Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 289 Exposure

Chapter 289 Exposure
The thick gate made of fine iron stands in front of you, and there is no gap at all except for a keyhole in the middle.

On the gate, there are special rune inscriptions, exuding an ancient atmosphere.

Soul guide!
This door is actually the soul guidance technology handed down from ancient times.

Although soul guidance technology has been lost for a long time, many big forces will have the application of soul guidance technology.

Chen Hu carefully observed the patterns on the gate, trying to use other methods to crack the gate.

The royal family of the Heaven Dou Empire attached great importance to the royal treasury, even the guardian Contra did not have a key.

Qian Renxue at the side focused on the fainted people on the ground.

"It can really stun Soul Douluo!" Qian Renxue couldn't help but marvel.

It's ridiculous to say it, Contra-level powerhouses are enough to start a sect, but they are all overwhelmed by a small drug.

After being amazed, Qian Renxue thought of the magical snow-colored swan kiss in Chen Hu's hand, and a thought moved in her heart, and she said, "Brother, can you give me a snow-colored swan kiss?"

Chen Hu looked back.

Qian Renxue said: "I know that a treasure like the snow-colored swan kiss is of infinite value, but I really need its petals. I can exchange them with you. You can mention anything you want, even if it is a soul bone, I can also give it to you." Find a way to help you get one."

Soul bone!

Chen Hu was a little surprised, guessing what Qian Renxue wanted the snow-colored swan kiss for, he shook his head and said: "Qinghe, we still need to talk about our relationship? Although the snow-colored swan kiss is not poisonous , but it is also the most terrifying poison in the world, so you must be careful and never touch its petals."

With that said, Chen Hu took out the snow-colored swan kiss again, and sent a petal to Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue looked at the beautiful white petals in front of her. If she hadn't seen its horror before, Qian Renxue would never have thought that such a small petal could easily take a person's life.

Carefully took out a sealed jade box from the space soul guide that she carried with her, and put the snow-colored swan-kissed flower petals inside, Qian Renxue said seriously: "Brother, I owe you a favor, and there will be a lot of favors in the future." report."

Chen Hu nodded and continued to study the gate of the royal treasure house.

After studying the soul guide books collected by the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Chen Hu also has a certain understanding of soul guide devices. The soul guide technology involved in this fine iron gate is not complicated, but it has no solution.

There are only two ways to open this door, one is to use the matching key to open the door, and the other is to destroy it violently.

It is naturally impossible for Chen Hu to obtain the key from Emperor Xue Ye, so he has only one choice.

As soon as he thought about it, the Wanxiao Knife had appeared in his hand, followed by the Death God Domain, and the pure murderous aura was condensed into a blade under the control of the knife intent, permeating the blade of the Hunxiao Knife.

The Tai Chi field unfolded, and black and white rays of light forced out from Chen Hu's body. A three-dimensional black and white Tai Chi picture enveloped Chen Hu's body, and the black and white light concealed the major soul skills on Chen Hu's body. of light.

All Qian Renxue could see were the six spirit rings that kept dancing on Chen Hu's body.

A huge pressure of soul power was released naturally, Qian Renxue let out a muffled snort, and couldn't stop taking a few steps back, her heart suddenly turned upside down.

His real soul power level is not lower than Chen Hu's, but the aura rising from Chen Hu's body is actually somewhat higher than his real body.

If it wasn't for Chen Hu being much older than him, Qian Renxue would have wondered if she was a real genius.

"go with!"

Chen Hu let out a low cry, and the Qi machine in his whole body collapsed to a point, and then poured out instantly.

The extremely terrifying blood-colored knife light tore through the sky, black and white spots of light continuously converged towards the blood-colored knife light, and the power of the already terrifying blood-colored knife light skyrocketed once again.

When the knife light touched the fine iron gate, a layer of black ripples spread, and the runes on the gate lit up one after another, and the whole hill began to tremble.

The fine iron gate is connected to the whole hill through the power of soul guidance technology, and Chen Hu's attack is continuously guided into the whole hill through the soul guidance rune.

However, under the sharp light of the knife, the runes on the fine iron gate also began to shatter, and the power of the sword light condensed by the Killing God Domain and the knife intent attached to the Wanxiao knife was also constantly being consumed.


There was an ear-piercing piercing sound, and the blade of the Wanxiao Knife finally came into contact with the refined iron gate. The black and white blade directly cut through the runes on the gate and pierced into the refined iron gate.

At this time, the heat absorbed by the fire ant runes condensed on the blade when the blade rubbed against the air and the iron door burst out in an instant.

After an earth-shattering explosion, the fine iron gate outside the royal treasure house was torn apart.

"No, senior brother, there is too much movement here, let's go!"

All this is very long to say, but it is only a matter of a moment. Qian Renxue reacted instantly, grabbed Chen Hu's wrist, and Chen Hu, who was falling with breath, jumped out.

At the same time, Qian Renxue did not forget to cover her face with a corner of her skirt.

"There are assassins..." Accompanied by a loud roar, terrifying soul power breaths soared into the sky from all sides in Tian Dou Imperial Palace, there were no less than ten paths, all of them were Contra breaths.

These auras were in the middle, and a more powerful aura came out, even if it was not as good as Title Douluo, it was not far behind.

Level 89 peak Contra!

"Brave maniac, you dare to trespass in the palace, you are looking for death!" A loud shout came, and the 89-level peak Contra in the center crossed half of the Heaven Dou Palace in a single leap. In front of Chen Hu and Qian Renxue.

