Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 290 Escape From Heaven

Chapter 290 Escape From Heaven (Two in One)

Xue Yiqing stood in the air, looked at the wings behind Chen Hu and Qian Renxue, and sneered: "The two little soul emperors have flying soul skills, no wonder they dared to trespass into the royal treasure house, but today you two Stay here!"

A layer of blood glowed from Xue Yiqing's body, and a huge breath of soul power permeated, second only to Title Douluo.

However, both Qian Renxue and Chen Hu's bodies had a faint halo blooming, which cut off the oppressive soul power emanating from Xue Yiqing's body.


Chen Hu's body is naturally in the realm of Tai Chi, and the three-dimensional black and white Tai Chi diagram flows slowly, exuding a mysterious and mysterious atmosphere.

And Qian Renxue is as bright as the sun, and the field constructed by countless golden lights is filled with light and sacred power.

Under the power of this domain, Qian Renxue's body seemed to become unreal.

It is not surprising that an angel martial soul with an innate soul power of twentieth rank has a talent field.

This is Qian Renxue's angel domain.

The strange thing is that this domain power is not exclusive to Chen Hu's Tai Chi domain, the two domains overlap, the power of the sacred light and the power of Tai Chi Yin-Yang converge, covering Xue Yiqing together.

The huge aura of Contra on Xue Yiqing's body was directly weakened by [-]% under the suppression of the two major domains.

"Field!" Feeling the ubiquitous oppressive force in the air, Xue Yiqing's complexion changed, and her eyes became extraordinarily serious.

The breath of life of the two is like the rising sun, although Xue Yiqing doesn't know the exact age of the two, but one thing is certain, the age of the two must not be very old.

Xue Yiqing didn't pay attention to the two young soul emperors even if they possessed the flying soul ability.

Blood Red Swan is not considered the top sky spirit, but given the huge gap in spirit power, he is confident enough to snipe and kill these two in the air.

But the appearance of the domain, and Qian Renxue's sacred martial soul, all made Xue Yiqing feel a little jealous in her heart.


Chen Hu and Qian Renxue condensed their soul power almost at the same time, swooping up and down towards Xue Yiqing.

The dazzling thunder light bloomed, and the speed of Chen Hu, who was flapping his wind, thunder and lightning wings, was even faster than Qian Renxue.

Amidst the whistling of wind and thunder, the blazing light of the sword shone in the sky!

The blood-red feather sword in Xue Yiqing's hand lay across in front of her body, and her huge soul power condensed into a Gang.

The light of the knife splashed out like a tide, and Xue Yiqing was shocked.

What a great power!
The power that erupted after the Hunxiao Dao came into contact with the blood-red feather sword was transmitted to him through the sword body, even his body could not restrain himself and flew upside down, and the blood-red wings slapped vigorously before stagnating in the air.

Under the suppression of the huge level of soul power, the power of the Hunxiao knife is not enough to push Xue Yiqing back to this point.

However, at the moment when the power of the Hunxiao knife disappeared, the fire ant rune burst on the blade, and Xue Yiqing suffered a loss by being caught off guard.

Xue Yiqing tried his best to defuse the power of the fire ants.

However, what followed one after another was Qian Renxue's holy sword filled with the power of light.

The blazing white sacred sword purified the blood-red soul power on Xue Yiqing's body, and when the sword slashed out, the slender blood feathers of the blood-red feather sword melted like ice and snow.

Chen Hu's attack must have surpassed Qian Renxue's, but Qian Renxue's sacred sword posed a greater threat to Xue Yiqing.

A ferocious look appeared on Xue Yiqing's face, the fourth soul ring suddenly lit up, with purple light shining, the ferocious look on Xue Yiqing's face disappeared, and everything turned into calm and soft.

However, Yuki Haru with a soft expression gave off a more dangerous feeling.

"The fourth soul skill, Soul Purification Realm!" Xue Yiqing, who was short of breath, let out a low voice, forming a mudra with his left hand, a snow-white light diffused from his chest, instantly covering his body.

Wherever the white light passed, the blood light on Xue Yiqing's body turned into white, and the blood-red feathered sword in his hand also turned into velvety white.

Rendered by white light, Xue Yiqing's aura seemed to be purified, the evil spirit disappeared instantly, and the restraint of the angel spirit's sacred attribute on him naturally disappeared.

And without the restraint of attributes, Qian Renxue also fell into crisis in the face of the huge gap in soul power.

Huge soul power erupted, and Qian Renxue was directly sent flying.

