courtyard wall, Qian Renxue finally couldn't help asking: "Brother, where are you taking me?"

"Of course it's drinking. Didn't you say that your father has a lot of fine wine in his collection? We must have a good drink here!" Chen Hu said as a matter of course.

"You... If you want to trespass on the palace, you don't want to die. Trespassing on the palace is a capital offense. You are not afraid of being caught by the Royal Knights and royal priests. They are all elites selected by thousands of people, and many of them are top-notch. Your soul master, once they discover that you broke into the palace privately and choose to kill you on the spot, even the teacher will not be able to save you." Qian Renxue couldn't help but worry.

"Don't worry, I won't be caught. Besides, don't you still have you? If I get caught, there will be nothing wrong with you, His Highness the Crown Prince. At worst, I'll just be the murderer who kidnapped His Highness the Crown Prince. Already!" Chen Hu patted Qian Renxue's shoulder and said indifferently,
He has long wanted to explore the Tiandou Empire Palace, is there a better opportunity than this?

With the alcoholic and somewhat unscrupulous persona he has always portrayed in front of Qian Renxue, it will not arouse Qian Renxue's suspicion.

"Okay, don't talk, we're going in!" Chen Hu said, he had already grabbed Qian Renxue's shoulders, and with a light leap, he rolled into the palace of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Qian Renxue had no choice but to shut up.

He is no stranger to the imperial palace, but choosing this way to enter and exit the imperial palace still makes Qian Renxue, who has always been a good girl, feel a little exciting in her heart.

I just want to make better friends with senior brother through this method... Qian Renxue emphasized in her heart.

This experience of doing bad things together can deepen the relationship between two people.

Tiandou Imperial Palace has a post at ten steps and a sentry at five steps, and is closely guarded.

In this world where soul masters exist, one's own force can even take the head of an enemy's general in speech. The royal family of the Heaven Dou Empire is not good at force, so the guards in the palace are also extremely strict.

The Tiandou Royal Knights have nearly 5000 troops, and [-] troops are stationed in the barracks on the outskirts of Tiandou City, of which [-] are dedicated to guarding the palace, and they are rotated with the barracks outside the city every three months.

The safety of the palace was also entrusted to the [-] elite soldiers of the Royal Knights.

Apart from the Royal Knights, the Heaven Dou Empire's palace is in the dark, and there is another powerful force protecting the palace, the Royal Enshrining Corps.

There are not many people in this team, but those who can join the Royal Enshrinement Corps are almost all top soul masters with keen perception and strong strength.

The Royal Knights are aimed at ordinary enemies, while the Royal Enshrinement is aimed at soul masters with evil intentions.

The two forces are bright and dark, even Title Douluo cannot come before Emperor Xue Ye unscathed.

The moment he stepped into the palace, the Tai Chi domain on Chen Hu's body had spread out without a sound. In the Tai Chi domain, the auras of both of them seemed to disappear.

"Qinghe, you are most familiar with this place, so I trouble you to lead the way!" Chen Hu said.

Qian Renxue glanced at him, and led Chen Hu through the complicated palace.

The route Qian Renxue chose was exactly where the guards of the Heaven Dou Palace were weakest.

Chen Hu had the idea of ​​the Tiandou Imperial Treasure House, so naturally he would not be ignorant of the layout and guards of the Tiandou Imperial Palace.

According to Chen Hu's knowledge, the guarding force in Tiandou Palace has been changing all the time. The path Qian Renxue took him today may be the safest path, but next time it may be a dead end path.

Under Qian Renxue's leadership, the two of them could avoid most of the guards in Tiandou Palace, and if they couldn't avoid it, Chen Hu could also rely on the Tai Chi domain to solve it.

Even the sensitive and experienced soldiers of the Royal Knights, under the influence of Chen Hu's Tai Chi domain, could not find the difference between Chen Hu and Qian Renxue.

Seeing this scene, Qian Renxue was even more convinced of the horror of Chen Hu's field, which was simply a magic skill of sneak attack and assassination.

Even if the two of them followed the patrolling soldiers grandly, they couldn't attract the attention of these soldiers. This ability was simply terrifying.

However, the field of Tai Chi is not omnipotent.

Chen Hu felt no less than ten extremely terrifying auras in the Heaven Dou Palace, each of them was a soul master of the Contra realm, secretly monitoring all the troubles of the Heaven Dou Palace.

The Tai Chi field may affect Contra's perception to a certain extent, but this is when Contra's mental power is not concentrated, and Chen Hu himself cannot be too abrupt.

With these Contras concentrating on observing their surroundings, the Tai Chi domain had limited effect, and Chen Hu didn't dare to swagger in front of them, but chose to avoid the area where these Contras were located as much as possible.

"Here we are, the palace in front is the imperial dining room, and below is the wine cellar where the tribute wine is stored!" Qian Renxue whispered.

Chen Hu nodded, stopped his pace, his eyes were somewhat solemn, one of the breaths of Contra he felt was the palace that Qian Renxue pointed out.

The imperial dining room is related to the problem of eating for everyone in the palace. Food is the most important thing for people, and the place to eat is also the top priority of the palace guards. It is only natural that there is a Contra guarding it.

Qian Renxue naturally knew that Contra was in charge of the Imperial Dining Room, but he also wanted to test Chen Hu's strength, so he deliberately didn't say anything. Seeing that Chen Hu stopped moving forward, he asked curiously: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong? ?”

Chen Hu nodded, "There is a Contra in front, and I can't hide my Taiji domain from him!"

"Then what should we do? Otherwise, let's go back directly. It's not easy to sneak into the imperial dining room under Contra's nose." Qian Renxue said.

Chen Hu shook his head, "It's okay, just look at me."

Chen Hu spread out the Tai Chi domain to cover up his aura, without releasing any energy, and led Qian Renxue slowly approaching the place where the Contra was.

The left hand pinched the fingerprints in the sleeve, and the cold smell of alcohol hovered around the fingertips.

call out!
The sparkling light and wine gas turned into a stream of light and flew away, merging into the body of that Contra without warning.

This is the time!
Chen Hu thought secretly, and took Qian Renxue with him in a flash, and had already entered the imperial dining room.

The life and death talisman, Thunder!
The life-death talisman has the ability to change all the attributes of Chen Hu's soul skills. Thunder originally increased the reaction speed of the user, but it can be used through the reversal power of the life-death talisman, which can slow down the opponent's reaction speed.

Chen Hu took advantage of that Contra's reaction to drop, and rushed into the imperial dining room with Qian Renxue.

Most of the chefs in the imperial dining room are ordinary people. Even if there are soul masters, they are only soul masters of the food department, and they can't find the clues of the Tai Chi field at all.

Just like that, the two of them swaggered to the underground wine cellar in Tiandou Palace, opened a jar of fine wine, and began to drink freely.

After a while, Chen Hu shook his head, threw away the wine jar, and said loudly: "Not enough, not enough, not at all!"

"Brother, what's wrong?" Qian Renxue asked.

Chen Hudao: "Drinking the wine you brought Qinghe, and then drinking this royal tribute wine will taste like chewing wax."

Qian Renxue didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Brother, the wines I brought are fine wines that my father has preserved for many years, and they are all stored in the royal treasury."

"The royal treasury is of great importance, and the guards are even stricter, and the treasury cannot be entered without the key of the father, so you can make do with it, senior brother."

Royal Treasury!

Chen Hu's eyes flashed brightly, and he said, "It's okay, let's go and have a look, and we don't have to go in!"

(End of this chapter)

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