Another terrifying aura also surrounded Chen Hu and Qian Renxue from all directions.

"Senior brother, you've made me miserable!" Qian Renxue smiled wryly, a dazzling golden light burst out from her body, and six soul rings, two yellow, two purple, and two black, rushed out of her body, and a ball of bright golden light shot out of her body. Gather behind him.

Under the dazzling golden light, people couldn't see the martial spirit inside clearly.

However, after the golden light merged with Qian Renxue, a pair of huge snow-white wings suddenly grew behind Qian Renxue. With the wings waving, Qian Renxue hugged Chen Hu's body and directly soared into the sky.

"Want to go, did you go?"

The person who came yelled violently, a layer of blood glowed instantly on his body, and a pair of blood-colored wings grew out of his back, eight soul rings flew along with his body, and a blood-feathered sword appeared in his hand, soaring into the sky, straight He came after Qian Renxue.

The visitor's fifth and sixth spirit rings were already glowing, and their flying speed was even faster than that of Qian Renxue, who was carrying Chen Hu, who was dragging the oil bottle.

No, I have to fight back... After Qian Renxue saw the bloody wings behind the visitor, she already understood that it would be unrealistic to run away without launching a counterattack.

When it breaks, it breaks!

Qian Renxue sneered coldly, a bright golden light burst out from her body, the fifth soul ring suddenly lit up, and the holy sword condensed by the light and holy power suddenly slashed out, the sword intent was fierce, and a sword full of holy power The huge half-moon arc light blade slashed towards the peak Contra.

The holy sword has a strong restraint effect on evil attribute martial souls.

The light blade slashed, Xue Yiqing felt that her martial soul was trembling and frightened in front of this light blade.

Xue Yiqing's martial soul is a mutated swan martial soul blood red swan, and it is the mutation of the martial soul that allows Xue Yiqing to break through the limitations of the Heaven Dou royal family's not outstanding martial soul talent, and cultivate to the peak soul of level 89 Douluo's realm.

The blood red swan is an evil martial spirit, so it is naturally restrained by the holy sword.

However, Xue Yiqing's abundant soul power is far from what Qian Renxue can match.

"Angel Wuhun, it turns out to be a little beast from the Wuhun Palace. If you dare to trespass into my Heaven Dou Palace, you will die here today!"

Xue Yiqing gave a cold shout, directly activating the seventh soul skill, Martial Soul Avatar, driven by the huge soul power, she turned into an exquisite blood-red swan and rushed towards the waving light blade.

When Qian Renxue summoned the holy sword, Xue Yiqing finally confirmed Qian Renxue's identity, her murderous intent bloomed, and she did not hold back her attacks.

The blood-red velvet feathers melted continuously, and Xue Yiqing, who had transformed into a blood-red swan, had already rushed in front of Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue gave a cold cry, and swung the sword with one hand, the divine power gathered, and collided with Xue Yiqing, the blood-red swan.

The two collided, Xue Yiqing's figure stopped, but Qian Renxue took advantage of the momentum and flew backwards, widening the distance between Xue Yiqing and Xue Yiqing.

The difference in soul power between the two was too great, and the restraint of the martial soul could no longer make up for it. Half suspended in the air, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and his face became extremely pale.

"Qinghe, let me go!" Chen Hu, who was held in Qian Renxue's arms, said.

No matter what, when Qian Renxue wanted to take him with her at the expense of revealing her identity, Chen Hu already regarded Qian Renxue as a true friend.

Qian Renxue took a look at Chen Hu, and now they were at an altitude of 500 meters. If they fell from such a high place, even the Soul Emperor would only end in pieces.

But Qian Renxue still came to Chen Hu loosely, not because he didn't pay attention to Chen Hu, but because he completely trusted Chen Hu.

Breaking away from Qian Renxue's arms, Chen Hu just fell more than ten meters, and behind him, a pair of wings formed by the condensed lightning of more than ten meters spread out. There was a whistling sound of wind and thunder, and Chen Hu was already standing side by side with Qian Renxue.

A spirit bone attached!

Qian Renxue saw at a glance that Chen Hu's wings were different from his angel wings, they were formed by the condensed external soul bones. She couldn't help but be surprised, and looked at Chen Hu with brilliant eyes... I really don't know him How many surprises will it bring to yourself.

The Dawn Sword appeared in his hand, and the Wuhun Yinyang Wine Gourd also appeared. Six soul rings shone brighter than Qian Renxue, and the aura on Chen Hu's body was somewhat stronger than Qian Renxue's.

Relying on the wind, thunder and lightning wings to stay in the air, Chen Hu looked at Xue Yiqing vigilantly.

This was the first time he fought an enemy in the sky, and the opponent was also a powerful Contra.

The oppression that Xue Yiqing brought to Chen Hu even surpassed that of Yu Qi of the Landian Tyrannosaurus family.

And now Chen Hu no longer has the blessing of Ning Rongrong's Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, but he has a more powerful teammate, Qian Renxue.

Chen Hu had no fear in his heart, but he felt a little pity.

The fine iron gate was broken, and he felt the breath of the Thunder God key from the royal treasury. Unfortunately, this time he was too late to take the Thor key from the royal treasury.

Once it is completely blocked by more than a dozen Contra qi machines, even if Chen Hu and Qian Renxue join forces, it may be difficult to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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