Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 292 Advance to Soul Sage

Chapter 292 Advance to Soul Sage
After exchanging exercises, the two also calmed down to study the exercises obtained from each other.

Just like that, the sun went down, and a sun-like light burst out from Qian Renxue's body, allowing the two of them to continue studying the newly acquired exercises.

Both of them are extremely intelligent. After spending a day studying each other's exercises, they began to use their own wisdom to integrate each other's exercises into their own.

For Chen Hu, Qian Renxue's Great Sun Angel Meditation fits very well with the Sun Art. With the help of the Great Sun Angel Meditation, the power of the Sun Art can be continuously improved.

The Taiyin Jue and the Taiyang Jue are opposite to each other, and from the operating circuit of the Taiyin Jue, one can also deduce the perfect method of the Taiyin Jue.

Sitting cross-legged, Chen Hu's mind and heart have been immersed in the small world inside the Wuhun Yin-Yang wine gourd, and he is constantly trying the perfect method of Yin-Yang Yin Yang Gong in his own world.

And Chen Hu's self-created yin and yang Yin Yin divided into two, Taiyin Jue and Taiyang Jue are both very helpful to Qian Renxue, especially the Twelve Orthodox Meridians and the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, which overlap with the two major exercises, are even more helpful to Qian Renxue. Ren Xue opened a door.

In this way, the two were addicted to their respective exercises, and it took seven days in a blink of an eye.

Seven days passed, and the two of them did not eat or drink, but their breath became stronger and stronger, and their spirits became more and more vigorous.

In the small world of Wuhun Yinyang Wine Gourd, Chen Hu has already deduced and perfected a brand new technique of Yinyang Yinyin.

It only took Chen Hu three days to perfect the Taiyang Jue, but it took four days to deduce the Taiyin Jue from the Taiyang Jue.

This is not counting the gap between the time velocity in the small world and the outside world.

The mind returned, and the two soul powers in the body began to operate according to the new exercise route of Yin Yang Yin Xuan Gong.

After the two strands of soul power flowed through the meridians of his body like a torrential river for a week, it seemed that a layer of shackles in his body had been broken, and the soul power soared.

Level 69!

A flash of light flashed in Chen Hu's eyes, and the months of hard work and the help of the Fire Feather Golden Crow's Nirvana Eggshell finally burst out at the moment when Yin Yang Yin Xuan Gong advanced, helping his soul power to a higher level.

Now, after stabilizing the soul power, you can choose a time to use the heart of the ten thousand year fire maple tree to try to break through to level seventy.

The seventieth level is a crucial threshold for all soul masters, and it will be another world to step over it!
Chen Hu was certainly delighted at the breakthrough of his soul power, but what made him even more delighted was that the two strands of soul power in his body became more pure.

In the soul power of the sun, there is a bright and sacred aura like a big sun, while the soul power of Taiyin is the opposite, faintly exuding the cold air of Jiuyou.

The improvement of the quality of soul power brought Chen Hu's strength to a higher level.

On the other hand, Qian Renxue's harvest was even greater than that of Chen Hu. After the Great Sun Angel Meditation tried to integrate the concepts of the Twelve Orthodox Classics and the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, the scorching sun-like soul power became more gentle and smooth. through.

The aura on Qian Renxue's body also lost a bit of sharpness, and there was a sense of returning to basics.

However, the more gentle soul power of the Great Sun Angel, not only has not weakened its power, but it has become more condensed and powerful.

The Taiyang Jue and Taiyin Jue's two major techniques of mutual generation and mutual restraint have really benefited Qian Renxue a lot. In addition to the Eight Extraordinary Meridians and the Twelve Orthodox Classics, Chen Hu read all kinds of books in the Cangshu Pavilion for a year, and he made up for it on his own after accepting all rivers. The gong route also gave Qian Renxue a lot of inspiration.

The combination of the two profound arts made Qian Renxue realize the charm of yin and yang.

And Qian Renxue's soul power reached level seventy as expected.

The real power of the angel martial soul will only be fully displayed after the seventieth level, after possessing the real body of the martial soul.

Once Qian Renxue obtains her seventh soul ring, she can even defeat Xue Yiqing completely on her own.

"Congratulations, go one step further and reach the realm of soul sage!" Chen Hu saw Qian Renxue's slender eyelashes fluttering, slowly opened her beautiful eyes, and said with a smile.

The news of Qian Renxue's breakthrough naturally couldn't be hidden from him.

"Thank you!" Qian Renxue said softly.

She who has really studied Taiyin Jue and Taiyang Jue understands better than anyone else what such a kung fu means. If she had practiced this kung fu earlier, she would probably become a Contra by now.

Therefore, she also knows that the value of the Great Sun Angel Meditation method is not equal to these two exercises.

This is not to say that the Great Sun Angel meditation method is not as good as Yin Yang Yin, but that Yin Yang Yin has opened another door that does not belong to this world, which can bring Douluo Dalu's meditation method to a higher level.

Similarly, Qian Renxue couldn't help wondering whether this technique was really created by Chen Hu himself. She thought she had seen Chen Hu clearly, but now Chen Hu was covered in a thick layer of fog.

Qian Renxue still remembered that Chen Hu said that Taiyin Jue and Taiyang Jue were combined into one, which was Yin Yang Yin Yin, the exercise he practiced.

