Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 294 Small 7

Chapter 294 Little Seven
Star Luo Empire, Bird City.

A youth who was as rich as jade and with long golden hair knocked on the door of a small independent courtyard.

Not long after, a tall and well-proportioned girl came out. The moment she saw the boy, a soft smile appeared on the girl's beautiful face, "Brother Sun, what do you want me to do?"

The boy nodded, "Chen Xiang, I'm here to say goodbye to you."

"Farewell? You want to leave!" The joy in Bai Chenxiang's eyes dissipated a bit, and he said reluctantly: "You have to leave, I also said that I want to learn sword skills from you!"

There was also a look of reluctance in the boy's eyes, but he said firmly: "I'm sorry, Chen Xiang, my teacher and brother need me, I have to go back!"

The young man is Xiaoqi. He traveled the mainland alone, experienced a lot, and encountered many powerful enemies. Under the pursuit of a Contra, he was rescued by Bai Chenxiang who was seriously injured and dying. It really made him a little tired, so he chose to stay in this small city belonging to the Star Luo Empire.

"Teacher and brother?" A trace of curiosity flashed in Bai Chenxiang's eyes. Although Xiao Qi chose to live in Bird City, he never told them about his background. It was the first time Bai Chenxiang knew that Xiao Qi still had Teachers and brothers exist.

Xiaoqi paused, sighed and said: "Chen Xiang, I don't want to hide from you, I didn't tell you about my background before, because I know that you and Grandpa Baihe both hate the existence of Wuhundian."

Bai Chenxiang's heart sank, "Brother Sun, what do you mean by this sentence? Could it be that you...are from the Wuhun Palace? But I have never seen you contact the Wuhun Palace, you must be in You lied to me, right..."

In fact, Bai Chenxiang also knew that Xiao Qi might really be from the Spirit Hall. Since Xiao Qi came to the family, the suppression of the family by the Spirit Hall has become less and less, except that Xiao Qi is a member of the Spirit Hall. What?
Xiao Qi didn't say it before, and they didn't think about it in this direction, but when Xiao Qi mentioned Wuhun Palace, all the doubts Bai Chenxiang had before were all solved.

That's right, besides Wuhundian, where else can a genius like Brother Sun be cultivated?

However, Bai Chenxiang knew the family's hatred for Wuhundian, subconsciously, she also hated Wuhundian.

She didn't want to believe that Xiao Qi was from the Wuhun Palace, and she was also very afraid that Xiao Qi would admit that he was from the Wuhun Palace.

Xiao Qi looked at the girl in front of her, a softness flashed in her eyes, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Chen Xiang, I'm going to disappoint you, I am indeed from the Spirit Hall, and my teacher, elder brother, and partners are all from the Hall of Spirits." A few days ago, my teacher sent a message that I must go back!"

Thinking of the selfless teachers, the brothers who are like brothers, and the partners who fought side by side, Xiao Qifeng's face is like a jade, and there is a touch of nostalgia.

"No... I don't believe it, you... must be lying to me, you must be joking with me, right?" Bai Chenxiang also found it difficult to accept, tears welling in his eyes, and the appearance of pear blossoms with rain made Xiao Qi a little bit Very distressed.

Xiao Qi was silent.

A trace of disappointment flashed in Bai Chenxiang's eyes, but she still refused to give up, "Brother Sun, do you know that I have fallen in love with you since I don't know when, and I will feel very sad if I don't see you for a while, so I just I have been pestering you to let you teach me how to practice the knife, just want to get closer to you, so, even if it is for me, stay, okay?"

"I don't care about your identity, as long as you stay, okay?"

Bai Chenxiang didn't expect that the first time she confessed would be in this situation, but she really didn't want to lose Xiao Qi.

Based on her grandfather Bai He's hatred for Wuhundian, once Xiaoqi returns to Wuhundian, it is almost impossible for them to be together in the future.

Bai Chenxiang eagerly said: "Brother Sun, the Wuhundian family has a great career, who can threaten them, so it doesn't matter if you don't go back, I really can't do without you."

The sad Xiao Qi in Bai Chenxiang's eyes would not be distressed when he saw it. Bai Chenxiang liked him, so why didn't he like this innocent and kind-hearted girl, if it wasn't for Bai Chenxiang, he wouldn't have stayed in Bird City for so long.

However, a familiar figure appeared in Xiao Qi's mind. No matter what time it was, he was cultivating desperately. From his eyes, Xiao Qi could see what he was afraid of, but he didn't say anything, and Xiao Qi didn't ask either. But Xiaoqi did not forget to practice hard, just to help him one day.

This time, Xiao Qi had a hunch that if he didn't go back, he would definitely regret it.

Therefore, Xiaoqi must go back.

"Chen Xiang, I'm sorry!" Facing the girl beside him, he couldn't promise anything other than saying sorry.

"Wuhundian is so important to you!?" Bai Chenxiang said bitterly with tears welling up in her eyes.

She obviously misunderstood Xiao Qi's thoughts.

Xiaoqi has a certain affection for Wuhundian, but he can't say that he is loyal to Wuhundian. What he really cares about is his brothers, teachers and partners.

This time, no matter what, he didn't want to be absent.

Xiao Qi's silence made Bai Chenxiang completely desperate, and said loudly: "Since that's the case, what are you still doing here? If you don't leave, go find your favorite Spirit Hall..."