Xue Yiqing waved her snow-white wings and turned into a white shadow to catch up to Qian Renxue in an instant, and swung down the snow-white feather sword in her hand.

Xuebai Yujian seems to be weak, but under the blessing of Xue Yiqing's huge soul power, it is no less sharp than Hunxiao Dao.

If this sword hits, Qian Renxue will be seriously injured if she does not die.

The whistling sound of wind and thunder came, and a black and white long knife appeared in front of Xuebai Yujian.

The blood-red murderous aura burst out!
Countless murderous auras slanted out in an instant, even if Xue Yiqing was a Contra, under the explosion of murderous aura condensed in such a close killing god domain, she couldn't help but feel her heart tremble, and the strength in her hands also Weakened by three points.

At this moment, the God of Death Domain, which has been hidden all this time, finally showed its edge.

The sword intent soared into the sky, giving the murderous aura a strong attack power, and countless blood-colored blades swept towards Xue Yiqing.

Qian Renxue gave a shallow drink, and did not take advantage of the opportunity carefully created by Chen Hu to escape. The black sixth soul ring suddenly lit up, and the sixth soul skill angel roared and rushed out.

Accompanied by a sharp cry, a circle of invisible sound waves rushed towards Xue Yiqing.

Qian Renxue's sixth soul skill Angel's Roar is not a simple sonic attack, but a rare soul attack.

Through the transformation of the sixth soul ring, the angel soul power turned into pure spiritual power and rushed out.

Those who are attacked will experience strong mental turmoil.

The angel came after the roar, and Xue Yiqing, who was already intimidated by the killing god's domain, was hit by Qian Renxue's mental shock again. She had a splitting headache and couldn't help letting out a painful roar, subconsciously wanting to hug herself head.

Countless blood-colored blades pierced through Xue Yiqing's protective soul power, and cut blood-red scars on Xue Yiqing's body.

Contra's physique is already extremely strong, and the bloody blade formed by the fusion of sword intent and killing god domain is no longer enough to cause irreversible injuries to Yuki Haru after passing through Yuki Haru's protective soul power.

Even, if it weren't for the sword intent fused in the killing god domain, it would have the property of destroying the soul power of the soul master's body protection. The materialized blade condensed by the pure killing god domain would not even be able to penetrate the opponent's body protection soul power .

You must know that no matter whether it is Chen Hu or Qian Renxue, there is a [-]-level gap in soul power between them and Xue Yiqing. Even the domain and the soul bones on them cannot erase this huge gap.

The knife intent was like maggots attached to the bones, crazily eroding Xue Yiqing's meridians, and the severe pain instantly spread throughout the whole body. Xue Yiqing's face returned to a ferocious color, and her eyes were blood red.

At this moment, even Xue Yiqing's fourth soul ability could hardly suppress the bloody aura of his martial soul Blood Red Swan.

The blood red swan stood out from the not-so-great swan spirits of the Xue family of the Tiandou imperial family, and even cultivated to the realm of the 89th-level peak Contra. , How could it be possible to completely purify the evil and bloody aura on his body?
The Soul Purification Realm can only cover up the appearance of the blood red swan, but cannot change his essence.

When Xue Yiqing was emotionally agitated to the extreme, the Soul Purification Realm couldn't hide the evil and bloody aura on him.

A blood-red swan loomed behind Xue Yiqing, dancing gracefully, leaving afterimages in the sky.

The third soul skill, swan dance!

The swan danced, and afterimages merged with Yuki Haru's body.

Every time an afterimage was fused, the clarity in Xue Yiqing's eyes recovered a bit. Although she couldn't completely wake up from the impact of Qian Renxue's soul ability, she had recovered enough consciousness.

Not only that, after the return of the afterimage of the Swan Dance, the knife intent in Xue Yiqing's body was slowly melting away.

Qian Renxue and Chen Hu exchanged glances, and at the same time drew back, pulling a long distance in the sky from Xue Yiqing.

Xue Yiqing didn't stop the two of them, he also needed to use the swan dance soul skill to restore his state.

In the confrontation in just a short period of time, Xue Yiqing undoubtedly suffered a disadvantage.

He even felt a deadly threat from Chen Hu. If he hadn't relied on the swan dance to restore his clarity, he even doubted whether he would be able to withstand Chen Hu's next attack under the situation just now. .

Xue Yiqing's face was solemn, and he used multiple soul skills one after another, and his soul power consumption was also terrifying, especially the seventh soul skill, Wuhun Avatar, which was consuming his power all the time.

At the very beginning, Xue Yiqing used the spirit avatar, and Xue Yiqing meant to make a quick decision, but he suffered losses one after another, which made the spirit avatar a big burden for him.

