Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 291 Exchange Exercises

Chapter 291 Exchange Exercises
The aftermath of the shocking explosion in the sky dissipated.

Xue Yiqing's silver hair was disheveled, his robe was stained with blood, and Chen Hu and Qian Renxue had disappeared from his sight.

Xue Yiqing's body flashed, and she appeared in front of Emperor Xue Ye, "Your Majesty, the old man failed to keep the two thieves behind, so please convict your Majesty!"

"I didn't expect this incident in advance, Uncle Seven doesn't have to blame himself!" Emperor Xue Ye waved his hand, with a look of concern on his face, "Uncle Seven's injury is okay? Come on, hurry up and invite Jiuxin Haitang The family's soul master is here to treat Uncle Seven!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your concern!" Xue Yiqing saluted respectfully.

Although he is Emperor Xue Ye's uncle, but Emperor Xue Ye is a king, he is a minister, and etiquette cannot be broken.

Xue Yiqing said: "Your Majesty, although these two thieves are only in the realm of Soul Emperors today, their real combat power is no less than that of Soul Douluo, and they are even stronger together. Both of them have soul bones, domains, and vitality. Like the morning sun, it can be seen that he is not very old."

"Having such combat power at such a young age, ordinary forces can't cultivate such a genius!"

"Does Seventh Uncle have someone to suspect?" Emperor Xue Ye asked solemnly.

"Among the two I fought against, one of them has an angel martial soul, and the angel martial soul is precisely the inherited martial soul of the oldest and most powerful family in the Spirit Hall." Xue Yiqing said.

Spirit Hall!
They are so brave!
Emperor Xue Ye's eyes were cold, Wuhundian was really getting more and more presumptuous.

At this time, Dugu Bo and Gu Rong from the Qibao Glazed Tile School finally arrived, and the aura of both of them fluctuated somewhat, as if they had just experienced a battle.

"Your Majesty, it has been more than ten minutes since the thieves broke into the palace. If it weren't for the palace's cards, I'm afraid it would have turned the world upside down!" Emperor Xue Ye said lightly, venting his dissatisfaction .

Dugu Bo and Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School are not far from Tiandou City, with the speed of Titled Douluo, from the time they received the news to the time they arrived at Tiandou Palace, it didn't even take a minute.

But it took so long to arrive late, and the enemy also fled, how could Emperor Xue Ye not be angry.

Moreover, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect has been getting a little closer to the Extreme Martial Arts Academy recently, and Emperor Xue Ye has already accumulated a lot of dissatisfaction in his heart.

Gu Rong smiled wryly, and said: "Your Majesty, on the way here, I encountered a Titled Douluo who blocked me. Although this person's strength is inferior to mine, it is difficult for me to get rid of his entanglement for a while, so I rescued him." I beg your Majesty to forgive me for being late!"

"That's right, I also encountered a masked Title Douluo blocking me!" Dugu Bo also spoke, proving that Gu Rong was not lying.

Emperor Xue Ye nodded, his face softened a bit, but his eyes were full of solemnity, and said: "The enemy actually dispatched two Title Douluo, it seems that they have a big plan, this time they will make a comeback next time, the two How about staying in Tiandou City for a few days, if the enemy sneaks up again next time, the two majesties can attack immediately."

Dugu Bo and Gu Rong looked at each other, somewhat reluctant in their hearts, but Emperor Xue Ye must be the king of a country, and it was their fault that the rescue came late, and it was difficult to refuse Emperor Xue Ye's request due to emotion and reason.

"Okay!" Gu Rong and Dugu Bo said.

"Come here, arrange for the two of you to go down and rest." Emperor Xue Ye shouted.

"Don't dare to bother Your Majesty, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School also has a station in Tiandou City, I can just go there!" Gu Rong refused.

Dugu Bo also said: "I also have my own place to go!"