"Sorry, I'm leaving, take care of yourself!"

Xiao Qi turned around and strode away, he was afraid that he would really soften his heart.

"You... come back, I don't want you to go..." After Xiao Qi left, Bai Chenxiang finally couldn't help crying loudly.

Bai Chenxiang didn't notice either, a white shadow followed out quietly.

"Boy, are you going to leave like this?" Bai He's old figure quietly appeared in front of Xiao Qi.

Xiao Qi's speed was very fast, he was afraid that he would soften his heart, so he could only let himself leave here as soon as possible, but Bai He's speed was even faster.

As the patriarch of the Minzhi Clan, one of the four affiliated clans under the Clear Sky School back then, Bai He's speed was his greatest pride. At the Contra level, he was even faster than most Title Douluo in terms of speed alone.

"Grandpa Bai, are you going to stop me?" A trace of vigilance flashed in Xiao Qi's eyes.

In Bai Chenxiang's place, he felt a vague aura peeping, and at this moment Baihe happened to appear in front of him, how could he still not guess who was peeping in the dark?
Xiao Qi, who is well aware of Bai He's hatred for Wuhundian, understands that it is self-evident what Bai He's appearance here represents.

The Minzhi Clan is one of the affiliated clans of the Clear Sky School, since the Clear Sky School escaped from the world, the anger of the Spirit Hall naturally implicated these affiliated clans of the Clear Sky School.

Under the faint suppression of the Wuhun Temple, the Minzhi clan's Wuhun is special, and it is also the worst mixed among the four major clans of the Haotian School. They can only rely on the relief of the other big clans to maintain their lives.

These years of unsatisfactory, apart from resenting Haotianzong for abandoning them ruthlessly, the four major clans naturally have no good feelings for the culprit, Wuhundian.

Bai He is a Contra, so fast, Xiao Qi didn't dare to be careless.

A dazzling golden light bloomed from his body, and Xiao Qi regained his body as a wise monkey, with a hairy face, a thunderous mouth, and golden eyes, and the blood of Dou Zhan was further awakened.

Four purple and two black soul rings circled around his body, making Bai He feel amazed and regretful.

"Xiaoqi, as long as you go back with me, and promise not to have any contact with Wuhundian, I can promise not to care about your status in Wuhundian, and I can even let you marry Xiangxiang, and the future Min clan can also be entrusted to you !” Bai He said in a deep voice.

Xiao Qi shook her head, "I appreciate Grandpa Bai's kindness, but it is impossible for me to go back with you."

"Hmph, don't eat the toast and fine wine, watch the old man capture you back, you won't even be able to go there, just stay in the Min clan obediently!" Bai He snorted coldly.

The distance between him and Xiao Qi was more than 30 meters, but in just a moment, he had already come to Xiao Qi, and grabbed Xiao Qi with one hand, trying to catch Xiao Qi.

But Xiao Qi's reaction was also very quick, the third soul ring suddenly lit up, a bright golden light bloomed, and a golden chain mail shining all over his body was put on him, Xiao Qi punched out without showing any weakness.

The terrifying air wave rolled, Bai He's face changed, and his body flew upside down in an instant. He was shocked and said, "You're already level seventy!?"

Although Xiao Qi only has six soul rings on his body, like Chen Hu, his soul power has reached level seventy.

It can be regarded as a quasi-soul saint.

Although there is still a certain gap between Contras at level 80 and over [-], Baihe's speed exceeds most Title Douluo, which means that apart from speed, his attack and defense are not satisfactory.

Xiao Qi's combat power at level [-] was not inferior to Bai He's.

However, Baihe was still not reconciled, eight spirit rings rose from under his feet, the seventh spirit ring instantly burst into black light, and the martial soul avatar was released, Baihe turned into a sharp-tailed swift, the speed was already unimaginable , even hard to see with the naked eye.

However, a golden divine light burst out from Xiao Qi's eyes, and Dou Zhan's blood was further awakened. Under the golden eyes, although Bai He's speed was fast, he couldn't escape his eyes.

The fourth soul skill Ou Si Bu Yun Lu and the fifth soul skill Phoenix Wing Purple Gold Crown appeared one after another, Xiao Qi's body soared into the sky, even though his speed was not as fast as Bai He's, he could barely keep up with Bai He's movements.

When the strength, attack and defense are not as strong as the opponent, the advantage of speed will be infinitely reduced.

Two streamers of light, one white and one gold, shuttled through the forest. After Xiao Qi blocked Bai He's knife with his golden chain mail, he stretched out his hand and pointed at Bai He, and used the soul-confinement technique.

Bai He's reaction was also quick. The moment Xiao Qi released his soul-confinement ability, his body had already been divided into five parts.

The five figures are all white cranes, Xiao Qi's imprisonment falls on one white crane, and the remaining four white cranes rush towards Xiao Qi from four different directions.

Xiao Qi didn't change his face, the sixth soul ring suddenly lit up, and three golden monkey hairs flew out from his body, and also transformed into three Xiao Qi, together with Xiao Qi's real body, they faced the four clones of the white crane.

 Xiaoqi: I have a showdown, I am the protagonist!

  On the Qixi Festival, Xiaoqi wishes all lovers to be married in the end

(End of this chapter)

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