"Junior, you are already proud enough to push me to this extent, but in the future, you will never have another chance!" Xue Yiqing's white hair was flying, and at this moment, he had already pushed Chen Hu and Qian Renxue Treat them as enemies of the same level.

After Xue Yiqing's huge soul power was restrained, Chen Hu and Qian Renxue's sense of crisis became even heavier.

Chen Hu is okay, but Qian Renxue's current state is definitely not much better than Xue Yiqing.

Chen Hu sighed helplessly. Without the restraint of his martial soul, and without the boost of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, he might be able to rely on the two major domains and the three major soul bones to compete with some soul masters who had just entered the Contra realm. , but compared to a peak Contra like Xue Yiqing, there is still a big gap.

The speed blessing of Xue Yiqing's swan wings is definitely not as good as that of Fenglei Dianchi and Qian Renxue's angel wings, but with the blessing of Xue Yiqing's huge soul power, it is unrealistic for them to escape by relying on speed.

If this is the case...

Chen Hu no longer cared about hiding anything, the Wuhun Yinyang wine gourd appeared in his hand, one after another soul rings gleamed, and the wine lingering with a strong breath of life condensed into ice, which was injected into Qian Renxue's body under the urging of the life and death amulet.

Bamboo leaf green!
Qian Renxue gave Chen Hu a strange look with her pair of phoenix eyes. After fully displaying her angel spirit, the camouflage on her body disappeared, and a corner of her clothes covered her face, but her watery eyes were enough to fascinate people. .

The green power of bamboo leaves erupted in Qian Renxue's body, turning into pure vitality to heal the injuries in Qian Renxue's body.

In terms of recovering soul skills, how can Xue Yiqing's Swan Dance compare to Chen Hu, a soul master of the food department?
Even if this is only Chen Hu's first century-old soul ring skill, but for Chen Hu who has taken the Fountain of Youth and Yin Yang Twin Blossoms one after another, how can this first soul skill, Zhuyeqing, be described as a century-old soul skill! ?

In just a few breaths, Qian Renxue's injuries had completely recovered, and the remaining medicinal power of Zhuyeqing turned into pure vitality, hiding in Qian Renxue's body.

Fengquan, Suiyu, Prajna, Thunder, Fire Ant!
The remaining five soul skills were fused with Qian Renxue one by one, and the aura on Qian Renxue's body also became extraordinarily powerful.

The effects of these six soul skills even surpassed the improvement of the martial soul avatar.

Qian Renxue let out a low snort, somewhat obsessed with this feeling.

Zhuyeqing healed her body, Fengquan made her body agile like the wind, Prajna made her infinitely powerful, Suiyu gave her a layer of all-round protection for her already clear mind, thunder made her seem to enter a supernatural state, and fire ants amplified her s attack.

The six soul skills nearly doubled her strength from six different angles.

The Tai Chi domain also turned into a layer of white brilliance covering her body, raising her aura by nearly [-]% again.

With pure physical attributes, the current Qian Renxue is not inferior to the average Contra, and even the reaction speed has exceeded the limit of Contra.

Chen Hu displayed so many skills in one breath, his face turned a little pale, and his body kept retreating.

When he positions himself in an auxiliary position, he will substitute himself into the auxiliary role.

Qian Renxue is the protagonist today.

The power of angels is divine and mighty, the nemesis of all evil spirits.

Qian Renxue, who was assisted by Chen Hu's soul skill, brought Xue Yiqing more and more crises.

Can't go on like this...

With a decision in Xue Yiqing's heart, the third soul ring lit up, Xue Yiqing's body instantly disappeared in place, and reappeared above Qian Renxue's head.

However, the moment he just appeared, Qian Renxue stabbed out the holy sword like a prophet.

The speed is faster, and the sword is more powerful.

Xue Yiqing also didn't expect Qian Renxue's sword to be so decisive and fast, she could only raise her sword to block in a hurry.

However, when the blood-red feather sword collided with the holy sword, the blood-red power melted like ice and snow in front of the light and sacred power, and the thick soul power on the blood-red feather sword was not enough to push Qian Renxue back.

Moreover, on the holy sword, a blast force that was also possessed by the Wanxiao knife just now became the last straw that overwhelmed the camel, causing the blood red feather sword to be completely defeated.

With the holy sword in hand, Qian Renxue struck sword after sword, and the continuous sword force completely melted Xue Yiqing. With her superb sword skills and the restraint of her martial soul, she directly suppressed the stronger Xue Yiqing.