Emperor Xue Ye also knew that he had made them somewhat displeased by forcing the two Title Douluo to stay in Tiandou City, let alone letting them live in the palace, so he also nodded and said: " In this way, I will not hold back, and entrust the safety of Tiandou City to the two majesties!"


Outside Tiandou City, in a quiet valley.

Two figures fell from the sky one after the other, they were Chen Hu and Qian Renxue.

The eighth soul skill that Xue Yiqing erupted was quite domineering, and in the aftermath of the explosion of the blood-red vortex, the two of them were inevitably injured, and after flying out of Heaven Dou City, their soul power was depleted.

Qian Renxue once again condensed a sacred sword in her hand, facing Chen Hu with the blade, and said coldly: "You are not Hu Chen, who are you?"

If Qian Renxue had no doubts about Chen Hu's identity due to the series of events today, then she would not be Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue's figure was graceful under a blue cloth robe, and the man's blue cloth robe could not conceal her perfect figure curve. Her long golden hair hung like a waterfall behind her waist and hips.

A gust of wind blew away the placket that covered her face, revealing a stunning face that was all over the country.

The skin is better than snow, and the ice is beautiful!
Seeing Qian Renxue's true appearance for the first time, even Chen Hu couldn't help but feel swayed.

However, Qian Renxue's stunning face now exudes an icy chill like icy frost.

The holy sword is filled with the breath of holy light, but now it is also filled with a chill.

"That's right, I'm not Hu Chen, but you're not Xue Qinghe either, are you?" Chen Hu said flatly, as if he hadn't seen the sacred sword in Qian Renxue's hand, calmly.

"You're looking for death!" Qian Renxue sneered coldly, her sword intent was sharp, she stabbed out with the holy sword in her hand, and the angel realm appeared beside her again, and the realm full of light power began to melt Chen Hu as soon as it appeared The soul power on the body.

"You're really serious!" Chen Hu smiled wryly, and the nine winds in his body erupted, and his body had already avoided Qian Renxue's attack range in a flash. .

Such a terrifying speed, he still has reservations...

Qian Renxue was startled, feeling a little wronged in her heart, she wanted to save this guy at all costs by exposing her identity, but this guy still has reservations till now.

Qian Renxue had a feeling of being betrayed, and the murderous intent in her eyes was even worse. The figure holding the sacred sword rushed forward, and beams of sword light poured out overwhelmingly, blocking all the dead corners of Chen Hu's dodge.

Chen Hu also couldn't figure out why Qian Renxue's attack became more fierce.

But Qian Renxue is not inferior to his top soul king after all, and his martial soul is also a top angel martial soul. Facing the offensive of the holy sword, he also has to be careful.

The Dawn Knife appeared in his hand, and blazing lights of the knives came towards him...

Sword and sword shadow!
In the small valley, the two tacitly did not display large-scale soul skills, but this kind of hand-to-hand combat is even more dangerous.

Ever since Chen Hu mastered swordsmanship, except for Jian Daochen Xin, no one has been able to compete with him in terms of skill, but Qian Renxue can be evenly matched with him.

Seeing Liexin's joy, Chen Hu did not use the Thunder Soul Technique to improve his reaction speed.

The extraordinary reaction speed provided by the thunder soul skill is simply like cheating in the contest of this skill, and it is inherently invincible.

Even Chen Xin, while maintaining the same level of strength as Chen Hu, could not defeat Chen Hu who was under the Thunder Soul Skill.

The two of you come and go, swords and swords flying in the slightest.

The simplest and purest duel of swords, lights and swords is also the most dangerous duel.

Between a square inch, whether it is physical strength, soul power or brain power, it consumes a lot.

As time passed, the speed of the two swords and swords became slower and slower, and their strength became weaker and weaker, which meant that their bodies had reached their limit.

It's just been a tough battle, and both of them are in bad shape.

But the spirits of the two are getting stronger and stronger, and there is a feeling of sympathy for each other.

Finally, the two sat on the ground exhausted.

