Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 288 Soul King Drunk

Chapter 288 Soul King Drunk

Qian Renxue couldn't beat Chen Hu, so she had no choice but to let Chen Hu get out of the wine cellar and walk in the direction of the royal treasure house.

The effect of the thunder soul skill activated by the Life and Death Talisman has not disappeared, so it is naturally impossible for Contra guarding the imperial dining room to find Chen Hu and Qian Renxue who have left in a flash.

The thunder soul skill is aimed at the opponent's thinking level. Under the cover of the Tai Chi domain, it is difficult for even Contra to detect the abnormality in a short period of time.

The location of the royal treasure house is on a hill in the deepest part of the palace, and the periphery is irrigated with molten iron. There is only one deep tunnel that can lead directly to the royal treasure house.

The hole outside the royal treasure house was guarded by nearly a hundred soldiers of the Royal Knights wearing bright armor.

The eyes of nearly a hundred people blocked almost all blind spots, and even flies couldn't fly in.

Not to mention, there is a thick fine steel gate at the entrance of the cave.

The gate was closed tightly, more than five meters high, exuding a simple and heavy atmosphere.

It is very difficult to approach the gate in full view, let alone push the heavy iron gate and sneak into the royal treasure house without alarming them.

In the dark, there are more than two thick auras that are not inferior to the imperial dining room looming.

There are actually two Contras guarding the Royal Treasure House, which shows how much the Heaven Dou Imperial Family attaches great importance to the Royal Treasure House.


Chen Hu's eyes flicked over a soldier patrolling the door, and his heart froze, he almost didn't realize that this person was also a Contra.

If it wasn't for the Tai Chi domain, if he was extremely sensitive to the enemy's breath, he might not be able to find the Contra hidden in the ordinary Royal Knights.

And if someone really wanted to break into the royal treasury, the Contra hidden among the ordinary soldiers of the Royal Knights would be the deadliest weapon.

After all, no one would have thought that a Contra level powerhouse would be willing to pretend to be an ordinary soldier.

The soldiers of the Heaven Dou Royal Knights are already the elite among the elite in the mainland army, but they are not enough for those who have the confidence to enter the Heaven Dou Palace at night, and they are often the most easily overlooked.

It has to be said that the royal family of the Heaven Dou Empire has already attached a certain degree of importance to the royal treasury.

"Senior brother, you have also seen that there is a net outside the royal treasure house, why don't we go back, at worst I will go back and beg my father to ask you some pots of top-quality wine!" Qian Renxue whispered in Chen Hu's ear audio channel.

Even with Xue Qinghe's status as the crown prince, sneaking into such an important place as the royal treasury is still a felony, and it is not impossible to even say that the position of crown prince is abolished.

"It's okay, Qinghe, if you're afraid, you can go back first. Now that you've come here, I have to give it a try before I'm reconciled!" Chen Hu said, looking at Qian Renxue, waiting for Qian Renxue's answer.

The royal treasury was the goal of his trip, so he was naturally unwilling to give up just like that.

It's a pity that Tiandou's royal treasury should also have special means to isolate the connection between the inside and outside of the treasury, and the induction between the keys of Thor can't determine whether there is really another Thor key in the royal treasury.

A gleam flashed in Qian Renxue's eyes, she sighed helplessly, and said, "In this case, I'd better follow you, at least with me, even if you are discovered, you have a chance to save your life."

"Good brother, you're loyal enough, I'm sure you're right!" Chen Hu said with a big laugh as if he didn't realize what Qian Renxue was thinking.

Qian Renxue smiled reluctantly, and asked with a very reluctant look: "Brother, what are we going to do? There are nearly a hundred soldiers of the Heaven Dou Royal Knights guarding in front, how can we sneak in under the watchful eyes of everyone?" Entering the royal treasury, and the gate of the treasury is also an impenetrable hurdle!"

Even if they made up their minds to sneak into the royal treasury, the nearly [-] soldiers of the Royal Knights at the entrance of the royal treasury and the gate of the royal treasury were two problems lying in front of them.

As the place where the royal family of the Heaven Dou Empire treasures, the Royal Treasure House has accumulated countless treasures over countless years, which will naturally attract the coveting of countless people.

In this world where soul masters are paramount, there is never a shortage of those who are bold enough to push their ideas to the royal treasury.

And the Tiandou Empire has been established for so many years, except for a few times, the royal treasure house has never missed.

For a soul emperor and a soul sect to infiltrate the royal treasury, it is undoubtedly a dream.

"Eat it!" Chen Hu took out a porcelain bottle from Xumijie, poured out a red pill from it, and said to Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue frowned uncontrollably, but without any hesitation, she took the red pill and swallowed it in one gulp.

Chen Hu couldn't help asking: "Aren't you afraid that this is poison?"

Qian Renxue said: "I believe in Senior Brother's character."

If she didn't know Qian Renxue's true identity, Qian Renxue's actions just now would have moved anyone.

In a short sentence, full of deep trust.

But Qian Renxue's current identity is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, and in the future His Majesty the Emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire will still trust a person so sincerely that even a person with a heart of stone will be moved by him.

Chen Hu was in a daze for a moment, and said, "This is the antidote to a poison I prepared. Don't worry, it's not poison."