But she, who has intensively studied the two exercises, knows better than anyone how difficult it is for one person to practice these two exercises at the same time.

"Everyone takes what they need!" Facing Qian Renxue's gratitude, Chen Hu didn't realize that he had really suffered a disadvantage.

The Taiyin Jue and Sun Jue are just two worthless pieces of paper in his hands, no matter how much he cherishes them, they will not benefit his strength in the slightest.

But the Great Sun Angel Meditation method exchanged with Qian Renxue really made people's Yin Yang Yin Yin stronger, not to mention the unexpected joy of increasing their soul power by one level.

"You and I have been away for almost a week, and have also been missing for a week. Will your identity... be in trouble?" Chen Hu asked worriedly.

He is just a lone ranger, he is used to walking alone, missing for seven days is nothing at all, but Qian Renxue's pretended identity, Xue Qinghe, is the crown prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, and His Royal Highness the crown prince of the empire has been missing for seven days, it is not a trivial matter!
"Don't worry, I'll take care of it!"

Qian Renxue remained expressionless, a faint golden light bloomed from her body, covering her peerless face, and restored Xue Qinghe's appearance, her spirit even transformed into the unique swan spirit of the Heaven Dou Empire royal family.

However, the otherworldly aura about him cannot be concealed no matter what.

Chen Hu couldn't help but feel a sense of loss when the beauty's peerless face was gone. It wasn't that he had any thoughts about Qian Renxue, it was just the nature of human beings to pursue beautiful things.

The two walked side by side until they separated at the gate of Tiandou City.

Hu Chen's identity can no longer be used, so Chen Hu did not use Qianmian, and acted directly with his true face. The Taiji field spread, his body flashed on the street, disappeared at the gate of the city, and went straight to Jiwu Academy.

On the other side, a handsome young man with blue hair stopped, his eyes fell on Chen Hu's back, there was always an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

The young man is Tang San, he has already left Yuexuan as a teacher, and the next step is to go to the Clear Sky School to recognize his ancestor and return to his family.

The five-year agreement is getting closer and closer, and the mainland is about to turbulent.

In the office of the dean of Jiwu Academy, Xue Tianming and the porter were obviously relieved to see the returning Chen Hu.

They knew Hu Chen's identity, and they knew who one of the protagonists was in the battle above the palace that day.

Chen Hu has been missing for so long for no reason, and they are really worried about Chen Hu's safety.

Seeing that Chen Hu returned safe and sound, both of them were relieved. Xue Tianming took out a letter from the drawer and said, "Just come back. This is a letter from old man Fang!"

The old dean?
Chen Hu was stunned for a moment, and opened the old dean's letter. After reading all the contents in the letter, Chen Hu couldn't help but sigh, is the change in the mainland finally about to begin?
"Mr. Zhu, Mr. Xue, the Dionysus City has almost been built. You two should arrange to move the Jiwu Academy there as soon as possible. I will go back to Wuhun City in the next few days. I will trouble the two of you about the relocation. The teacher is paying attention!" Chen Hu said with a solemn expression.

"In such a hurry, what happened to the Wuhun Palace?" Xue Tianming was stunned for a moment and asked.

Chen Hu nodded, "Wuhun City has indeed made a big move recently. Although the two teachers are not from Wuhun Palace, the relationship between Jiwu and Wuhun Palace is well known in the world. If Jiwu Academy is in Tiandou City, I Worried that Emperor Xue Ye would..."

"I see, you can go at ease!" Xue Tianming said.

"Okay, but I have to trouble the two teachers to protect me tonight!" Chen Hu said.

"Guardian? Are you about to break through to level 69?" the old man at the porter said in surprise.

Chen Hudao: "I'm already level 69, and tonight I'm going to use the heart of the Ten Thousand Year Fire Maple Tree to hit the level of the Soul Sage!"

"Could you be a little too anxious? Although the Wannian Fire Maple Tree is a rare natural treasure, you have only broken through not long after all..." Xue Tianming and the porter were surprised, but also worried.

"I know in my heart, nothing will happen!" Chen Hu said.

In fact, now is not the most suitable time for him to refine the heart of the Ten Thousand Years Fire Maple Tree, but great changes are imminent, and he must acquire stronger power to be able to participate.

In this kind of big change that is enough to change the situation in the mainland, the strength of the Soul Emperor is not enough to change anything. He must reach the level of the Soul Sage faster to take the initiative and have the ability to change many things.

That night, under the guardianship of the old concierge and Xue Tianming, Chen Hu refined the heart of the ten thousand-year-old maple tree in the practice room of the Jiwu Academy.

The heart of the ten-thousand-year fire maple tree contains the life essence of the ten-thousand-year fire maple tree. It is a huge and pure power. The soul power contained in it is already close to that of the fairy grass, but it is just that the fairy grass does not have the ability to change its life against the sky. special substance.

Plant-like soul beasts and animal-like soul beasts are two completely different existences. The level of animal-like soul beasts may also be improved by bloodlines and devouring spirits, but most plant-like soul beasts level up every year. accumulated.

The ten thousand year fire maple tree has really lived for more than ten thousand years.

Under the impact of Wannian's huge vitality, Chen Hu's body was full of vitality, and with the help of the huge power of the Wannian Fire Maple Tree Heart, his soul power finally broke through the limit from level 69 to level [-]...

(End of this chapter)

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