Both of them were sweating profusely, panting heavily, and they had no strength left.

Qian Renxue's green cloth robe was tightly attached to her body, outlining the curves of Miaoman's figure, and the fullness of her chest was captivating.

Chen Hu looked away, and said out of breath: "I said that we are partners who have fought side by side after all, should we kill each other as soon as we escape?"

"Partner?" Qian Renxue noticed Chen Hu's subtle movements, her cheeks flushed, and the resentment in her heart dissipated a little, but she didn't have the soul power to take out clean clothes from the space soul guide she carried with her, so she pretended not to care. With a snort, he said, "From the moment you first approached me, your goal was the royal treasure house! Hu Chen was just your disguise, you just used me from the beginning, can this be considered a partner?"

"Uh!" Chen Hu was stunned for a moment, as if it was really the case.

Qian Renxue hid her identity to target the imperial family of the Heaven Dou Empire, but she was quite open-minded towards him, even if she intended to make friends deliberately, she did not feel sorry for him.

But Chen Hu's purpose of getting close to Qian Renxue was impure from the very beginning, and when he had an accident, Qian Renxue didn't put aside the relationship with him, to protect herself wisely, but took him away for her life at the risk of revealing her identity .

Having said that, Chen Hu really felt a little bit guilty, and smiled wryly. The Yin-Yang Yin-Yang Mysterious Kungfu is endlessly alive, and the speed of recovering soul power is far faster than that of Qian Renxue. Such a short talk is enough to condense a soul power .

Chen Hu stood up, walked slowly in front of Qian Renxue, took out a set of clean white robes from the Sumeru Ring, and put them on Qian Renxue, covering her impulsive figure.

Qian Renxue's face was pale, her breath was weak, and her peerless face was so charming that people couldn't help but want to protect her.

However, when Chen Hu approached Qian Renxue, Qian Renxue's body still tensed up subconsciously. She was surprised at the speed at which Chen Hu recovered her soul power, and she was somewhat worried. No one knew her situation better than her. The allure of the body to men.

However, Chen Hu took out a set of clothes to cover her delicate body that could make any man fall in love. Even Qian Renxue felt a strange feeling, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly involuntarily.

Chen Hu retreated to the original place, wiped his palm on his face, Qianmian turned into a silver liquid and condensed into a small silver ball in his palm, and his original younger appearance was restored on his face.

"It's really you!" Looking at the not-so-handsome but very young face in front of her, although Qian Renxue had some guesses, she still couldn't help but scream.

Qian Renxue is far more familiar with Chen Hu than Chen Hu imagined. After the last soul master competition, she studied all the information about Chen Hu and clearly knew what kind of genius he is.

In the sky above the Heaven Dou Palace, when Chen Hu showed his auxiliary soul skills, Qian Renxue had already faintly guessed Chen Hu's true identity, but she was instinctively unwilling to believe this guess.

It was hard for her to imagine that in less than five years, the other party had grown to this extent!
He is less than 20 years old!

Qian Renxue herself is a top genius, but she also finds it hard to accept that such monsters still exist in the world.

All geniuses pale in comparison to him.

Qian Renxue's surprised appearance also had the charm of turning all living beings upside down, which made Chen Hu subconsciously focus on her.

God is really unfair. While giving her a peerless martial arts talent, he also gave her an alluring beauty.

"You should be well aware of my identity and origin, so I don't need to explain more."

As Qian Renxue, it is not difficult to investigate Chen Hu's detailed information. After all, she is the daughter of the previous Pope and the current Pope, and she still has a large number of supporters in the Spirit Hall.

Chen Hudao: "This time, my goal is indeed the Royal Treasure House of the Heaven Dou Empire. There is one thing in the Royal Treasure House that is very important to me, so I have to use you to get close to the Royal Treasure House. No matter how it is, it is my fault." My mistake, I apologize to you!"