Even if Chen Hu is placed in Qian Renxue's position, it is impossible to do better than her. This is the restraint of the angel Wuhun to the evil Wuhun.

Obviously Xue Yiqing was superior in strength and speed, but she was firmly suppressed by Qian Renxue.

"Angel Sword Light!"

After Qian Renxue suppressed Xue Yiqing, she gave a cold drink, and the second soul ring suddenly lit up.

With a touch of Su Baiyu's finger on the holy sword, a sharp sword light pierced through the air, piercing through Xue Yiqing's blood-red wings almost instantly.

The scorching power of light bloomed together with the power of the fire ant's rune, directly dispelling one of Yuki Haru's wings, and Yuki Haru's body couldn't help but fall downwards.

"Seventh Uncle!" The Emperor Xue Ye below saw Xue Yiqing's falling body, and couldn't help crying out worriedly.

Xue Yiqing is the younger brother of Emperor Xue Ye's father, and also the patron saint of the royal family.

But the patron saint was injured in the hands of two Xiaoxiao.

"People from the Royal Enshrining Group, let them fight side by side with Seventh Uncle!" Xue Ye said in a deep voice, the soul power on his body is only over 50 levels, but his eyes are not angry and majestic, putting enormous pressure on the people around him .

"Your Majesty, one of the two Contras with the power of flying has gone out to perform a mission, and the other has been stunned by the enemy by some unknown means." The team leader is an 87-level Contra, but he also has nothing to do with the battle in the sky.

Even if it is Contra, very few have the power to fly, let alone fight at a height of nearly a thousand meters.

Unfortunately, there are only two Contras of the flying type in the Royal Consecration Corps, one went out to perform a mission, and the other was unfortunately drunk and fainted by the soul king who was urged by the snow-colored swan kiss. Not three days without waking up at all.

Therefore, Yuki Haru is still isolated and helpless.

"Go and invite Poison Douluo Mianxia, ​​Chen Xin and Gu Rong from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, and the two titled Douluo, as well as Dean Flander of Shrek Academy. If I remember correctly, he is also a Contra of the Flying Department. !” said Emperor Xue Ye.

"Yes." The three Contras flew away, but the other Contras were still guarding Emperor Xue Ye's side. The safety of Emperor Xue Ye was more important than anything else.

Emperor Xue Ye had already sent someone to ask for reinforcements, but the water in the distance could not quench his thirst, so the Emperor Xue Ye could only ask the soul sage of the flying department to help Xue Yiqing.

"Quick battle!" Xue Yiqing condensed a pair of wings again, but the color was much darker than before, Chen Hu said.

Qian Renxue also knew that now was not the time to delay, so she held the hilt of the holy sword with both hands, and a layer of golden light suddenly burst out from her eyes, combining with the holy sword.

Soul bone!

Qian Renxue is the young master of the Wuhun Hall, with an innate soul power of level [-], how could she not have a soul bone on her body! ?
What Qian Renxue is currently using is the head spirit bone skill, Angel Light.

The breath released from this spirit bone on her head has far surpassed any spirit bone on Chen Hu's body.

Under the golden light, Qian Renxue threw the holy sword.

The holy sword immediately turned into a golden beam of light to kill Xue Yiqing
Xue Yiqing also felt a burst of oppressive force from the soul, the eighth soul ring bloomed a strong black light without hesitation, the terrifying soul power of level 89 completely slanted out, and condensed into a blood-red spot on the chest. swirl.

As soon as the blood-red vortex appeared, it released a terrifying suction force, and the clouds in the sky began to droop.

Both Qian Renxue and Chen Hu felt a terrifying suction force, and their bodies uncontrollably fell towards the bloody vortex that had expanded to three meters in diameter in front of Xue Yiqing.

However, the golden beam of light transformed by the holy sword had pierced into the bloody vortex before the two of them.

After the bloody vortex swallowed the holy sword, it immediately expanded in a big circle and began to fluctuate violently.

Xue Yiqing's face was already extremely pale, and she was almost unable to control the bloody whirlpool.

A shocking explosion sounded, and the blood-colored vortex that swallowed Qian Renxue's fifth soul skill Sacred Sword and soul bone skill Angel Light exploded, and the terrifying energy wave spread, and the attracted clouds directly evaporated.

A violent wind of soul power blew up in the sky, covering the sky and the sun.

I don't know how long it took before the strong wind dissipated, revealing Xue Yiqing's embarrassed body, and Chen Hu and Qian Renxue were nowhere to be seen!
 A few hundred words are missing, I will make up tomorrow, I am too sleepy, I can't stand it anymore! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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