"Senior brother wants to use poison to poison the guards here, but the royal treasury is definitely not as simple as a hundred royal knights in this area. There must be Contra-level powerhouses in the dark, even if it is Poison Douluo Dugu Bo Quietly poison the Contra!" Qian Renxue guessed what Chen Hu was thinking all of a sudden, and couldn't help reminding her.

"Dugu Bo is not the only one who knows how to play poison. His poison is indeed good, but it doesn't mean that there is no more powerful poison in this world." Chen Hu said with a confident smile.

There is no separation between medicine and poison. He practiced medicine hard since he was a child. He may not be as good as Tang San in terms of poison use, and his poison skills are not as good as Dugu Bo, but it doesn't mean that his poison is easy.

Moreover, he has a big killer!
"But...these soldiers are all loyal soldiers of our Heaven Dou Empire, isn't it too cruel to poison them directly!" Qian Renxue hesitated.

Chen Hu glanced at Qian Renxue angrily, "Who said they were going to kill them with poison? Don't you know that there is a kind of poison called ecstasy?"

Qian Renxue was taken aback, unable to laugh or cry, he thought that Chen Hu was really the kind of person who killed innocent people indiscriminately.

Of course, if Chen Hu really chose to use poison to kill the soldiers of the Royal Knights, Qian Renxue would have to wonder if Chen Hu had ulterior motives.

At the same time, Qian Renxue couldn't help being a little curious, what kind of drug could be used to stun Soul Douluo!

Chen Hu drove his soul power, touched the surface of Xumijie, and another small jade bottle appeared in his hand.

The drug in the small jade bottle was learned by Chen Hu from Liu Aqi's medical skills, and its name was Hun Wang Zui.

The drug will volatilize with the wind, just take a little bit, and the soul king will also be stunned.

The drug is a special kind of poison, its toxicity is not as intense as ordinary poisons, and it is very difficult to stun a spirit master.

The soul king's drunk can stun the soul king, which is already the top type of drug.

Compared with most drugs, Soul King Drunk has another great advantage, that is, it is colorless and odorless, and it goes away with the wind, which is most suitable for the current situation.

However, there is the Soul Emperor in the Royal Knights, not to mention there are three Contras hidden in the dark.

A cautious look appeared on Chen Hu's face, and the Taiji domain turned into a layer of light gauze and covered him and Qian Renxue, and then took out a snow-white medicinal herb from the small world of Wuhun.

Snow-colored swan kisses!
This is exactly the fairy product that Chen Hu traded from Tang San, Snow-colored Swan Kiss.

Unlike other immortal products, even the extreme immortal product herb like Yin Yang Twin Blossoms still has half of its vitality.

But the Snowy Swan Kiss is different, it is not poisonous itself, but it is the most terrifying poison in the world, it can expand the toxin by hundreds or even thousands.

Even if it's just a little poison, it will become highly poisonous after being stimulated by the snow-colored swan kiss.

And pointed like a knife, a trace of extremely restrained murderous aura materialized and condensed into a blade.

With a light swipe of the fingertip, a slender petal fell, and the small jade bottle containing the soul king's drunk was opened, and the snow-colored swan kissed the fallen petals just fell into the soul king's drunk.

"Hold your breath, I will use the domain to isolate the breath of the soul king's drunkenness, but I am worried that the domain will not be able to completely isolate the breath of the soul king's drunkenness after the snow-colored swan kiss, so be careful!" Chen Hu carefully put away The rest of the snow-colored swan kissed and asked.

"Brother, what is the herb you took out just now? I don't think I've seen it before." Qian Renxue asked curiously.

He could see that Chen Hu became extra vigilant after taking out the snow-colored swan kiss.

However, with his knowledge, he has never heard of what the white herb is?
However, Qian Renxue knew that what Chen Hu valued so much must be unusual, so Qian Renxue couldn't help asking curiously.

Chen Hu said solemnly: "This thing is called Snowy Swan Kiss. ​​It is non-toxic, but it can stimulate the toxins in the human body thousands of times. It can be said to be one of the most overbearing poisons in the world."

The snow-colored swan kiss is used well, it is the most terrifying poison in the world.

In the original book, Tang San used it to destroy the Slaughter City, but he didn't fully display its power at all.

Of course, the snow-colored swan kiss does not distinguish between enemy and friend, Tang San is also afraid of its terrifying power, so he dare not use it lightly.

After all, if one is not good, the snow-colored swan kiss may be his own death talisman.

The Tai Chi domain is the talent domain of the Yin Yang wine gourd, and it is the embodiment of the power of the immortal grass, the Yin and Yang twin flowers. Only the Tai Chi domain can isolate the breath of the snow-colored swan kiss, which is why Chen Hu dared to use the snow-colored swan kiss.

The soul king's drunk, triggered by the snow-colored swan kiss, can definitely stun Contra.

Sure enough, with the volatilization of the soul king's drunken breath, there was a sound of plopping, and all the soldiers of the Royal Knights in front fainted on the ground without exception.

The Contra disguised soldier held on for a little longer, opened his mouth, but couldn't speak, and fainted to the ground.

At the same time, two figures fell from the top of the hill, they were two dark Contras.

"Let's go!" Chen Hu snarled, and leaped out with Qian Renxue, before coming to the heavy iron gate.

(End of this chapter)

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