"Apologize?" Qian Renxue said coldly: "Let's not talk about my purpose of hiding my identity in the imperial family of the Heaven Dou Empire, but I was almost exposed because of you, can all this be uncovered just by your apology? "

"Then what do you want?" Chen Hu asked.

"Three requirements!" Qian Renxue stretched out three jade fingers, and said, "First of all, you have to promise not to reveal my identity. I have hidden my identity in the Heaven Dou Empire for nearly ten years, and the price I paid far exceeded your imagination. If you insist on proclaiming my identity to Yang Yang, I will never die with you!"

Qian Renxue stared at Chen Hu with a gleam in her eyes.

This is the prerequisite for her to live in peace with Chen Hu!
"No problem!" Chen Hu nodded, he never intended to reveal Qian Renxue's identity.

Chen Hu answered decisively, and Qian Renxue forced her to ask, "Do you know my identity?"

Chen Hu's heart shuddered, Qian Renxue was really a strange woman, with amazing powers of observation, and she knew the autumn with a single leaf.

"Sure enough, you know my identity!" Qian Renxue was sure.

Chen Hu smiled wryly, he didn't say a word, Qian Renxue knew the answer she wanted by herself, she is really a smart woman.

Qian Renxue said: "Since you know my identity, I'll get straight to the point. I hope you can help me. I am the young master of the Wuhun Palace. You should guess the purpose of pretending to be the prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, Xue Qinghe." At this point, I hope you can help me control the Heaven Dou Empire. In the future, when I return to the Hall of Spirits, you are the only person next to me in the Hall of Spirits. Even, it is not impossible to hand over the Hall of Spirits to you in the future! "

"What about the third request?" Chen Hu asked expressionlessly.

"You disagree?" A trace of surprise flashed in Qian Renxue's eyes.

Chen Hudao: "I still have things I have to do, so it must be impossible for me to be by your side."

"Is it the Royal Treasure House?" Qian Renxue was smart, and guessed Chen Hu's purpose in an instant, "But, you have already startled the snake today, and it will be even more difficult to get close to the Royal Treasure House next time. Follow me and wait for a while After everything calms down, I can find a way to send you to the royal treasure house!"

"The royal treasury is just one reason. I have other things, but I can promise that when you need my help, I will definitely be obliged!" Chen Hu said.

A key of Thor has been identified in the royal treasure house, and I hope the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family will not let him down.

Therefore, he will not miss the soul hunting operation in the near future.

The Royal Treasure House failed this time, and the next best chance is when Qian Renxue launches the palace change.

A trace of disappointment flashed in Qian Renxue's eyes, and she nodded, "Okay, then this is my second request!"

"The third request, I want to borrow your meditation method, in exchange, I can give you my meditation method too!"

With Qian Renxue's eyesight, it is natural to see that the recovery speed of Chen Hu's soul power is a bit unusually fast, which makes Qian Renxue can't help but wonder about the meditation method Chen Hu cultivated.

Of course, the Great Sun Angel Meditation practiced by Qian Renxue herself is also the top meditation method.

With such an exchange, Chen Hu is not at a disadvantage.

Although there are many books in Wuhundian's library, they are not as good as the Great Sun Angel's Meditation method.

What makes Chen Hu's yin and yang Yin Yin than the Great Sun Angel Meditation method unique is actually more about the operation of the twelve orthodox meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians.

"Yes!" Chen Hu nodded, he is tolerant and tolerant, and receiving Qian Renxue's Great Sun Angel Meditation is also of great benefit to him in perfecting Yin-Yang Yin Yin.

He took out two booklets from the Sumeru Precepts, and said: "This is my self-created meditation method, Taiyin Jue and Taiyang Jue. The combination of the two is the exercise I practice, Yin Yang Yin!"

"This is the meditation method of the Great Sun Angel!" Qian Renxue also took out an ancient sheepskin scroll and sent it to Chen Hu.

(End of this chapter)

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